Lord Shadow

Chapter 1288 The Five Houses of Orvan

Chapter 1288 The Five Houses of Orvan

Inside a dark space, five Orvanians is sitting on their throne. This dark space is full of stars. It might look like that they are in outer space.

But this is actually a room. A secret room that only certain Orvanians knows. And because it is Orvanian tech, it had space altering function

The Five Seat of Orvan is floating there on the dark space surrounded by the stars. They were all closing their eyes but then suddenly all five of them open their eyes right at the same time.

One of them said

'Qarliya had send the report' One of them nodded while the other five seems to be pondering something.

It did not take long for them to digest the report and then they look at each other.

'Anyone have something to say?' One of the Five Seat had spoken. Like always when they talk, their mouth doesn't move. It is his thought that turned into soundwave that echoes all over.

One of them then ask, looking at another seat

'What do you think, Rhobos?'

'About what?'

'About our gift? Would he recognize it? Our goodwill?'

Another one then spoke

'He recognized it.'

'He is not hostile then?' One of the other said.

'We have to observe'

Another one then said

'We could make calculation based on the past timeline model. It would give us more assurance'

Another old voice echoes and said

'Time had changed. The people had also changed. The past timeline model might not be accurate'

'Then we will use the Multiversal model. There is an infinite Azief in the Multiverse. If we use it as reference, we could probably create a perfect simulation of his decision' the old voice of another ancient Orvanian echoes in the dark space.

There is silence for a while but then a voce echoes

'There is only one Azief that is destined to become the End. It is better not to use Multiversal Model. It would require us to mobilize many of our probes. And if we do that, such movement would alert some old existence. Let them sleep. Let them slumber.'

'Divination?' One suggested

'It would be blocked. The Will of Borgan would not let us see through the Veil'

There is silence for a while.

'Even after eons, that Will is still…. persistent. If not for the fact that her Will is so annoying I might have respected her' Says the one sitting on the throne of Qar.

'And she is not the only one who would block us from doing such thing. There's another one'

'Who?' A voice sounded from a distance.

Even though it appears that these ancient five Orvanians is speaking with each other in close distance, they were actually tens of thousands of miles from each other.

They sat on a throne. Each throne had an Orvanian alphabet etched on the back of their throne. There is the Qar throne.

The Rhobos Throne. The Sith throne. The Yara throne and the Klargen throne. These are the Five Thrones.

And sitting on these five thrones are the ancestors of these five houses. Sometimes there is a change. But such changes are rare.

It takes eons for any of the Five Seats to be replaced. And they would always be replaced by someone of their house.

Each houses have complicated and sometimes tangled relationship with each other. House of Rhobos for example had been allies with the House of Sith for eons. House of Qar and House of Yara had some rivalry that stretched for epochs.

House of Klargen is mostly extremist in its action but possess great power in the political scene of Orvan.

Each house had their own sphere of influence in Orvan. House of Rhobos for example controls the financial powers and production powers

House of Sith is the leader of the scholar's faction, holdings many great knowledge of worlds. They have libraries all over the universe and who knows how many trump cards that this House have.

Then there is the House of Qar, who controls the Research and Innovation of the world.

They possess many great technologies. It might seem that they overlapped with the function of the House of Sith but if that is the case, House of Qar would not be needed.

Other than having many technologies that is advanced, they also control the legislative of Orvan.

House of Yara is a house of leaders. They anoint Kings, supported President, blesses Holy rulers and decided when the age of decline begins.

They announce the beginning of new era and the end of an era. They enforce Laws and they regulate order.

And then there is the House of Klargen. Simply put, they are the family that controls the military

While house of Yara also enforce Laws, their enforcing did not extend to all territories. But the House of Klargen outranks the House of Yara in terms of enforcing the Laws of Orvan

All of these five Orvan are ancient existence.

When they take the seat of the Five Orvan, they could no longer be bias to their family and instead have to work for the prosperity and safety of Orvanian all over the galaxy.

This is the reason why any candidates of the Five Seat of Orvan came from this family.

There might be a few Seats that dropped out but there has never been a change in the ruling family of these five seats

And the five seats are very powerful and their methods is magical. Which is why one of them ask who would obstruct them

There are not many beings in the Universe that is qualified to obstruct them

Then one of the Five Seat answer from a distance.

'The Creator' Then there is silence and the one who offers the answer then added another name

'The Destroyer'

There was another silence.

One could hear some of them sighing.

While Orvan mastered many great knowledge and they themselves as a civilization is strong, but there are some beings in the Omniverse that they do not dare offend.

The Creator is one of them. This is the being who had cursed them. From the ancient primordial epoch until today, they have been the guardian of the Multiverse

It is not entirely voluntary on their part.

To the Five Seats, they know more than the normal Orvanians.

They know that Sithulran, the violation of the rules of time, all of this might be the scheme of the Creator.

All of that was supposed to happen.

They were chess pieces in a large and wide chess board.

And even with all the knowledge that Orvanians had, even with all of their high tech weaponry, even with all the magic tomes that they possess, they know if they wanted to pit themselves against the Creator, it would be like throwing an egg into a diamond stone.

And as for the Destroyer, that is a being that is on the same level as the Creator. What hope does they have against such a being?

'They both now have a stake in the game' The one sitting on the throne of Qar spoke out. The other four nodded.

'The Destroyer would not like that things have deviated. I do not need to calculate the probability to know that the Destroyer would probably order Yewa Hafar to do something'

The other four nodded and then the one sitting on the throne of Rhobos said

'Does anyone have Yewa Hafar location? Did he emit any aura at all?'

The one sitting on the throne of Sith then spoke

'he is concealing himself. It is the same for the Trickster. Yewa Hafar uses concealing magic and even our eyes could not gaze upon him. He is after all the Acolyte of the Destroyer. He had magic beyond our understanding. As for the Trickster, if we look and observe Earth Prime, we would only see his avatar. And not his real body. Without his real body, we could not extract what he knows about the future and his plans'

There is another silence. But this silence might be because everyone seems to be thinking of something.

Then one of the Five Seat said

'Loki and his coconspirators have been preparing really well' The other four nodded and then one of them said

'It is good for us'

'That remains to be seen. A lot is at stake here. The last time we do not participate simply because we did not have the confidence to win. The One and Only had written this script probably since before the Etherna was born. This is His grand picture. If we had tried back then, it would only result in us being wiped out in His anger.

The other nodded.

The one from the House of Qar then said

'But, this time it is different. The fact that Jean managed to reverse time and not only the time of Earth Prime but the entire Omniverse leaving only a few powerful being remembering the matter of the other timelines, this reeks intervention. The One and Only acquiesced to Jean effort. It shows that maybe, just maybe, not everything is set in stone just yet. We all have made a decision to bet it all this time'

The other four nodded. There was yet another silence. This time, the silence is a bit longer. It might be because they understood something


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