Long Live Summons

Chapter 932: Unforgivable Vengeance

Chapter 932: Unforgivable Vengeance

“The truth of the endless wars in Heavenly Splendour Territory is a story of madness and revenge.”

Ming Ri Hao cleared his throat and told Yue Yang in detail, “Ten thousand years ago, the Heavenly Splendour Territory was just an ordinary area in the Western Heaven Realm and was nothing special. Although the people could not say that they live and work in peace and contentment, it was passable. The rulers inside, except for the Water Palace in the Central Palace being the most powerful, there were the Three Families and the Five Sects. The forces of all parties restrict each other and compete with each other. There have been occasional small frictions over the years, but most of them live in peace. It was not until the appearance of the Conqueror Queen Fei Wen Li that broke the balance. In the next battle in the Conqueror City, the old Domain Emperor of the Heavenly Splendour Territory died on the spot. The Three Families and Five Sects also lost a lot of Generals. Most importantly, the people obtained a piece of news from an unknown source: The Master of the Water Palace, who had always existed as the fair host of all forces, was already fallen for some unknown amount of time, leaving behind only an empty shell of the Water Palace that became a puppet of submission to someone else’s power.”

Yue Yang frowned and tried his best to find any clues, “It’s no accident that the Domain Emperor of the Territory died in battle, but the Master of the Water Palace died early?”

Ming Ri Hao nodded affirmatively, “In order to cover up the news that the Master of the Water Palace has fallen, the Central Palace not only sent a new Master of the Water Palace to sit in, but also sunk the original Water Palace that soared the skies into the ‘White River’ where the sorrowful geese mourn the swallows.”

When Yue Yang heard the name White River, his eyes flashed with questions: Could it be White River City?

He even conjured a map of Heavenly Splendour Territory from the storage ring, turning the pages and checking it out.

Ming Ri Hao waved his hand and laughed, “This map is simply wrong, don’t read it; the real terrain is completely different from the map. White River is far bigger than the one on the map and it is full of twisted Law Power. Above, you guessed right, there is a White River City that you are going to, but White River City is not the Water Palace. The real Water God Palace was sunken into the White River. In order to prevent anyone from detecting it, a dangling continent was buried on it— White River City was built on the dangling continent.”

“The Water God Palace and the death of the Water Palace’s Master— are they related to the Divine Grimoire?” Yue Yang quickly grasped the point.

“I don’t know who came out with the news that the Master of the Water Palace had been secretly executed by the Central Palace because he concealed the Grimoire. And the Master of the Water Temple, who was known for her impartiality in the Heavenly Splendour Territory, before his death, recorded the secrets she knew about in the Water God Palace. In addition, the key to unlock the Water God Palace was sealed in the minds of her two daughters in the form of energy seals. Maybe the Water Palace Master knew that she was going to die very soon and made the necessary preparations.”

“Where are her two daughters?” Yue Yang asked.

“In the battle against the Conqueror Queen 10,000 years ago, the old Domain Emperor was killed and all the secrets could not be covered as they broke out. Even if the new Water Palace Master arrived or sunk the Water God Palace, it would not help. In the Heavenly Splendour Territory, about 9,000 years ago, a pair of twin sisters suddenly appeared. They were beautiful in appearance and looked exactly the same, but their personalities were completely the opposite. The elder sister was very quiet, kind, helpful, and polite to the opposite sex, but she was very wary and vaguely refused the men that attempted to pursue her. Her younger sister had no scheming properties, was mischievous, loved to laugh, full of energy and liked to tease people, but she had no malice as she was just like a happy and carefree elf. If her older sister wasn’t there to protect her, this little sister would have no way to survive in the cruel world of the jungle.”

“At this time, the three best young men in the Three Families and the Five Sects all fell in love with them… To be precise, they all fell in love with the beautiful and kind elder sister. At first, people did not realise that this pair of twin sisters were the two daughters of the former Water Palace Master, but with the persecution of the new Water Palace Master, the heads of the Three Families and the Five Sects all knew the secret but left them to fend for themselves without helping. The three were enraged, so they left their families and brought their supporters to fight it out with the new Water Palace Master together.”

“This battle was estimated to have lasted for three years. In the end, the strongest young man that the elder sister liked died on the spot. The remaining two were also seriously injured and were on the verge of death.”

“Maybe they were worried about having regrets after death. The two of them confided their love to the elder sister one after another. When the younger sister found out, she was very sad. The three elder brothers all loved her sister, but none of them liked her, and that made her feel extremely sad. Especially her favourite second brother’s rejection, who had always regarded her as a younger sister, became a fact that she could not accept.”

“In order to make her sister happy, the elder sister made the first sacrifice. She decided to pretend to be her sister and leave with the corpse of the first man who had died in battle, whereas she would pretend to be her and marry the second brother whom she liked. When the little sister heard about this method, she cried a lot but in the end, for the love she wanted to pursue in her heart, she still obeyed her sister’s words. In order to pursue happiness, she decided to change her original sunny and lively character into someone who pretended to be gentle and calm, imitating her sister with all her might. When she wanted to marry the second brother, he naturally became ecstatic while the third brother was extremely desolate as he left without waiting for his injury to heal.”

