Long Live Summons

Chapter 890: Water And Fire, Were Never Meant To Mix

Chapter 890: Water And Fire, Were Never Meant To Mix

The Lord of Fire had been very upset these past few days.

The reason was that the arrogant kid and the uncontracted demon wolf with unlimited potential could not be found. Although the Flame Condor, Fuel Bat, and Wildfire Crow under his command have searched every nook and cranny of the dark clouds, they have found nothing. The Lord of Fire was sure that the kid and the wolf were both hiding in the clouds, but they just couldn’t seem to be found.

The searching expedition over the Sea of Flames also ended in failure.

His Battle Beasts such as the Volcanic Whale, the odd-faced fishman, and the Deep Sea Fire Dragon Eel did not find any traces of their enemies.

It was almost as if the arrogant kid had never shown up… However, when the Lord of Fire pictured his opponent’s face, he gritted his teeth with hatred. At the most optimum timing, the prey that was almost similar to a cooked duck and was about to die tragically by his own hands, had actually flown away.

This kind of behavior was like a slap in the face and was absolutely unbearable by the Lord of Fire. He hated himself for not putting his entire force into that last attack.

At that time, all he needed to do was to use all his strength and do his best to deliver a fatal blow.

By then, his enemy would be obliterated to the point where the faintest traces of Yue Yang would cease to exist!

Unfortunately, the possibility of killing the enemy within seconds had been missed, destined to be impossible.

“Boy, you better not let this Lord encounter you again. Otherwise, I will stop at nothing to kill you!” The Lord of the Fire could only express his infuriated words of anger in his heart. Without the enemy or a target, he couldn’t do anything even if he had all the power in the world.

“Caw, caw, caw…”

Both of the Level 2 Heaven Ranked Wildfire Crows flew back suddenly with a little panic.

What’s going on?

Did you find that arrogant kid and that demon wolf?

The Lord of Fire was overjoyed. It would be fine with him even if Yue Yang had left; however, missing out the chance to approach the Divine Beast Hui Tai Lang which had no contract would have pained him desperately. At that time, if the Lord of Fire didn’t pretend to be so forceful and didn’t use the Volcanic Whale to contain him, things might be different. He should have used his utmost strength to severely injure Hui Tai Lang and capture the demon wolf, which he would take his own sweet time to subdue him with a plan afterwards— that would have been a better outcome compared to his current situation!

Towards the southeast, around 2000 kilometers away, the enemy was found.

This was the intelligence report brought back by the two panicked Wildfire Crows.

Regarding the timidness of these two Wildfire Crows that made them appear like mere fidgeting mice, the Lord of Fire became a bit speechless. What was there to be afraid of? As long as they were in the Sea of Flames and in his own domain, they could be slowly resurrected should they be killed. His own domain was none other than a resurgence domain— the greatest blessings towards all of the fire-attribute beasts in the world!

Of course, the Lord of Fire also knew that the combination of Yue Yang and Hui Tai Lang would not be easy to deal with. It would be normal for both the Wildfire Crows to lose.

Moreover, the other party also has a Chaotic Ghost. If it were not for the fact of having the same fire attributes and the infinite recovering ability of the Sea of Flames, the two Wildfire Crows of a mere 2nd Level of the Heaven Rank probably wouldn’t even have been able to return. The Lord of the Fire was not too anxious as he had already found the enemy.

Kid, you can’t live in the air forever, right? Besides, you’re surrounded by volcanic ash, so I don’t think you’d be able to hold your breath for your entire lifetime.

The Volcanic Whale, fishman and the Fire Dragon Eel formed a semi-circle. Dozens of volcanic spirits that have just reached the Heaven Rank also formed a large net, ready to encircle the enemy. The Lord of Fire brought the Flame Condor himself and recalled the Fuel Bat. Under the leadership of the Wildfire Crows, he set off to the southeast. This time, he was ready to entirely annihilate the enemy. Even if the demon wolf refused to surrender, he would kill the opponent and would not let the enemy escape for a second time from his own hands. Although the Lord of Fire had a great mindset, he was extremely angry when he saw Yue Yang and Hui Tai Lang, deeply regretting the fact that he didn’t finish the two annoying brats off in seconds during their first encounter!

