Lord Shadow

Chapter 1292 The Destroyer Halts

Chapter 1292 The Destroyer Halts

In a garden in another brand new Universe that is not at all connected with the Omniverse that is inhabited by Wargod and Odin, there is a man sitting under a tree,

He wears a casual clothes with blue dark faded jeans. On his lap is a woman. This person looks like a normal person.

But when he is thirsty he would just click his finger and all kinds of drinks would appear in front of him.

The woman on his lap is sleeping peacefully. While Wargod and Odin was obstructed by blurry images when they gaze on Earth Prime, this man eye could easily see through it.

He did not need to do anything and his eyes have never left that world.

The precautions of the Creator do not extend to him. Because even if the Creator uses all of his means, it might not be able to block the gaze of this person

Not only that, but this person had also never missed where Azief was.

When Azief went into that Orvanians Compound, a place that even Wargod find it hard to penetrate with his gaze, this person could see through it like there is no walls between him and Azief.

Even when Azief donned the helmets and went to a different Time and Space, in a projection of Time fragments, this person could see it.

And even when the Creator plucked Azief out from the Time projection and brought him to see the connections between world, his eyes watched over him.

The appearance of the garden startles him a bit but even then his gaze was not cut off. It was like nothing in the entire Omniverse could hide from his gaze. And he was doing all of that while at the same time, doing other things.

This person under the tree is none other than Azul. Azul smiles, his heart is open and he feels happy.

Many people in that Omniverse might not feel happy that Azief life is veering of the supposed trajectory but Azul likes it.

When he realizes his Path, he could see everything Omniscient and Omnipotent. There were many things he realizes and knows. There are no secrets in his eyes.

Of course, sometimes he just pretends not to know things. It would be a bit more interesting that way.

There is basically nothing in the entire Omniverse that could hurt him. the clouds suddenly gather above the tree and then rains slowly falls down.

The wind breeze during the rain is cold but it is a cold that Azul had learned to appreciate.

The calming sound of the rain, the breezy wind blowing around him and Meihul sleeping on top of his lap

It is a perfect day and a perfect scene. The wind blows but the water did not dare to approach. The rain falls down did not bring the feeling of desolation

It was like the rain is purifying evils things. The reason he summons the rain is simply because Meihul like sleeping while hearing the sound of the rain

So, he simply summons it. Then he summons a glass cup. Inside the glass cup is wine. This wine is of course not normal wine.

It is not intoxicating like normal wine. It clears the mind, and gives one the breath of a mind of a carefree person.

He then drinks it.

'One cup to you. Hope your all endeavors become true' he said and he laughed. This one cup is for Azief.

The words of a being like him, when spoken, is not merely words. There is a blessing in those words.

Those words turn into an aura of luck.

And this aura of lucky slowly manifested into a golden mist and then it flew out from Azul Universe, passing through the Omniversal Barriers, passing through the Dark Universe and the Sea of All Things and went to that Time and Space tunnel that Azief is now entering.

"The heavy rain makes my heart carefree"

"I sing a song with a glass of wine"

'the breeze blows away my troubles and sorrows"

"A dream for a lifetime is but a passing moment"

'Hahaha' he then laughed.

There is many powerful being in the Omniverse that has now began paying attention to Azief. Some of them remembers what happens in another timeline that had never existed.

Some of them do not remember. But regardless whether they remember it or not it didn't matter

Because the moment Azief went to the Seresian world, accumulate experience there, each steps he takes is like a stomp to fate and destiny.

Each step he takes reverberates all over the Omniverse.

One wonder where those steps would lead and whether it is possible to change the directory of the world, to truly win against fate and destiny

And there are now many players. Playing the same chess game. But this chess game is not te chess game of humans. This is Etherna chess game and the stakes is naturally high.

Chess pieces are acquired in advance.

And those who have their chess pieces better protect their chess pieces from others that are interested. They might steal it or they might destroy it become it could bloom.

Azul understand all of this but he is relaxed. Drinking another cup of glass, he smiles and laugh. His smiles are joyful that it would infect the atmosphere if he did not restrain it.

The rains pour down, the sound of the calming rains sounded all over. His laugh did not wake the beauty,

He just sits there pondering of the impermanence of mortal life.

And then he closes his eyes. On another side of the inhabitable Omniverse, there is something titanic sailing through the stars

Wherever it passes, Destruction follows. This is the Destroyer. He had as many names as the stars, spoken in every language, appears in every civilization.

Whether they see Him or not, whether they believe in Him or not, He is always there. Not many know that He could attain physical form.

Some people thought of Him as simply as the rule of the Universe.

And even if they think like this, they are not wrong.

When living being die, no matter how primitive they are, or how advanced they are, they would fear death.

When something exists and disappears, no longer existing, one would fear destruction. When things wilts, rots, disappears, when it is lost, one spoke of His name, one remembers Him

He is all of this. He is Death. He is Destruction. He is Darkness. He is all of this and more. Today, like the day before, He sailed the stars.

Even now, after what seems to be hundreds of years give or take, traveling through countless of time barriers, the Siren call did not end.

