Lord Shadow

Chapter 1282 The Difference Way of Practice

Chapter 1282 The Difference Way of Practice

Azief saw her sword moves once. She had shown him.

The sword move that she had showed him has no power because she did not imbue any energy. But she only imbues the conceptual method in her sword

It did not destroy anything but if it is supplied with energy, the moves amplified the power

In other words, Concepts unite with Laws, melding the two, the method is powerful and unpredictable

She showed him seven sword move. Each move has seven transformations, the sword move is lethal and complicated.

Each time she swings her sword, the strikes of her sword change from heavy to light, from light to fierce, from fierce to gentle.

When someone attacked her, regardless whether that attack was physical or an energy attack, or the attack of the laws, the sword imbued with her energy, with her conceptual perception could disrupt the attack.

Unpredictable sword because she could disrupt the orders of the changes of methods of the sword and transform the attack from heavy to light and gentle to fierce.

The sword itself is tricky in execution and tricky to handle.

Azief thought to himself that if he were not in the Divine Comprehension level, and he is still at Disk Formation level, if he did not have the advantage of having the Perfection path, of having a perfect physique, then even if he is at the peak of the Disk Formation, he would find himself being led by the nose by Katarina swordsmanship

Azief always heard the title of the strongest woman in the world attributed to Katarina.

He did not feel much about this title. It is not that he underestimates Katarina, it is that the impact of this title did not shock him that much

After all, there is only a few people in this world that could fight Katarina and have as much as influence as her in the world.

It wasn't until he saw her swordsmanship that Azief thought if not for some of his abilities, luck, fortune and his path that is different from Katarina, Katarina probably has no peers in the world.

This swordsmanship method, this method of using weapons to amplify one power is probably not lost to other people in the world.

But to use it and apply it the way Katarina had done it, it is one of a kind.

Fighting against people a realm above, this is not impossible.

But any leveler who broke through to Disk Formation know that is a watershed moment. Once you pass that Disk Formation level, you are not quite a mortal anymore.

And to fight beyond one level is not as easy as before.

But if there is a probability of fighting against a higher level of beings after Disk Formation level is achieved, then this method of Katarina could really work.

When Azief think back of the moment Katarina wads kidnapped by the Demon King, if not for the fact that she had lost a lot of her energy she could probably withstand a few blows

And now that she had a year to practice in this world, Katarina attainment combined with Azief own insight into this practice, Katarina had reached Disk Formation peak realm once again.

This time, she is even faster.

The lack of energy is mitigated with the Orvanians help. Azief could not help but think that Katarina is really a genius in cultivating energy

Because of her practice she is systematically learning new method to strengthen her attack, growing step by step.

It was different from him.

Azief also knows that as Katarina grows stinger, even though she only focused on Ice Manipulation, this power has a nigh-limitless number of uses, only limited by her imagination and her natural limits.

As she grows stronger and learn the Laws, the laws she chooses was the Law of Elements yet while the Law of Elements focused on the elements, instead of learning other Element she focused on Ice Manipulation

This is in itself an extreme method.

And when she reached Disk Formation, and when she heard of his method of Perfection, she thought of integrating all of her Laws into Ice Manipulation

At that time, Azief did not know that Katarina had such a thought.

If this is before, Azief would think this is absurd. But when he thought of his experience in the world of Xi Feng, his disciple world, he thought that this might actually work

The way Katarina approach her practice method is in a way akin to the way of Qi method cultivation.

When Azief was in Xi Feng world he was lucky to see a few methods of inner energy technique. Like the Three Devils of Han.

Three people that could enhance each other energy, uniting their inner energy and could fight like a grandmaster

Azief at that time did not think too much of this practice. But if he looks at it in a different way, he just need to substitute inner energy to the energy of the world

And energy of the world then could be substituted with Conceptual comprehension and Laws of the World.

The only difficult thing about this is to find harmony between the method of the body and the method of the ethereal.

One of the method he once saw in that Xi Feng world is an inner energy method that could integrate all kinds of inner energy method.

The base is that of the original practice but it is fused with the other inner energy practice, taking only that which is beneficial, and discarding which that are harmful.

In other words, if Katarina succeeds in doing so, even though her laws is only the Laws of Element, she could overwhelm the world as she put each of her Laws into the Laws of Elements.

Azief learn from Alsurt that every Law would go to the source if one could only understand it. Basic Laws like the Laws of Fire, might seem limited.

For a normal person to be able to control fire, it might seem like a powerful Law when you are starting out

But when you go further and further, you began to see it is not that powerful.

Compared to reality-breaking laws, law of fire is nothing. Compared to a law like the Law of Time, or the Law of Space, the Law of Fire is pretty much low tier.

One that is proficient in the law of Space could easily settle any fires that is attacking them and even trapped people in space.

But what Alsurt told him, there is no high and low in Laws.

Each Law serves a function.

That is true.

And most of the time, this function is limited. This is why there is so many Laws in the world.

And each world had different Laws, each universe is like that.

The laws in certain world might not accommodate to the Laws of your world and vice versa

Some world is complete and some are not.

But, the reason why Alsurt told him that the Laws has no high and low is because while the laws are static and only fulfilled its function like some kind of program, when a being holds the power of Laws, that static Law is no longer static.

Now, its function could be manipulated. In other words, depending on the user understanding, the Laws could evolve.

A Law of Fire that could only burn solid thing, if practiced enough combined with comprehension of the Law, could burns concepts and Laws, could burn even time and burns space itself.

Because Alsurt told him, no matter what laws, it came from the source. As long as you follow the source, the laws would evolve naturally and it would touch and interact with many laws

It is akin like that of the theory of martial arts that in the end it would flow to the sea. When one return to the basic, there is not many moves that are required.

Every move would have the trace of simplicity that could not be broken, unstoppable and unavoidable.

It is the same concept

The only difference between the people that practice high tier laws and those that did not is that, their starting point is different and easier.

It is like a child born in a good family and a child that is born from a poor family. They might have the same physique and the same talent but their starting point is different and it is hard to bridge the gap.

But it was not impossible.

Azief however rarely have to worry about such thing considering his method of practice is very different.

It is like Azief sword that was formed from his Laws. When he swings his sword, the sword light flew and the Laws embed in that sword light would explode and destroy the enemy

It is the same concept only that Katarina would always have this ability in each of her attack.

There is harmony between her and her Laws, an integration of unity, that even Azief does not have

Because she practiced one law to the extreme, there is lack of variability in the way she attacks.

Everyone knows that she would only use Ice Manipulation to attack. But, even if people knows the Law she practice, knows that snow will fall, the sword would strike, the wind would cool, no one could stop it

This is the terrifying method of those who only focus on one Law to the extreme

It would of course dull some of the other Laws that she practiced but when she attacked, there is this artistic conception in each of her attack, symbolizing the extreme path that she trod.


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