Lord Shadow

Chapter 1286 Qarliya

Chapter 1286 Qarliya

Then Katarina chuckles

'What are you chuckling about?'

'I'm getting better at this, aren't I?'

Getting better at what?

At saying sweet nothings. I think I learned from you' Hearing this Azief could not help but laugh.

They look at each other eyes and there is an understanding and love in each other eyes. With Katarina, it has always been easy.

Like they get each other.

Then he said

'I'm here with you' he suddenly stated.

'And that trumps all of the hardship and the pain' he repeated those words and he close his eyes for a moment and then opens it the next second and he could not help but chuckles a bit

'It's that simple?' he asks

She nodded and reply

'It is always that simple' Azief shakes his head but he was smiling and then he no longer hesitates.

'I guess it is time to go home' he said to no one in particular but Katarina nodded.

He flicks his finger and golden energy was shoot out from his finger.

These golden energy is in the shape of a small orb.

These small orb flew toward the floating four devices and then as it comes near, there is a suction energy

Time inside the cave began to distort. It shows mirage of things happening in the past inside the cave. If this was before his trip inside the Time Projection, he might feel a bit weird looking at this

But now he just looks at it without much interest

'This is very magical' Katarina exclaimed as she looks at the changing time around the floating devices.

Azief nodded.

'The time?' Katarina ask.

'From the notes Qarliya had compressed the time tunnel to an acceptable degree of change. So, around six or seven days. Maximum would be eight days'

What Azief is talking about is the difference of time between this world and Earth Prime. This is the reason why Azief did not immediately go home and have months to prepare.

It is because he is quite sure that he could go back only a few days after he had disappeared from Pandemonium

There is a lot to be done after he returned home. He just fears that there is changes in the current world powers.

He also wanted to return home and quickly level up his strength. It is still not enough for him to become just a Divine Comprehension realm.

He needs to go further and become stronger. He also had a few question that he needs answered.

Katarina then hold his hand and he was broken out from his state of dozing around and then he said

'Ready to go back home?' Katarina looks at him, smile and nodded.

'Activate the Time-Space tunnel' the moment he said this, the floating four devices lights up even more brighter.

It fills the dark cave with light so much so that it was like it was on the outside, illuminated by the shine of the sun.

Then like the outside barrier that he had set up beforehand, the four floating devices shoot of trails lines. This trail lines look like a laser

But it is actually inscription made intangible and the lines of the inscription stimulate the Laws of the World

And then the droning sound fills the entire cave.

The walls of the cave and the ceiling of the cave slowly tremble.

Both Azief and Katarina floats themselves above the ground a few meters high, not affected by the trembling

Even as the dust falls form the ceiling of the waves, the dust could not stain even one dust on both of these people attire. The dust that wanted to fall down on them would be pushed aside by an invisible force that surround both Azief and Katarina body

This kind of thing is easy to do. As for the droning sound, they could bear it. Katarina dulls her own sense of hearing while Azief deflected the sound to the space around him.

At first the trembling is hardly noticeable but as the droning sound grows louder, the stronger the droning sound became.

And the cave began to crack and them collapses onto itself. A portal opens up and the fluctuation of time energy inundated the entire cave.

Azief look down at the cave and he could see that the time streams began to split.

There is a stalactite up there in the cave ceiling. A drop of water fell down from the cave ceiling. When it reached the middle part the water droplet suddenly slow down. But when it reached a certain part it accelerated.

Time zones is being split up. Space itself is distorting to extreme degree that it bends light

The area is already being devoured by the time energy.

The portal in the beginning was as small as a tennis ball. But as the trembling become intense and the cave cracking and crumbling, the portal also become larger.

Azief look at Katarina and nodded.

Azief and Katarina, holding hands together leap up into the air and went into the portal and they disappeared inside the portal.

The portals shut off almost immediately and a large explosion eradicated everything in the radius of ten kilometers from the cave

The explosion did not spread out from this distance as the four devices that Azief had thrown when he enters the cave absorbed all the force and energy of the blast

The blast and its effect lasted for a whole ten second.

In that ten second, everything was vaporized inside the barrier

The only thing that was not vaporized by that power is the four floating devices that act as a barrier holding the explosion inside the designated area and the four device that floats and created the portal.

Then after ten seconds, the effect of the blast had already all been absorbed by the four devices.

The four devices that absorb the blast was shining with shining light when it was first used by Azief. But now it is black and the light it emitted was dim. There is cracks all over the diamond-like shape device.

As for the floating devices that created the portal, the moment Azief and Katarina enters the portal, the portal immediately shut itself off and then falls down to the ground, losing all of its luster.

What is left in that ten kilometer radius is only a big hole. It was not like something had burned the area. It was like a chunk of reality was bitten by some powerful force.

Time and Space all seem to be distorted around this ten kilometers distance radius.

The mist that fills this area also had been vaporized.

But when the barrier put down its defenses, the mist forms the outside quickly fills the hole.

And because of the special properties of the area affected by such powerful machination of Time, the space itself seems to have been torn apart.

Who knows what destination does these tears of space led to.

Then after a few minutes, complete and utter silence of nature around this area, the eight devices suddenly float up in the sky again.

Unlike before, this time, it did not float because of its energy.

The energy in the eight devices were all exhausted

One of them was exhausted absorbing all of those destructive aura.

If the force of that explosion were allowed to be let go, then half the continent would be vaporized. And if that is not enough, one also had to deal with the fact that there would be many space tears.

Fortunately, Qarliya had these devices and it would close the Multiverse connection of this space with other worlds

The four devices float in the air and then turns into a shining streak of light.

The streak of light shoots toward the Orvanian compound.

Some people would probably not see it because of how fast it had travelled in the air.

All the while, that eight devices flew above the clouds in a speed that is almost approaching light speed. Yet, it did not crash the space around them nor it created sonic booms that could be heard all around the world

The space that it passes through seems to not have registered that something fast had just pass them

Orvanians technology is always something that always fills one with awe. In each of the devices that Azief had used, there is a space stabilize and neutralizer.

If not, some nosy people might realize something. There is actually no need for Qarliya to include such feature in the device but for some reason she did it

In almost only one second to two seconds after Azief and Katarina entered that portal, the eight devices flew back into the lab.

Qarliya had already make sure that when the devices come back home, the formation and the defensive measures would be shut down. The time it shut down?

Three second.

One second counting any withstanding errors. That is why it became three second. The most it needs was two second

Fortunately, there is no error whatsoever. The eight devices flew from the area of the portal heading toward the Orvanian compound like some hunting eagle with a scent

and Qarliya raise her hand the moment she felt the device is coming back. Almost a second after she raised her hand, the device is back in her office.


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