Lord of the Truth

Chapter 854: Number one hater

Chapter 854: Number one hater

Half a day earlier---

"Huh..." Richard let out a long sigh and opened his eyes, "Father, I've reached 10%"

"Hmm?" Robin was completely focused on browsing the planet's surface, but Richard's words pulled him out of his focus: "A little more than 9 days, not bad at all, Alright let's get started!"

Juri looked very annoyed as she saw Robin approaching, "...."

"Haha, why are you looking at me like that? Don't put the boy in an awkward position, I told you, I'll give him the nomination and he can refuse if he wants!" Robin laughed and looked into Richard's eyes, "Ask her to make a virtual identification of all the rebels and everyone who has hatred towards the Empire in their hearts."

"Who the hell do you think I am? I'm just a little girl, not a god!" Juri stood up and shouted angrily, "Should I open people's hearts to see what's going on in them?!"

"...Well fair enough." Robin tapped his chin a few times, then snapped his finger with a smile, "I have another idea, ask her to visually identify anyone who participated in any operation against the Empire in the last twenty years."

"...." Juri stood silently then began to count the spirit force around her and quickly took the shape of a stick.

"What, the last 20 years is a lot? Is the last 5 years good?" Robin took a step back waving with a laugh, but when he saw her getting closer with her eyes glowing and her lips trembling, "Damn, well just the last year!...Say something, Richard!!"

Richard who had been laughing the entire time at their appearance quickly got up and stood between the two, "Sister Juri, don't you want to stabilize the planet? I think my father's request is not that unreasonable, and we will all benefit from it, you get the peace that you always wanted, I will protect my homeland from the rebels, and my father will get rid of the internal problems of the Empire."

"...Three days!" Juri paused and gritted her teeth tightly, "I will identify everyone who participated in the rebellion in the first three days, and the price will be all 10%!"

"Now that's a good planet spirit!" Robin clapped loudly, but when he saw Juri staring at him, The quickly fell silent.

"Humph!" The good thing was that after that she ignored him and walked towards the planet image put both her hands on it and closed her eyes, "You both can do whatever you want until I'm done, this might take a while.."

"...That little bitch..." Robin let out a long sigh when he felt that Juri had closed her senses to focus on her task, then patted Richard on the shoulder and sat him down in front of him, "Come on, in the meantime, I'll teach you what I know about the Soul Domain!"

At this moment--

"Hahaha, those rebels must be pissing themselves right now." Robin's soul avatar slapped his thigh and laughed loudly, "This is what you get out of messing with the wrong person, you bastards!!"

"Phoof... Phoof... Phoof..." From the side, Juri was staring at Robin with extreme anger, her face almost turning into a tomato red, "You... you son of a---!!!"

"Oh, oh, oh!!" Robin turned and waved at her quickly, "Calm down, where's the cuteness? The boy is still here."

Juri sent a sideways glance towards Richard and found him watching one of the battles with a smile on his face, it was clear that he was very satisfied with the result of his request, so she closed her eyes to control her anger a little.

Browsing the entire history of the planet's conflicts for three days consumed a lot of her energy and focus, it was without a doubt the hardest thing she had done so far!

Juri then looked into Robin's eyes, "The rebels agree on hating you, and most of them were harmed because of you, whether in the events of the Demon attack-which I have not held you accountable for yet- or because of your destruction of their interests on other continents, there are many noble families funding them with a lot of money, training resources and techniques to overthrow the Empire and restore the old order."

"I don't care who they are, did you identify those nobles?" Robin asked quickly, "The request was to identify everyone who participated in the rebellion. Financing and incitement fall under participation!"

"Yes, they have been identified as well, everyone who has a hand in it in any way has been very active during those three days because it is their first and maybe only chance." Juri then smiled at Robin with annoyance, "Hey, Do you want to know who the rebels have taken as their leader and who has communicated with the invaders and agreed to cooperate with them?"

Robin furrowed his brows slightly, he immediately knew that this smile would not bring good, "... Do I understand that it is someone I know?"

"Yes and no~" Juri laughed and then clicked her finger and an image of a person appeared next to her, "I present to you your biggest hater in Jura and maybe in all the planets."

A man who looked to be in his forties, his hair was disheveled and he had a large mustache covering his mouth, his sharp eyes said that he was extremely intelligent, but he had gone through a lot of suffering at the same time.

"I don't know him." Robin waved in relief, from the way Juri acted he thought she was talking about one of his associates!

"Oh, but he knows you very well." Juri laughed, "This person is called Christian, the son of a woman named Julia, the daughter of a man named Peter Burton, does that name remind you of anything?"

Robin raised one eyebrow for a few seconds, then the other followed suit, "My nephew?"

"Hehe, you got it right, after the way you executed your blood brother John, your sister Julia immediately fled the family out of fear and married a thug who made her life hell, and fate wanted her and that thug to die together in the stomachs of the things you call demons because of his father's stupidity who went to provoke a group of demons in the middle of the night, so Christian swore to take revenge on you, the one who turned his life into hell."n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Juri continued with a laugh, "Immediately after that, he went to the training academies and used his bloodline as a member of the Burton family to return to the family, and after a few lies and over the course of a few years, he was able to obtain high-level cultivation techniques and he was the one who started The People's movement and was the source of the techniques and methods of drawing talismans and divine weapons and many others, he was also the one who started communicating with the families who hated you and uniting them in a huge chain that was growing every day... In fact, he reminds me a little of you, maybe your father's penis really had magical power hahaha."

"...." Robin stared at the rebel leader's face, at his little nephew's face, for a few more seconds before sighing, "For the sake of some to rise, others must fall, that's the way of life, I have no

regrets for anything!"

Huri's smile was wiped away in annoyance, "Tsk- Do you want me to tell you where he is so you can capture him separately and make an example out of him? That will cost Richard another 5% of his refinement."

"... He lived the first part of his life as an unknown person, scared and hiding with his mother from me and the demons, and the second part he also spent as an unknown person plotting in the dark, afraid of being caught by the shadow swords..." Robin muttered and shook his head, "No Juri, leave him with the red arrow on his head like the rest of them, let him die at the hands of some random soldier as a scared unknown person as he always was."

"Tsk~" Juri folded her arms and looked away.

"Father, are you going to leave the planet's spirit Realm now?" Richard spoke

"Haha what, don't you want to see that old man with you anymore?" Robin patted his son's


"That's not what it is, but... aren't you going to do something about the war? You've been

here for ten whole days..."

Robin laughed and went to continue looking at Jura's image, "Who said I haven't done anything? There's an arrow I fired 17 days ago, it's bound to hit any day now."

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