Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 19: Arsenal check.

Case 19: Arsenal check.

There are only 2 days left until the departure. We've been preparing for this operation for over 4 years now.

By 'we', I mean the servants and officials of our kingdom. Really, the three of us have nothing to do except training and playing.

Most of the normal rescues and assassinations will be done by the S.D. squad and the combatants that are already in the capital.

From what Dad said I can probably guess that the three of us will need to take out Advance or even Master level individuals.

We all got our combat abilities measured around a month ago. The criteria for each combat class are different, for mages like me they evaluate everything related to mana: Control, casting speed, release capacity, affinity to different magic types,... My most powerful magic is telekinesis, as expected.

I barely got 1-star Master, which means I can legally call myself an Archmage, yay. Dad told me that it's going to get much harder to advance further from here though, but I got enough time on my hand, no worries.

For melee classes like Emy's or Liana's though, most of the time their CQC skills and how they utilize mana into combat will be evaluated.

Emy and Liana are now 3 and 5-star Advance, respectively. Apparently, high elves are all this strong, Liana is on the high end of her level as well, which means she'll be a Master soon enough.

Well, aside from that, now we're sitting here in Dad's office. We came in a little bit earlier.

After the intense threesome a week ago, they had to go back to their home to prepare their own things, like clothing, spare weapons, spare gemstones, etc. 

They only came back 2 days ago and have since stayed here in our castle. Through 2 whole nights of fucking, I realized that they really love deepthroating and cumming inside me, and Liana somehow really got into paizuri as well. I guess I'm glad I can use my breasts for something now.

Anyway, the reason why we're here is because Dad called us for some final plan checks and to make sure everything is right.

Sitting on one of the couches with my girlfriends, I take a look at the opposite couch over the antique wooden table.

There I can see Dad, Adam - the captain of S.D, and one more middle-aged man I've only met a few times.

He's the Minister of Foreign Affairs - Count Julius Nixon. This man had been working for the royal family even before Dad ascended the throne. He's a veteran.

This time, he will be accompanying us to the capital as well. Because we're just barely adults and inexperienced, he'll be the one who actually negotiates all the trades and policies.

After sipping the tea a bit, Dad opens his mouth: ''So you all will be traveling by cars, I've prepared a few of them already. You girls will ride one car, I'll let Justia drive it for you.

The squad will have 3 more cars and they will go together with you for a while, then when all of you get out of the elven territory, they will break up with you guys and go for another route, just so there's no suspicion.

Remember that Adam, Justia, and a few other S.D. members will act as your bodyguards, so treat them appropriately.''

Three of us nod to his words.

''Try to settle in the capital first, your targets will need to be investigated for a while more and we need more planning as well. Just focus on finding out more about the powers of the Empire for the time being. You can enjoy the academy experience as well.''

''Mhmm, what are we really supposed to do in the academy though?'' I ask, I honestly don't know what am I supposed to do in the academy, do I just become a student there?

''Well, first of all, your official positions will be temporary exchange students, but in reality, you'll have the freedom to do whatever you want. You can attend whatever lectures you want, and you can access most facilities as well, you have no obligation either.''

''That's great, I don't think we're weak enough to actually learn from those humans anyway.'' Liana says with a small nod.

''That's right, you guys are not weak enough for that, there's practically no human of your age that can match a high elf's strength anyway. There's just, a lot more of them compared to us.''

''On that note, most of the students there are sons and daughters of noble families, so maybe try to befriend some of the good ones, you can get information out of them as well. But of course, you don't have to.''

''That's fine by me.'' I reply.

After that, we talked some more about the plan and checked the preparations for the 4 days long journey.

Another two nights of fucking passed, and today's the day. 

I'm not complaining, but I really wonder why they are this horny all the time. When I asked that, they told me that they're almost always horny every day, just, usually they would jerk off alone, but now they have me so they just use me instead, fair enough. Those are insane libidos though.

Wait, how are they gonna endure it while traveling then? It's 4 whole days. I'm worried.

But regardless, we're now in the back seat of a black car parked in front of our castle gate. This time it's not a roofless car anymore, and the engine is now running on gas, thanks to all the blueprints I gave the researcher almost a decade ago, it still uses some magic, though. The car we're in now has been modified for traveling, so the seats we're sitting on right now are adjustable, they can be lowered to create a flat surface, almost like a bed.

The windows are open, on one side is my mom and dad, another side is old Abe and Marchioness Seymour. They're seeing us off right now.

''Remember, your safety is the most important, I trust you can judge for yourself when to fight and when to run away, baby. I want to see my grandchildren.'' Mom says, raising her index finger.

"Hm, hm.'' Dad nods along as well.

''I won't do anything reckless, don't worry.'' I smile in response.

After a lot of naggings and goodbyes, everyone in the operation got into their car, Justia climbed into our driver seat, and we're now off to the capital.

While the wheels are rolling, I want to check all my guns again before we reach the capital, so I turn the switch to lower the adjustable seats behind us and start to take out my guns.

I've made a lot of guns throughout the years. The first one I made is the .357 revolver right here, and then the Desert Eagle I made when I was 13.

Next is the Glock, an MP7 and an M14 as well. Then I have the beautiful Hecate II. I don't have a whole lot of guns, because it took me quite a lot of time to mass-produce guns for my friends and family, as well as the squad. 

I'll have to make more guns when I'm in the capital. Let's see, I don't have a shotgun yet, or a machine gun. Hmm, but I think I want to make the Kriss Vectorhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KRISS_Vector next, I like the idea of dual wielding it with the MP7.

Then I move on to ammunition, I have around a thousand normal bullets of different calibers, 110 rounds of super AP, 70 rounds of explosive, 200 rounds of ghost, I gave a lot of these to the squad already, and a number of some weird experimental tips that I made, and finally, 3 tips of 'Gungnir'.

I wonder if I can shoot the Gungnir again somehow in the capital...

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