But what greeted the eyes of the Lord of Fire was a vast sea.

That’s right, it was the sea.

The sky seemed to have a big hole pierced through it. A waterfall of several thousand meters high and 100 meters wide rushed straight down from the dark clouds, causing earth-shattering tremors.

The Sea of Flames that were initially situated within 20 kilometers had now become a vast ocean. The boiling lava has cooled down into black reefs or small islands. There were also places where the residual heat had not extinguished. It looked like it was in a volcanic state and appeared to be cooling off, but the midsections were desperately billowing with smoke.

It was pouring with rain in a larger area.

Nearly a hundred kilometers in the periphery, a cycle of water and fire was formed.

As it rained, the water turned into water vapor when heated. Then, it rose to the sky again before descending.


There were bursts of lightning and thunder.

When the golden lightning tore through the black and heavy clouds and dropped the torrential rain that had never been seen since the formation of the Sea of Flames, the heart of Lord of Fire seemed to be torn in the same way. He didn’t understand where this kid got so much water from, or why hadn’t the water disappeared in this fiery world and turned into fire energy. Originally, even if the speed was slow, all this water energy would have transformed into fire energy as it was basically the law of the formation of the Sea of Flames World— an irreversible existence.

The Lord of Fire couldn’t figure out how all this happened, but he didn’t think much about discovering the truth now; he just wanted to find Yue Yang and put him to death immediately.

His heart could no longer take the agony of waiting, even if it was one more second.

“Spread out!”

The entire Sea of Flames World spewed several thousand meters of molten lava into the sky under the Lord of Fire’s hand gesture.

The heavy rainfall at a normal temperature was nothing compared to these molten smelt that were thousands of degrees high in temperature.

A thousand-meter-long molten lava, like a ski trail, swept across the lake behind the curtain of rain that was dozens of kilometers wide. It directly paved a blazing lava avenue on the Sea of Flames that had gradually cooled its surface.

The Lord of Fire angrily stepped onto this burning trail. The Volcanic Whale moved a little slower and did not keep up with him in time, but the fishman with a strange face seized this opportunity and rushed to the forefront. Spouting the same kilometer-long molten slurry, it formed a road for the Lord of Fire to walk on. Its speed of emitting the trail was very fast, but the scale was much smaller. It often jets three or four times before it could barely allow the Lord of Fire to slide on it.

When it reached the edge of the vast ocean lake, it found that no matter how many times it vomited, the water surface would not give way to its fire.

The vast water energy made its efforts seem like a clay-sculpted cow falling into the sea[1].

Note: [1] Unable to return, or fruitless efforts. A cow made of clay would just sink and mold into the water.


The Lord of Fire was completely angry and furious.

Not only did the arrogant kid didn’t hide, but he dared to trick him from right under his nose— it was a sin worthy of death!

He raised its arms angrily towards the sky, causing the small island that had gradually cooled and turned into an extinct volcano erupted. The power of the explosion shook the entire surface of the water and set off thousands of meters of turbulent waves on the surface. The large amounts of lava sprayed out like a monster vomiting, flipping and twisting in midair before falling into the water. Then, under the control of the unmatched spirit of the Lord of Fire, it turned into a pillar of igneous pier.

As soon as these igneous piers entered the water, they quickly became cold and hardened, turning into stone.

However, more high-temperature lava splashed up from behind, forming a huge and wide lava bridge on top of them.

The strange-faced fishman saw that there was an opportunity for providing meritorious service, so it spit out desperately to aggravate the formation of the lava bridge deck. The Flame Condor and the Wildfire Crows circled the huge waterfall that descended from the sky at high speed, intending to find the source of the water to help their owner to block it.


