Living in a Class-Based World

Chapter 6 Housework Service ①

Chapter 6 Housework Service ①

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I-I look forward to working with you today.

The pleasure is on my side.

On the next day, Lisa visited Yuutas room at 10 a.m. Just as her profile had promised, Lisa was a whopping J-Cup. With her white tank-top and black, tightly-fit leggings, she had opted for sportswear that would allow her to move without hindrances.

The service activity began with a greeting from Lisa who looked somewhat tense. At first, her smile was a bit stiff as she began with the cleaning, but as Yuuta kept interacting with her politely while smiling, her tension gradually faded, and she started to smile naturally.

Were you nervous?

Y-Yes. I am terribly sorry. Ummit is my first time for someone to kindly accept my Housework Service request

Isnt it the first time for most of the people who do Housework Services like you, Lisa-san?

If you considered the ratio of men and women in this world, itd be questionable whether a woman would have her Housework Service request accepted even once in a lifetime.

Y-You got a point there, butif you dont hail from a high family, its not said that youll get a chance to come in contact with a man even once in your life.

High family?

Ah, Im talking about the women who became a mans lover or wife and gave birth to his children.

Heeh, so theyre called high families, huh?

Yuuta had no way of knowing things Yuuta-kun didnt. As such, Yuuta kept learning new things through his conversation with Lisa, who had started to prepare lunch after finishing the cleaning in around one hour.

I hear in the past it had become a custom to call families with women, who married a man, adopted his family name, and gave birth to his children, as high families. Nowadays, the number of women calling themselves high family after giving birth to a mans children as his lovers without having married him is growing. But, both of them are being categorized as high families.

I see. I didnt know. So both types are regarded as high families, huh?

Yes. But, some friction has built up between these two types of high families. The older high families, where the women have received their husbands surname as wives, seem to shun lovers calling themselves high family.

You mean like theyre claiming to be the one and only true type of high family?

Since a high family indicates women who have received their husbands family name, a mans lovers arent high family by definition, even if they gave birth to his children, or so they claim.

Okay, I understand. If you consider it like this, their argument sounds reasonable.

Yes. The girlfriend-only women havent contested the claims of the old high families either, because it is a fact that they havent received their husbands family name. But, then those women apparently started to redefine the meaning of high family, insisting that theyre the mans real partners since they truly comfort him unlike the wieves..

Truly comforting a man?

Probably because his confusion had shown on his face, Lisa continued her explanation, Many of the high family women, who manage to marry a man, come from very affluent family lineages. The girlfriends seem to believe that the women of high families buy their marriages with their wealth, and that theyre the ones being truly loved by the men

OkaaaayI see, there exist all kinds of circumstances.

So it seems. An ordinary citizen like me doesnt know the full account behind these things, but given that its easier to receive services as youre trusted by men, if youre part of a high family, I think the girlfriends want to call themselves high family so as to make it possible for their daughters to receive services.

Ordinary women believed that daughters of high families were treated favorably by men because of their family lineage which had already built a relationship of mutual trust with other men.

But, Im very happy that I was able to have you accept my Housework Service like this, Yuuta-sama. It makes me think that its great for me to be nothing more than an ordinary citizen.


Ahummp-please forgive me!


Lisa had prostrated in front of Yuuta, causing her huge breasts to get squished between her knees.

If its like this, even a kowtow can become somewhat erotic, huherr, thats not the problem here!

Lisa-san, please raise your head. Whats wrong all of sudden?

U-Umm, just now I said something very inappropriateI am terribly sorry. By no means did I intend to demean or slight you, Yuuta-sama.


I said that its great for me to be an ordinary citizen. That isthe Service requests of high family womengoing by your ageyou wont be able to receive them below D-Rank, Yuuta-sama.

Oh, I get it.

Yuuta somehow grasped what Lisa wanted to say. In short, the man had to be excellent to be allowed to accept a high familys Service request.

In reality, an F-Rank junior high first-year, who had assigned a rank to them for the first time, could receive a high familys Service request. But, as a second-year, theyd need to be an E-Rank. And as third-year, a boy wouldnt be able to accept such a request unless they were D-Rank.

Its definitely not a world where men are unilaterally treated favorably. Basically, society tells the men to be superb if they want to accept Services from high families.

Of course, high family Service requests were out of reach for Yuuta as an F-Rank. He assumed that no high family Service requests would be shown on his tablet, even if he searched for them.

In that case, it means that, huh? The elites, who became D-Rank during the rank exam at the end of junior highs second year, will preferentially accept high familys Service requests when they enter their third year. If you pass your first and second year at junior high normally, you wont be able to receive any high family Service requests, so from the standpoint of high family women, theyre most likely aiming for the elites among the boys who begin their third year.

Dont worry about it, Lisa-san. I dont mind it. Its a fact that Ive been skipping on my responsibilities up until now. So its a logical outcome for me to be an F-Rank right now. Besides, I can have you service me like this because Im an F-Rank, so Im happy as well.

Y-Yuuta-sama! Lisa lifted her face which had become slightly teary-eyed despite blooming into a bright smile.

Believing that he managed to close the distance between them, Yuuta rejoiced and continued chatting about all kinds of things with her afterwards. This allowed him to compensate for the lacking parts of Yuuta-kuns knowledge.

How about lunch now?

The clock had just hit 12 a.m.

Youre right. Please go ahead.

Ill prepare it right away.

Oh, right. Wont you eat together with me, Lisa-san?

Ehh!? Lisa froze in surprise.

His words made her so happy that they transformed in her mind to having been invited to a lunch date with my boyfriend.

The women never ate lunch together with the men during a Housework Service. Hence, Lisa had prepared a box lunch for herself, and moreover one consisting of sandwiches which could be eaten in short time. She had planned to quickly wolf down her lunch in a private location while Yuuta was eating his lunch.