Yue Yang listened to it for a long time and felt that if Aunt Qiong Yao wrote this play, how many tears would be shed?

He guessed that the paper towel manufacturer would die of laughter.

Of course, this was not the end of the story.

On the contrary, this was just the beginning of the real tragedy!

“The second brother and younger sister got married and lived happily together, soon having a baby. But the sweet life after marriage made the sister a little ecstatic and her original personality emerged. She was revealing some of her flaws and the second brother noticed the abnormality. If the second brother acquiesced and continued, then the happiness would continue, but the second brother found himself deceived and became furious. Despite the pleas and sobs of the younger sister, he left the house in search of the real sister,” Ming Ri Hao’s voice gradually fell as if he couldn’t bear to tell the tragedy that had happened aloud.

“He found her?” Yue Yang asked again.

“Yes, he found her. The older sister was training the eldest brother’s younger brother, hoping that this young man would be as brave as his elder brother and revive the glory of their family. After searching hard,the second brother finally found the elder sister with someone who looked like the elder brother. The second brother, who thought that the eldest brother was not dead and was living with the elder sister, assumed that they deceived him. So he became furious, lost control of his emotions, refused to accept any explanation and insisted on attacking. The men swung their swords towards each other… In the end, he killed the man who was striving hard to follow the steps of his deceased elder brother. In order to save the last bloodline in the eldest brother’s family, the elder sister used her own life and sacrificed for the second time in exchange for the life of the younger brother.”

“The third brother was heartbroken when he heard the news. The new Water Palace Lord then transformed into the third brother’s appearance and killed the remorseful second brother. Then, he pretended to be the younger brother of the first man and took the baby.”

“In order to save her husband’s life, even if he didn’t love her, the younger sister willingly sacrificed her own life to bring the second brother back to life. The rational second brother who washed the hatred and remorse away, found the third brother who didn’t know the inside story. They drew their swords to face each other again until the two of them were beaten and wounded. When they were about to die together, the new Water Palace Master who pretended to be the eldest brother appeared. He took the two prisoners and tortured them by all means, intending to ask them about the secret of the Divine Grimoire. The real younger brother of the first man who was saved, broke into the new Water Palace and found the ‘enemy’s daughter’ who was still being swaddled. In the end, he did not have the heart to kill the baby and adopted it. He fell in love with this grown daughter, got married with her and she gave birth to a pair of twin sisters.”

“After the second and third brothers escaped from prison, a thousand years have passed. They each prepared plans for revenge. The third kept his name incognito for many years, worked hard and prepared to find the new Water Palace Master for a decisive battle. The second brother, who let hatred and anger cover his mind, didn’t know that he was deceived. He found the eldest brother who ‘killed himself’ and the enemy who ‘snatched’ his daughter. The most tragic thing was that he could not distinguish the difference between his wife and his daughter and thought that his wife had betrayed him. With a full blow, he killed his daughter and the enemy under the sword together.”

“The Master of the Water Palace succeeded in his trick and was very proud. He robbed the twin sisters again, imprisoned them as slaves and focused on finding the secrets of the Divine Grimoire in the two girls. His son, however, did not agree with his father’s actions at all. He released the two daughters privately and finally married the beloved younger sister. The angry New Water Palace Master killed his son as the younger sister took her son to escape. Finally, the grandson of the new Water Palace Master grew up and became the Domain Emperor named Vengeance Domain Emperor. He angrily declared war on his grandfather and also fought against the second brother, ‘Rage Domain Emperor’ who caused the whole tragedy back then.”

“On the other hand, the elder sister who escaped from captivity was rescued by the son of the old Domain Emperor. She found the Divine Grimoire in the imprint of her inheritance and the Divine Grimoire being mentioned in the ancestor records. She obtained the broken Godhead from the Divine Grimoire. After that, she returned to Heavenly Splendour Territory in a demigod form, becoming very powerful and unparalleled. She was kind and gentle like the grandmother who sacrificed silently and she decided to resolve this hatred and let it end.”

“However, when she wanted to completely integrate the incomplete Godhead, her husband who had been calculating this moment for a long time, the son of the old Domain Emperor, attacked her and she fell. Most of her energy was taken away by her husband and he suddenly became the third Domain Emperor of the Heavenly Splendour Territory. The Emperor-level powerhouse, known as the ‘Sacred Light Domain Emperor’.”