Several sparks of purple lightning crackled in the sky.

They directly clashed against the heads of the Flame Condor and the Wildfire Crows, completely blasting them away.

It turned out that the Flame Condor that was at a Level 3 of the Heaven Rank that wouldn’t bother to bat an eyelash against normal lightning attacks, ended up having its body singed into a hue of black as it wailed in pain and tumbled, feathers scattering all over the place. The two Level 2 Heaven Ranked Wildfire Crows were in a worse position. They never intended to brave themselves to get close to the high-altitude waterfall, but under the orders of their owner, there wasn’t a chance to refuse. They were struck with a flash of electricity and nearly passed out, only regaining some form of will to struggle as their bodies neared the water surface. With their crooked flying postures and the power of purple electric remnants crackling and smoking on their bodies, one could only imagine how much pain they were in.

“Caw, caw, caw!” The two crows just flew back to the lava bridge and fell head-on, almost tumbling into the water out of control.

“F*ck…” The Lord of Fire was so angry that a 10-meter high burst of flame appeared above his head.

“Hey, you’re here? How about it? My swimming pool is doing pretty well, right? Although it’s a bit small, it’s pretty nice to dip yourself in for a bit!” Student Yue Yang flew down from the sky, smiling. He wore an expression of happiness, as if towards an old friend that he hadn’t seen for a long time.

“You think you can keep your life by getting a little bit of stagnant water here?” The Lord of Fire laughed furiously.

“Of course it’s not as simple as keeping me alive. If you don’t mind, I want to make a sea here. When you die, it would be so cool if you can think about being buried through a sea burial. This is not an honor that ordinary people can enjoy. Normally, you must be a sailor or a pirate to have such burials; so when a passerby like you would stroll into the depths of the afterlife like a veteran army gets a sea burial, you have me to thank! “Yue Yang’s face portrayed the, “It’s for your own good,” expression, as if he was the legendary good samaritan man who liked to be nosy but also enjoyed involving himself in others’ affairs.

“Hmph, you don’t have that chance!” The Lord of Fire felt that even if he was mentally disabled, he wouldn’t let this kid continue to pour water into his Sea of Flames.

“Hmph, hmph!” Hui Tai Lang replied with two scoffs.

“Hmm! Then let’s try…” Yue Yang also joined in on the fun. Princess Qian Qian saw that this pair of living treasures were way too outrageous. Even after conversing for such a long time, they only spewed nonsense and hadn’t even gotten to the actual topic. Hence, she lifted her leg and kicked Yue Yang and Hui Tai Lang into the water one after the other. Princess Qian Qian had always let her actions do the talking, not speaking of any sort of nonsense at all. The Prison Emperor’s Divine Sword was held in her hand as the divine power field fully erupted, causing four forces to appear around her at the same time. The power of the Azure Dragon Saint Force was intertwined in the sky like a grid of electrical networks, whereas the Vermilion Bird Saint Force brimmed with anger from behind her; the Black Turtle Saint Force made the entire world bask in the cold as the White Tiger Saint Force and her White Tiger Holy Beast were doubly blessed, which made the power of the Prison Emperor’s Divine Weapon explode to the extreme.

“W-what?” The Lord of Fire was both shocked by the Divine Sword, which was one of the Six Divine Weapons, in the hands of Princess Qian Qian. He was also afraid of the display of this horror that made him reminisce of the past—the time when his own friend used the Six Divine Weapons to defeat him and killed the Giants of the Heaven Realm.

“Flash, Azure Dragon Power!”

Princess Qian Qiam shouted, as if it was the cries of the army on a battlefield.

As soon as the Divine Sword was cut down, the world was also eclipsed. Even the strong strange-faced fishman and Volcanic Whale were shocked and scurried off to hide, not daring to face the wrath of the Divine Sword’s deadly slash!

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