Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 87 - 85 Wolves King’s Sense of Smell

Chapter 87: Chapter 85 Wolves King’s Sense of Smell

Translator: 549690339

“Wow, it’s like monitoring a prisoner,” remarked Bi Fang as he patted one of the bodyguards on the shoulder with a jesting tone.

“Mr. Bi, you’ve got it all wrong. If it bothers you, well disappear right away,” the leader of the men shook his head like a rattle-drum, terrified of being misunderstood by Bi Fang.

“No worries, it was just a joke. In fact, 1 should be thanking you for blocking those journalists for me,” seeing the man’s serious expression, Bi Fang felt embarrassed to continue joking and asked directly, “So, had dinner yet?” “Mr. Bi, it’s already one in the afternoon,” the man reminded him.

“Oh, I totally forgot.”

Only now did Bi Fang remember. He had such a great time chatting with Wang Yongbo that lunch had carried on for two hours, long past the usual mealtime.

With that, Bi Fang didn’t stand on ceremony and headed straight back to the hospital.

Poor Wu Mingtao, who had been hungry for quite a while, finally got to have his meal.

Meanwhile, Bi Fang pretended to fiddle with the drone on the side, instructing the system to edit the video footage and send it out through Wu Mingtao’s phone.

As for how the editing was done, he could easily say that he sent it to a friend first, who edited it before sending it back to him.

The drone’s overly smart tracking had led many viewers to believe that he actually had a secret partner controlling it.

This mysterious partner wasn’t just a brilliant shooter but also exceptionally good at video editing, and his live broadcast music was top-notch. He was Master Fang’s good brother, a perfect partner; together, they were a golden duo!

Bi l ang didn’t bother correcting this misunderstanding; instead, he felt it was better to have more people think this way.

Such clever netizens.

At midnight…

Bi Fang glanced at the soundly sleeping Wu Mingtao and quietly sat up, calling out to the system in his mind, and the tech-sawy pale blue interface appeared. He hadn’t forgotten that there was a system reward from the previous day’s hunt that he hadn’t yet claimed.

Now, with the night deep and silent and no doctors or nurses coming to check up, the time was right.

(Ding! Activated by your hunting of the wolf pack, would you like to generate loot?]


Bi Fang quickly scanned through and confirmed with a thought.

The next second, perhaps it was an illusion, but Bi Fang felt his strength surge slightly. It was very subtle, not as pronounced as when he upgraded his physique. Then, he felt a cool foreign object sensation around his neck.

Pulling at his collar and reaching down, he suddenly pulled out a knotted necklace. Taking a closer look, he saw that it had a large fang, about four centimeters long, hanging from it.

He drew the curtains slightly and by the dim moonlight, Bi Fang saw the full appearance of the necklace-a wolf fang.

Under the moonlight’s glow, the wolf fang shone like jade-not only in color but also in texture, which felt like jade to the touch, vastly different from the yellow-tinged teeth he had collected before.

After defeating the wolf pack, Bi Fang had pulled the largest two canines from the dead wolves, intending as gifts for the viewers. Surely, this wasn’t one of them?

With this thought, Bi Fang quietly pulled his backpack beside the bed and counted the teeth inside. None were missing, so this clearly wasn’t one of those; this wolf fang was a system-made item.

The material of the cord was also peculiar, like leather yet sinew, with remarkable tenacity. When he tried to cut it with a knife, not a mark was left behind.

I Ding! You’ve triggered the loot reward passive skill: Wolves King’s Sense of Smell.]

(Wolves King’s Sense of Smell]

Skill introduction: Your sense of smell and ability to differentiate scents will far exceed that of the average person.

Bi Fang was taken aback by this introduction.

What did it mean to exceed the average person by far?

The sparse introduction also filled Bi Fang with confusion, but in the next second, a potent smell of ointment rushed into his nostrils, his mucous membranes instantly assaulted by the strong stimulus. It was like eating a huge spoonful of wasabi -the kind you eat by the bowlful -an electric shock of intense sensation piercing through his entire head.

The feeling could be summed up in one word.



Bi Fang swore under his breath, unable to help it.