“The Vengeance Domain Emperor and the Rage Domain Emperor were desperate to kill the Sacred Light Domain Emperor and the new Palace Master of the Water Palace. They themselves have wounds that could never be healed and hatred that would never be forgiven… In the beginning of the Heavenly Splendour Territory, it was a personal battle between the Vengeance Domain Emperor and the Rage Domain Emperor. Later, because of the birth of the Sacred Light Domain Emperor, the Heavenly Splendour Territory completely became a dead place caught in a melee. For 3000 years, this kind of battle had never been forgiven by either as the hatred never subsided. You may have heard of some of the things that developed later, so I won’t talk about it.”

After Ming Ri Hao finished speaking, he exhaled for a long time, as if he was about to spit out the depression he had accumulated in his heart.

Yue Yang was silent for a long time.

He suddenly said, “No, even if the news of the Divine Grimoire was confirmed, there is still an important person. Why didn’t he show up in the end? That third brother? Wasn’t he working hard? Wasn’t he going to fight with the new Water Palace Master? Why has he remained silent?”

Ming Ri Hao was also silent for a long time before sighing, “Because, he was later sealed in the Prison Emperor’s Palace and was not to be seen for 6000 whole years.”

Yue Yang was stunned.

He opened his mouth so wide that he could fit a fist into it, and after a long while he clapped his leg and laughed, “Damn it, it turns out that the third brother who worked so hard to get nothing from the beginning to the end is you?”

Ming Ri Hao was furious and almost wanted to raise his hand and slap the unsympathetic guy to death.

Did you think I wanted that sad fate?

That’s a trick of fate!

The more Yue Yang thought about it, the more he laughed; the more he laughed, the louder he burst into tears.

It wasn’t until Ming Ri Hao was so angry that he threw a glass of wine on his head that he barely stopped smiling. He tried his best to suppress it and pretended to be sympathetic and comforted him, “Forget it, two-legged toads are hard to find and there are many two-legged women. Yes, if you don’t have it, just look for it. In the first love of the young, it’s normal to sort of make love a little bit as long as you don’t have to do it for the rest of your life. Anyways, just find another girl!”

Ming Ri Hao’s anger value reaches at least one million— was that meant to be comforting?

At the end, Yue Yang tried his best to hold back his smile and said, “Old Hao, I understand why no one saw you in the first place. Just look at you, you have grown into such a stupid and dense appearance. It’s strange if a woman likes you…”

Ming Ri Hao could’t hold back his anger anymore as he was so done with the kid’s bullsh*t. Grabbing Yue Yang’s collar, he hoisted the boy up to ten metres in the air and stared at him with bull’s eyes, “Do you want to die?”

Yue Yang hurriedly shook his head. People who were brokenhearted were not easy to mess with, let alone a hard-pressed uncle who had been broken-hearted for thousands of years. Who knew if this hard-to-please uncle would overstimulate himself and cry on the spot. If that was the case, it would be terrible… When Yue Yang thought of this, he broke out in cold sweat and quickly smiled, “Old Hao, it doesn’t matter if you broke up? What does a broken love look like? You sing songs! ‘Break up is a cold, just eat some Xin Fu Cold Medicine and everything will be…’[1] cough, cough, I forgot, there is no Xin Fu Cold Medicine here… Well, let’s do this. I have a few pig friends that I can introduce you to. It is said that they have a princess who is fat and strong with a heroic and unparalleled personality. Although she eats a lot, she has a good temper. She is never a picky eater and is a first-class girlfriend! The most important thing is that the figure of Her Royal Highness matches you very well, so it’s like a match made in heaven!”

T/: Note:[1] It’s the lyrics to a promotional ad for a song about cold medicine in China.

The veins on Ming Ri Hao’s forehead jumped violently, making a crackling sound.

He had a darkened face.

Angrily, his voice was squeezed between his teeth, “Have you said enough, kid?”

Just when Ming Rihao, the hard-pressed uncle, was about to tear down the ribs of this nasty boy, there was a sudden commotion outside and the sound spread through the city like a hurricane.

“The Liberty Queen has been caught? Really? There’s no way!”

“Really, it is said that Six Feudal Lords and 12 Heaven Rankers were dispatched before they successfully rounded her up.”

“Impossible, there must be a traitor who betrayed her. Otherwise, no amount of people will be able to catch the Liberty Queen. Damned traitor, I want to kill him!”

Hear the name of the Liberty Queen.

The anger on Ming Ri Hao’s face suddenly subsided.

Yue Yang took the opportunity to break free and looked at the expression of the hard-pressed uncle before he flew closer to the window to take a look. He found that the hungry people and the poor mercenaries were all panic-stricken and desperate while the rich and the guards were full of joy and enthusiasm. It was crazy as it managed to form two diametrically opposed expressions. However, the opposition was still not right— one was still Heaven and one was still hell.

He asked tentatively, “Hard-pressed uncle, this Liberty Queen, is that, ahem, the descendant of your first love?”

Ming Ri Hao punched him fiercely and beat Yue Yang directly to the ground, “Don’t call me hard-pressed uncle again! Damn it, I shouldn’t have told you the truth. You’re a kid that never keeps secrets!”

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