When he passes a planet, that planet would explode into pieces. That would be a more preferable one. Some just gets wiped out like it never existed.

The powerful civilization that floats inside the Source Wall knows that the Destroyer had awaken. Many of them even knows what it means and prepares themselves.

They heard the Siren call before. But outside of the Source Wall, not all of the civilizations had reached the point where they know what a Destroyer is.

And what it means.

All they know was that one day they got up to live and a large shadow passes their moons and suns, blotted out the sky and the next second, everything no longer existed, no life is spared.

To some, it is no different than an apocalypse.

Some heard the Sire call but did not understand. Some of these civilization did not even manage to form language yet.

Even now, after all of this time since He has been awakened and sailing through the stars, the Siren call still echoes all over the Omniverse.

A warning. A reminder. An omen. This call sounded all over the Omniverse. Even in some primitive civilization this call is heard

Because as long as they have Seers and Oracles, even though they could not fly into space or fight celestial beings, they were connected by a force of power that is present in all of the Universes inside the scope of the Omniverse.

The Destroyer had only been delayed but not stopped. And even when He is stopped, it is only for a short amount of time

There is no anxiousness in the heart of the Destroyer. Everything was moving according to the script. Everything was predestined and everything would be alright.

That is what He believed.

So, He was nota anxious when he was attacked by the Elder of the Universe.

Even when the Observer looks at Him with those eyes of his, He did not falter and the Laws could not trap Him.

He is in a Holy mission, to fulfill what is promised of Him.

He is about to fulfill an ancient covenant that he has with One with Many Names, with the One and Only

Even when the Creator chained him to pillars of light, He did not complain.

Because no matter how powerful the chain, no matter how tough the challenge, He is protected by the luck and fortune of destiny and fate.

Since it was destined for Him to win, he is protected from all kinds of calamities.

This alone had bolstered his confidence.

As He comes closer and closer to his target, His demeanor slowly changes.

It appears more emotional, more sentimental. This is actually something abnormal. The Destroyer did not have feelings.

That has always been the case.

It is the same case for the Creator too.

Before, the Creator was bestowed the ability to create incarnation of Himself among the creation, He is just something akin of machine with no feeling and thought of His own.

But the Destroyer had never been bestowed such ability. He had always been unemotional and heartless. It probably made the job easier.

But as He grows closer and closer to Earth Prime, there is feeling of anger, of dissatisfaction, of joy and sadness.

All of these feeling is feeling of a living beings.

But it is something that the Destroyer had waited for.

Feelings, that is

It is something that He embraced. Like He had always had it before

The only ones that knows the reason for this…. are only a few beings in the Omniverse as it relates to a great secret of the origin of the Destroyer.

Then suddenly the Destroyer that was still travelling through time space and the dimensions in between halted.

His halt causes the space in the radius of ten thousand light years to be crunched up and then with the colliding of these spaces, it creates a large tear of Void, black holes forms from the tears of these large space.

He stopped and then He looks back. His gaze was not obstructed unlike that of Wargod and Odin. His eyes look at Earth Prime but also at the Seresian world and His eyes could see cause and effect.

And His eyes narrowed. Then He frowned.

When He frowns the entire surrounding area of Him seems to be pressured by a destructive force.

Space bends and breaks, Time compressed and slowly disperse, all the laws of reality is breaking down around Him just because He frowns.

He did not say anything. He just looks at it and frowned. In another plane of existence, the Creator look toward the Destroyer.

It almost seems like they were not separated by dimensions and distances.

It was like when they look at each other, they were in front of each other, looking at each other, and see the different version of themselves

'Was it you?' this time the Destroyer spoke. Each word causes ten thousand stars outside the range of his destruction to explode.

It was like his word creates a sonic wave in vacuum that ignores the vacuum space and vibrates in such a frequency that stars and space dust, cosmic winds, solar flare could not contain.

All of these, whether it be tangible or intangible, once His words are uttered, created a scene of destruction.

The stars exploded.

Some turns into a supernova explosion. Pressure drops, gravity wins out and star suddenly collapses.

These scenes could be seen almost everywhere in the distance of tens of thousands of light years spreading from the Destroyer.

And all of this is just because He spoke three words. He probably did not intend it to be so. But He clearly doesn't care.

The Creator shook His head and then said

'Ripples' he answered. The Destroyer understood almost immediately and His frown become deeper.

Then the connection is cut.

The Destroyer no longer halted.

He once again sailed through the stars, passing planets and dimensions, destroying everything on its path, the mist of Destruction force that emanates from His body become larger and larger and occupied more spaces.

Even though the face of the Destroyer could not show his emotion, but as there is a change of his rate of destruction and the increase in His destruction force, He is now anxious.

He whispers words this time, the words travel through the dimensional and galaxies and reached someone on Earth Prime.

Then he focused on His journey.

All the while the Siren call is still called upon all over the Omniverse. Who knows when this song would end?

But when it does end, then that means, there is no longer any worlds, no longer any living beings to sang the Siren Song.


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