Its such a rare opportunity. Oh, but if you dislike eating with me, I wont force you or anything like that.

T-T-Thats out of the question! Theres no way that Id dislike it! It makes me extremely happy! U-Umm, is it truly alright for me to eat with you?

Yes. I enjoy eating with others over eating myself.

All hail God, shouted Lisa in her heart. She was able to eat lunch with a man sitting opposite of her at the same table. And although she regretted only now that she hadnt prepared something lovelier and more elaborate than sandwiches for her boxed lunch, her good luck still continued.

Oh, sandwiches.

Yes, its slightly embarrassing, but I aimed at something that could be eaten easily. Usually I prepare proper boxed lunches, though.

Sandwiches taste well, so I do like them. Would it be fine for me to take a bite?

Eh!? O-Of course! As much as you like!

Oki, then Ill go with this.


Yuuta had reached for the sandwich Lisa had put down after biting into it. Naturally, this was intentional as he felt a tad mischievous while enjoying Lisas reactions.

Mmhh, delicious! Lisa-san, your dishes are all wonderful.

T-Thank you so much.

With her face beet red, Lisas eyes were glued to Yuutas hand even as she felt her body temperature rising. Yuuta had bitten into the sandwich she had eaten moments ago. And Yuutas hand returned the sandwich into her lunch box.

Thats an indirect kiss, isnt it? Yuuta-sama already shared an indirect kiss with me, but if I eat that sandwich, Ill also share a

Lisa excitedly stared at the sandwich that still had one or two bites left. Her eyes were pinned on the part of the sandwich where Yuuta had bitten into.

She was conflicted. Normally, shed love to eat it at this very moment. But, she also wanted to take it back home as heirloom.

Yuuta cheerfully watched Lisa trembling as she wavered whether to eat it or take it back home. And then he got an urge to tease her even further.

Huh? Lisa-san, youre not going to eat it? Then Ill eat the rest.

Bon appetite!

Lisa tossed the whole sandwich into her mouth at lightning speed.

After finishing the enjoyable lunch time, Yuuta informed Lisa that hed take his online course in his study during the afternoon.

Since Ill use the afternoon for my online classes, Ill leave the cleaning of the other rooms to you.

Yes, of course.

It pleased Yuuta that Lisa was making it clear through her attitude and big smile that she had a good opinion of him. He suspected that her nervousness at the beginning didnt solely stem from it being her first Service.

Im sure she must have been worried what kind of guy a shut-in F-Rank trash would be. After all, I cant expect that she didnt feel anxious about the possibility of being tormented or showered with insults. But, now that weve become so close, I think itll be alright. Besidesthe really fun starts from here.

Ah, I think Ill take a shower before that, though. Somehow I feel sweaty.

Eh? Oh, o-okay. A-A shower, it is.

Sorry for increasing the amount of laundry to be done.

No, no! Rather, Im happyerr, its nothing. P-Please take your time.

Laundry was done automatically in this world. Then again, this was only normal since housework was handled by autonomous robots.

Completely different from Yuutas previous world, the device called washing machine was installed in the wall of the dressing room. If you placed your dirty laundry into the box there, the machine would automatically wash it, dry it, and put it back on the shelf or closet. Washing laundry by having it tossed around inside a washing machine, before hanging it up for drying on a verandawasnt a sight youd be able to see in this world.

Because of that, the laundry was often done during the second half of a Housework Service. Rather, if the laundry was put into the laundry box close to the very end of the service period, that part of the Housework Service would be done. The laundry of male underwear, which Lisa had requested, meant shed be allowed to put the male underwear into the laundry box with her own hands.

Men, who hated women touching their underwear even for a second, would refuse the laundry of underwear during a Housework Service.

Yuuta knew about this, but naturally opted against doing anything like that. He couldnt help but have a blast while taking his shower. He knew that Lisa wouldnt have even dreamed of him taking a shower while she was present.

There existed no rule stating that men werent allowed to shower while receiving a womans Housework Service. On the other hand, no woman would write, Id like the man to shower while I do his housework, on the request form either. It was unthinkable for a woman to be able to write something so indecent in a Services request description.

But, that impossible, indecent situation is occurring to her right now and here. Moreover, my underwear is freshly worn!

Yuuta had placed his still warm undershirt and trunks inside the laundry box in the dressing room since he was taking a shower in the bathroom right now. Lisa would pick it up afterwards. Yuuta had lots of fun just imagining how she would react at that time.

Its a bummer that I wont be able to watch it. Should I pretend to go to the toilet and take a little peek? Ill set up a little trick from my side as well. Isnt this what you could call a darling trap instead of a honey trap? Though I dont know whether honey trap is a coined term over here.

The term honey trap existed in this world as well. Unfortunately, the same couldnt be said about darling trap, though. Afterwards, Yuuta would learn about the meaning of honey trap more than hed like to.

Yuuta brushed his teeth while taking his shower. Then he threw the toothbrush, which he had used to thoroughly clean his teeth, into the automatic trash can. Just to take out another, clean toothbrush and use it to lightly brush his teeth. That one he left in the bathroom without throwing it away.

Moreover, he also left the sponge he used to clean his body inside the bathroom.

He didnt know whether Lisa would notice these. Since she had finished cleaning the bathroom in the morning, she had no need to take another look at the bath. But, would Lisa really miss out on taking a peek at the bathroom which Yuuta had used moments ago?

Im pretty sure shell take a look.

This was a situation which would be impossible in Yuutas previous world. And even if it were to happen, the gender roles would be most likely reversed.

Everything should be ready with this. All thats left is the final darling trap, Id say.

The darling trap, a term only Yuuta used  in this world, seemed to have one more stage.


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