Lord Shadow

Chapter 1295 Future-Self

Chapter 1295 Future-Self

When he was with Will, they both feed each other speed and manage to quickly walk the road of the Time-Space tunnel.

But the reason why he could leisurely walks on the time space tunnel is simply because of the stabilizer of time-space that Qarliya had given them.

But right now, that stabilizer doesn't seem to be working. That breath seems to change the properties of this Time Space tunnel.

Just thinking about such capability is chilling to him

Azief is using all of his power to make sure that Katarina and him is not pushed too far from the road

The laws inside the Space Tunnel is very chaotic and even though Azief mobilize all the laws under his control inside the Time Space tunnel, it did not easily go the way he wanted

They were separated a bit when they were blown by that breath but they closely group themselves together once again.

Katarina look at that portal and see the force that is enveloping the portal.

It is like the air is distorted by some kind of pressure so while she could not see it clearly she could determine that there is a force on the portal

Katarina grips her ice sword and then she nodded toward Azief. Azief immediately knows what she was about to do.

Katarina did not hesitate the moment she made a decision. She raises her hand, the sword follows her movement and then she thrust it forward

BOOOM! A powerful force bursted out from her petite body and all around her everything seems to be frozen

The space tears up and void space is formed. From the void space, snows fall out. Even the void was transformed because of Katarina method

Maybe because she practices only one Law to the extreme, her Laws is not that heavily affected by the Time Space tunnel.

The thrust of her sword created the cold wind of winter, deadly and lethal

Even Azief whose body is made primarily of energy could feel the cold.

Azief was shocked at this and knows that Katarina ice law had reached to such a perfection that it even froze energies.

However, these cold wind is generated not from wind but from the concepts of cold. And when things are cold it is frozen. But not only solid things are frozen.

Even intangible things are frozen

The time around them froze.

Even though it did not reach to the point that it freezes all time, at least around the radius of six feet even the intangible concept is frozen.

The space also is locked by this cold wind and freezes over and for a few second they managed to maintain their position.

That breath is just one breath but like a wind that is blows by a storm, it pushes them and come in waves.

That moment is not missed by Azief.

In that frozen time and in that frozen space, Azief kicks the space behind his feet and then with the force he pushed Katarina to the road with him following right behind.

They landed back on the road.

In that moment when they were thrown they nearly went off from the road and for a moment they float in the air

But when Katarina froze their surroundings, Azief did not miss the opportunity and return back to their original position near the portal

One wrong mistake and they would be in a different time.

And looking at the time scene that they were just about to enter if they were blow a few more feet backward, it was of a different world with the people of that world is still in the Stone Age.

If they wanted to escape that place, who knows what they must do.

Azief then quickly enveloped himself and Katarina with his Divine Sense.

'What happened?' Katarina said.

Right now, they are a bit further away from the portal

The portal is still there but Azief could see that after that blow of wind that suddenly swept them away, that the portal is slowly closing off.

Azief then stands beside Katarina, his face is solemn. He once again holds her hand

His grip on her hand is tight

'I lose you once, I'm not going to lose you again'

Azief did not dare to let go of Katarina hand again. But, then he immediately focused himself

His face is solemn and the energy inside his body is in chaos.

Azief did not dare to spread out his Divine Sense to seek the source of that breath

The reason is because he recognizes that breath. And the other reason is that he fears that by using his Divine Sense he would alert that existence.

'Even here?' he thought to himself. Besides him Katarina is vigilant looking all over the surrounding

'Did you know what it was?' Katarina could see that Azief is standing around her and he seems calm. Eerily calm

It was like he knows what they are dealing with right here

'It's me' Azief said.

'What do you mean?'

'Remember what I told you last time? This breath comes from me'

And Katarina eyes widened as she finally understood what Azief is trying to tell her.

One of the things that Azief shares with him was his vision of the future. Katarina could tell that Azief did not share everything to her but she got the gist of it.

She also knows that Azief once met a version of himself when he was travelling inside a space time tunnel to return home

And this version of himself, was trying to kill him

when Azief felt the breath sweeping them over he instantly knew what breath that was.

It is the fluctuation of him in the future. He won't forget this kind of all of his life. And that is why he is so solemn

The last time he was nearly killed by himself.

This time, even though there is no eye looking at him, he could feel the same aura of energy.

And he instantly knew this must be the him in the future.

Only in a space tunnel where normal laws of time did not apply that it could be like this.

Even till now, Azief still did not understand why his future-self wanted to kill him.

However, if his deduction about what happens in the future is right, he could guess a bit on the whys

Still, he did not dare confirm it. Hs eyes darted toward the end of the portal.

'We must be fast' He whispers to Katarina.

'Squeeze out all the power you can' he thought to himself.

Azief knows he could not afford to wait right now.

he must seize the chance.

It did not pass a few second before both he and Katrina started kicking the road, the road itself is not really a road but a time energy solidified that enables them to successfully navigate the space of time.

But they also use Laws to kick the ground and then catapulted forward in a speed akin the speed of light

All of this requires great concentration. Azief then raises his hand upwards with his sword also following his movement.

Katarina did the same and then like they have agreed beforehand; they both slashes down toward the portal.

Katarina sword light was faster. But faster did not mean stronger. What she had comprehended alongside the "cold that freezes everything" was the concept of swiftness.

Speed combined with momentum breaks all attack.

But there is a limit to it. When you are fighting gods, speed and momentum alone is not enough. And this is perfectly shown right now.

As the sword light collided with the force of that breath that lingers around the portal, it exploded into motes of light

In that one moment, Katarina had already drawn all of her energy and put it all in that one attack.

Even then, it did not have much effect to that breath

But while her sword light did explode, after a few second, both Katarina and Azief could hear a sound of something that seems to be broken.

There is now a crack on that force. Katarina sword light could actually cut through space. But faced with this breath, not even space was cut but only a small crack appears

It is a small crack that unless you are looking at it carefully you might not be able to see it

But, there is a crack and that is enough

Azief eyes narrowed and he could that some of that force of the breath dissipated from the portal.

Even now, the portal is shrinking to become smaller.

As for Azief sword light, it is slower. But with each distance it passes the momentum and its power grew.

Katarina swift sword light reached the portal ion less than a nanosecond.

If normal person look at how Katarina was attacking, they would not even see her hand moves and before they know it they would be disintegrated under her sword attack

Even if that person is in the Disk Formation realm, it would still be hard to look at it.

Because that is how fast her movement is.

But, as for Azief, even after a second later, the sword light that Azief had slashes down did not even yet reach half the distance that Katarina sword light had travelled.

But there is a difference in volume of power between the two sword strikes.

Azief sword strikes seems to gather all the energies and power from the time scenes.

All of these time scenes are time scenes from an apocalypse.

It attracted the energy of the stars, celestial energies, runes, and all other kinds of energies that flies out and embrace itself to the swords and many more energies.

Thirteen energies are gathered in this sword light. And while usually Azief would have limit of how much energy he could use in a battle, this time he is borrowing energy

And he is borrowing energy from the Multiverse, from other dimension and from even hidden galaxies that hides in the pockets of space inside and outside of the Multiversal barriers.

Imagine the infinite energy from infinite worlds that he could borrow from.

The energy extraction was so massive that it created purple clouds made entirely from energy all around the roads

This energy also gathers in every part of the sword light. The sword become brighter with each passing nanosecond.

The sword light grew in momentum and become bigger and bigger. The sword light become slower.

It was like there is a force that is pushing it. But it is not really a force that is pushing it but the sword light become heavy.

Right now, in this Time Space channel, there seems to be only that small portal and Azief sword light.


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