Lord Shadow

Chapter 1268 - The One Behind The Hill

The Creator looking at the disappearance of the palm smiles

'He really did do it. Knowing that person, he would not make it too hard.' And then the Creator no longer pay attention to the matter.

On the edge of the garden, that person with the bamboo hat sighed

'It is quite amazing for a mortal being' he looks at his hand. There is a wound now. He looks at it and blows wind from his mouth to his hand.

The wound immediately closed itself off.

If he wanted to, he could once again stretch his palm and this time Azief would have no choice than to be ejected from this dimension.

But, it would be too cheap of him to do that. He doesn't understand why the Creator brought that mortal here.

This kind of event did not happen in the other timeline. He does not know that much about what happen

But the End, is the chapter that their Lord has written in the beginning. While he does not know all of the story, he knows a bit.

He knows who Azief is. And he knows what happen the last time. Even when the time is returned back he thought of it as nothing.

He did not care much about what happens outside the garden. But, he is quite sure that as the guardian of the garden, this kind of event had not happened before.

He wondered what the Creator is thinking.

Did he want to change the Lord story? But if he did want to do that, how could the Lord not know? And if he knows, why did He not stop it?

Does all of this is under His Lord calculation too?

He shakes his head and thought to himself that he was never that good in thinking of things like this.

The Gardener is more apt in thinking things like this.

he sighed.

There is no anger in his heart. He could destroy Azief if he wanted to. But he given face to the Creator. And there is no need for him to be too excessive.

'Is this also fate?' he thought to himself.

He is in a dilemma right now.

By all right, he could just slam another palm and Azief would not be able to come toward the Garden.

But, it felt beneath him to be that serious. So, he just stands there, waiting. To see whether that Azief would really be able to come into the Garden.

Azief did not know that right now he is being gazed upon by a very powerful being in the Garden.

All he knows that after he destroyed the palm, there is no longer any attack.

This is not something that ease Azief heart. Even though he had just destroyed that palm, he could tell that the palm did not shows the true power of the one attacking him

If that person wanted to, that person could easily send out another palm attack. But that person did not send any other palm

So, he flies upwards. The person wearing the bamboo hat walk away from the edge of the garden. He walks a few step and a mist covers his entire being.

The Gardener who is cutting some dead branches from some rotten tree look at the distance and he sighed

'You just go?' he asks to no one in particular.

Azief is coming closer toward the Garden. The Gardener has a long rake.

'But, this would be overpowered. And I would also be related in karma with Azief. It's not easy being intertwined in Karma with such a person'

He is truly reluctant to make a move. But that Guardian had already left. This place is not a place where anyone could go.

And as for Azief, this is not yet time.


'But I really don't want to take action against this one. It would reveal myself' The Gardener of Garden is none other than Loki of Asgard, the Cosmic Trickster.

He knows what Azief would become in the future. Right now if he takes action Azief might not be able to trace him

But when Azief become Sovereign and have full control of the Ten Eternal Rings, would today matter not be revealed.

He is unlike the Creator that could reverse cause and effect or like the Destroyer which no Karma could attach itself.

He is the Gardener but he is also an Asgardian.

He would not always be in the garden.

When he comes out, the thread of Karma would be form and that time Azief who had reached the peak level would surely find him.

And his identity as the Gardener would also be exposed.

As for the Guardian, that blockhead rarely comes out of the Garden. The last time he went out was a few epochs ago.

And considering that the End of Everything is only just a few hundred years after Azief ascension to Sovereign, Loki doubt that the Guardian cares that much about forming Karma with Azief.

He lifted his rake and there was a force condensed in and on each part of the rake and he was about to use it but then he shakes his head.

'The Creator made this mess. Instead of solving it he just sat there and look at it with glee' Loki of Asgard is in dilemma right now. he could not hit Azief and he also could not let Azief walk into the Garden

He looks toward a hill in the distance. There is a forest in front of that hill. He waves his hand and the forest split apart like it is giving way to Loki

The hill looks like an ordinary hill but Loki snorted. He flicks his finger and a powerful force shoot from his finger and headed toward that hill


Just right before it reached the hill, there is the sound of explosion one kilometers away from the hill.

And then the hill morphs. There is an illusion curtain put all around the radius of one kilometers away from the hill.

The moment that force from Loki finger reach that barrier, it broke it apart and show the true appearance of the hill

Instead of the expected scenes of greenery, there is only white. This hill is made from paper

The trees, the grass, the stones and even the dust are all paper. And each of this paper seems to have black ink on it

So, anyone who looks at the hill would see a black and white color. The barrier acted as protection but it also acted like a wall.

Loki broke this wall.

Suddenly there is a force coming from the hill like it had awakened. The words in the paper is about to float out but Loki is not afraid.

He could feel that the energy in those words are very powerful, but as the force is about to float upwards, as the word rises to the air, someone snorted and the words that is about to rise up slowly descended back down to the paper-like hill.

When that person snorted there is a more powerful force that force the writing to descend back down.

It didn't matter how the force of the words tries to struggle, that force that is oppressing them is too powerful and they have to descend down obediently

The area of the hill become calm again

Loki look at his north direction and bows his head a bit.

Then he looks back at the hill and then he mutters

'You devour knowledge each day, for each second. At least, earn your keep.' he said suddenly. He said the words gently but the word echoes all over the garden.

Passing the garden, it went to the hill, the hill shakes and some parts of the hill crumbles down. The crumbling part of the hill turns into flying paper and then it merged back with the hill

'Swing the rake' another voice echoes. This voice come from the back of the hill. There is someone there.

That person is sitting on top of a lazy chair. He seems oblivious to the chaos that is coming to the garden.

He sat on the lazy chair with a book in one hand and a crystal cup on the other.

He usually would read a book when his heart yearns for it, and he would take a rest when he is too tired. Sometimes, when he is thirsty, he would brew some concoction and then continue reading.

But because he likes reading so much, this person cultivated the habit of reading while drinking water and sometimes while eating snacks.

Loki could see it and then he said

'I have my difficulties so earn your keep. Don't let that child to reach here. Don't kill him and don't hurt him. Since you read all day, I think you know who this child is. Doing more is actually a danger to you'

There is silence for a while.

'You owe me one, Gardener' Loki snorted and then said

'I owe you nothing. Instead, it was you that owe me'

There is another silence and then the voice echoes from the back of the hill

'Alright' Loki smiles, hearing that person answer


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