Lord Shadow

Chapter 1290 Ravens and Broken Star

Chapter 1290 Ravens and Broken Star

When the Five seat of Orvan realizes the abnormality of the condition of Earth Prime, they were shocked. But they were not the only ones.

There was someone on top of a large branch of a large tree. This large tree seems suspended over the stars.

Cosmic wind, solar flares, none of it could even sways the leaves on the branches of this tree, and no explosion of stars or planet could shake its trunk

The tree itself emanated a powerful life force and is a source of light for thousands of planets in this particular section of the Universe.

That man is wearing a grey robe. The grey robe itself look shabby and there is some dirt on it, like he falls into a ditch.

This man appears to be old, wrinkled faces, and he is also blind. One of his eyes is shriveled like grape.

An old man who is blind in one eye. The wind blows and the old man shivers. He then took out something from his sleeve

On his hand is an eye covered.

He quickly put that cover on his eyes.

And without the old man pushing the cover, the cover seems to be held onto the area of that eye like there is an invisible force that forces it to not fall.

The golden eye cover itself has rune etched onto it. It always shines blue and glows when he is angry.

His other eyes are looking at something.

He seems to be looking at a distant star.

But actually his eyes are looking at a world that is so far that any conventional space faring civilization would find it hard to even go to the place that he is looking at right now

But he…. he could stay here, in the far reaches of the Universe, look toward that direction of that blue planet, and could see it like he was there in person.

But then suddenly, he was shocked.

He rubs his eyes and he squint his eyes. But all he could see is blurry images. Then he frowned.

'Something had happened. Something I do not know' Then he got up and the grey robe transformed almost immediately.

A spear appears on his right hand and he gripped the spear tight. Space cracks the moment that spear appears.

Before, this person looks like a wizened old man, one foot inside the grave, looking tired.

But the moment he stood up, a powerful majestic aura exploded out of him, like he is the ruler of Heaven, changing the colors of the Universe, light exploded out of him, and the light fills the entire space

There is no wrinkle on his face anymore instead he looks like a mature King.

His blue robe turns into a blue robe. Then the energy around him form a chest armor and his entire body is covered with shining blue armor.

The blue armor itself had all kinds of runes glowing from every surface of the armor. A vortex of energy forms around him

The leaves on the large tree branches sways and some of them breaks from the tree and falls. The size of each leaf is as large as ten mega planet combined together.

This being is none other than Odin Allfather, the Lord of the Eight Realms and the King of Asgard. His eyes become serious as he once again tries to look at Earth Prime.

But just like before all he could see is blurry image. He could guess that this must be the work of someone powerful

There are not many beings in this Omniverse that is equal with him in power and there is even less being that surpasses him.

He could think of a few being that really had such capabilities

'It seems I could no longer spy that mortal like before' he thought to himself. But, this did not mean he would give up

He just had to find another way to observe what is happening on Earth Prime. When he returns to this form, his power is boundless.

He whistles and then out of the void, the space tears apart and two raven flies out. These raven are his Thoughts and his Memory.

Hugin and Munin.

When the Time God reverses Time of All the Omniverse, even the Source Wall could not restrain all of that Time particles being altered

But for some beings like Odin, he has his method. There are some memories that he remembers and there are some memories that he sealed.

If there is a memory that he sealed it would be inside his raven. But this time he did not summon his raven to unseal some memories and thoughts.

But simply to send his ravens to Earth Prime. Hugin and Munin is in a way is his Thoughts and Memories. It is a different method of Divine Sense or detection magic.

Whoever blurs the image did not change the image. Odin is still meditating around Yggdrasil, trying to calculate the right moment to meet.

There are dark omens surrounding him. He knows that this is not yet the right time for him to meet that mortal.

He knows that the mortal had gone to the Seresian world. But, he did not send his gaze there. There is an omen of misfortune there so he restrains himself

Instead he focused his thought on Earth Prime because he knows sooner or later, that mortal will be back.

He held out his hands and the ravens fly towards his hand. One of them landed on top of his hand while the other landed on his shoulders.

He closes his eyes and the Thoughts and Memories of the day returned to him

'Both of you fly over the many realms each day. I fear for Hugin, that he does not come back, yet more anxious am I for Munin' he mutters and he chuckles.

'Go' he said and the ravens understood.

It flaps its wing and the space around them breaks and collapses.

These two ravens flew across the starry skies, the speed of light at first and then it warps the space and before long there is no raven anymore in the area.

All of this takes only a few second to happen. Odin sighed.

'Now, there is only me and the wolves' he thought to himself and laughs.

He then sat down back on the tree branch.

As he lowered himself to sit down on the branch, the aura of his body is restrained, and his youth decline and he is once again wearing grey robe with wrinkles all over his face.

However, this time his eyes is no longer opens.

He does not look at the scenery around him and he does not gaze at anything.

Instead he closes his eyes and meditates on top of a branch of a large tree.

This is what Odin had done the moment that the Creator blurs the image, covers the heavenly secrets and give a protection to Earth prime

The reason for the Creator action might be because so that the fate and destiny of that world could no longer be calculated by people outside of that world

On a broken star, there is another being who have watched everything. He did not only watch when Azief fought with the Demon King he also watched what happens after.

Odin did not seek to watch Azief every move but for this person sitting on his red throne inside of a broken star, he watched Azief every move.

Because Azief is more than just a tool to his objective.

Odin seek to break the cycle of Ragnarok.

But for this being on the red throne, what he wanted was more meaningful

This person sitting on the red throne is none other than Wargod.

'Azief' he mutters. This person is the one with the legacy of his race. There is an inheritance. So, he pays a great deal of attention to Azief.

He was shocked when Azief disappears from his gaze.

But he quickly recognizes that it is because Azief went into Orvanians compound.

Orvanians had many devices that could hides from all kinds of detection so that was not surprising.

What surprising was when he notices that Earth Prime suddenly become blurred in his vision.

Odin might not immediately recognize whose power is it that enables the world destiny and fate to be blurred, that it could even hinder his gaze, but Wargod knows almost in an instant

'An old aura. You finally make your move' Wargod is still sitting on his throne but his hand grips the handle of his throne tightly.

His eyes are spewing fires and his breath exhale dark red mist. Fortunately, there is no one around him right now

If they come near that dark red mist, they would be infected with bloodlust. If they were weak, they might even go crazy.

Wargod then close his eyes and lean his back on his throne. He seems to be thinking of something.

He then sighed

'Yewa Hafar has a chess piece. Loki has a piece. And now the Creator wanted to steal chess piece. The problem is the chess piece that I wanted is the same with the others. Only Yewa Hafar has different chess pieces. But if there is a chance, I would not doubt that the Acolyte of Destruction would probably try to get this piece'


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