“Hm?” Wu Mingtao turned over, his eyes half-open, murmuring, “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“It’s nothing, go back to sleep,” Bi Fang said, while holding back tears and covering his nose, pretending nothing had happened.


Seeing Wu Mingtao lie back down, Bi Fang finally caught his breath.

This was just too damn overwhelming.

Tears brimmed in Bi Fang’s eyes and snot ran uncontrollably down his face, one might think he loves this land deeply.

It took quite an effort to recover a bit, but then even more scents rushed into his nostrils, disregarding whether the channels were willing or not; they barged in first and would deal with the rest later.

The strongest scent was the ointment on his shoulder, followed by the smell of alcohol and disinfectant.

Bi Fang even smelled the odor of sweat on Wu Mingtao.

My God, so overwhelming, too damn overwhelming.

Bi Fang kept grabbing tissues, one handful for snot, another for tears; it took him a whole half hour and a full trash can before he could barely stop.

Tearing the tissue in half, Bi Fang plugged his nostrils before daring to enter the bathroom. Trembling, he turned on the light and saw himself in the mirror, noticing no difference from before; his nose was still the same, not having morphed into the straight nose of a dog.

It seemed the so-called Wolves King’s Sense of Smell was merely a name for the skill, a description, and not an indication that his sense of smell was literally as strong as a wolf’s.

Because whether or not the sense of smell is strong is directly linked to the number of olfactory cells and nerves; although this comparison isn’t accurate, the construction of the human nose means it’s impossible to have a sense of smell like that of a dog’s.

Otherwise, the smell just now might’ve made him faint on the spot.

Even so, Bi Fang would dare to say that his sense of smell is definitely more than ten times that of an average person, based on his comparison with his former self.

Moreover, in the wild, this ability would be extremely useful, enabling him to avoid areas with the scent of blood, so as not to attract the attention of carnivorous animals on the prowl, or even hunt directly by following scents!

In conclusion.

This ability might not skyrocket Bi Fang to the top, but it’s certainly very helpful.

Facing off against that pack of wolves to save people was a huge gain!

The only issue is that his suddenly enhanced sense of smell will need some time to get used to. Otherwise, he might end up tear-filled and with a runny nose from pungent odors just like he did today.

The next day.

Hey? What happened to you? Why is your nose so red?” Wu Mingtao asked early in the morning, noticing Bi Fang’s distinctly red and slightly swollen nose.

“It’s nothing, might be just a cold,” Bi Fang said with a chuckle, his voice nasal.

“If you have a cold, drink more hot water,” Wu Mingtao offered some soul-stirring concern.

Bi Fang nodded, and just then, the doctor came in to check their wounds.

After all, they’d been bitten by wolves, and one couldn’t be too careful with the possibility of serious infection from the wounds.

However, as a female nurse was about to come over and remove the bandages, Bi Fang instinctively ducked out of the way.

This surprised everyone.

Bi Fang’s face flushed with embarrassment; his avoidance had been a reflexive reaction because the nurse’s perfume was so strong it choked him.

“Sorry about that, just got back from the wilderness, kind of a conditioned reflex.” Bi Fang laughed it off in the face of everyone’s puzzled looks, before sitting back down and holding his nose for the nurse to remove the bandage.

Is she disgusted by my smell?

The female nurse seemed a bit miffed at Bi Fang covering his nose and was rougher in her movements.


Bi Fang felt pain in his shoulder and inhaled sharply.

This woman’s being way too petty.

After inspecting Wu Mingtao’s condition, the doctor came over to check Bi Fang’s wounds.

“Huh, it seems to be healing quite nicely?” The doctor expressed his surprise after the examination, noting that not only was the wound not infected or pus-filled, but it was also healing remarkably well.

“It’s the doctor’s great skill,” Bi Fang said with a smile.

But the doctor shook his head: “No, it’s your physique that’s good. The amount you’ve healed in one day is what would take others three days.”

“Still, that’s a good thing. If there are no issues, you can be discharged today. Just make sure you apply medication on time, and don’t forget to get vaccinated.”

“Alright, thank you, doctor.”

The doctor nodded and left with the female nurse.

On the other side, Wu Mingtao sent an envious glance his way..

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