Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 71 - 70: No Way Out

Chapter 71: Chapter 70: No Way Out

Translator: 549690339 |

The situation was obvious, the wolf pack wouldn’t let them off easily.

Large wolf packs usually appeared during the scarce winters to collectively hunt larger prey to survive the harsh season. Moreover, this also resulted in a lower hunting success rate.

Most people believed that the larger the number of individuals in a wolf pack, the easier it should be to hunt, but in fact, when wolves operated alone or in pairs, the prey they hunted was mainly smaller animals and their success rate was higher.

But to reduce hunting frequency and to meet survival needs, large wolf packs often preyed on big game like musk oxen and moose, which actually lowered their success rate.

In nature, a predator failing once may not be impactful, but after several failures, death was what awaited them.

The most direct example was the cheetah, which only had five chances—five failures, and it faced starvation!

Thus, a lower success rate meant the wolf pack would prepare more thoroughly, not striking rashly.

This was why the wolf pack had let Bi Fang and the others go twice.

The first time was the initial encounter, uncertain of the situation, both sides sizing each other up; the second time was when there was internal strife, and the alpha wolf considered the best hunting opportunity lost.

Bi Fang even felt fortunate that he had saved these people. Given how close they were at that time, it showed that he had also entered the territory of the wolf pack. If left alone, the wolf pack would never have been as cautious as they were now.

These were indeed ordinary people who were a hindrance, but it was precisely because of these five individuals that he had the means to confront them, affording him two chances to survive.

But there would not be a third time!

Bi Fang disliked being passive; he preferred to take the initiative.

Humans were much larger than wolves, and apart from biting strength, there was a significant gap in power. The reason why wolves appeared so frightening was entirely due to humans1 long-term pampering and extreme fear of pain.

Humans were afraid of getting hurt, but to take down a wolf unharmed with bare hands was virtually impossible, which was the root of the grave misjudgment people had about wolves.

In nature, size dominance was a significant advantage. As long as one could wield a spear or similar long weapons to prevent the wolf from closing in, humans could very well handle one-on-one or even one-on-two situations against wolves.

“We have to kill them,” Bi Fang looked up at the shocked people and repeated.

“One at a time, target those that are alone. Traps, spears, get everything ready. As long as we can reduce the number of the wolf pack to less than ten, they will no longer be a threat, and I am confident I can lead all of you to escape!”

The online friends felt as if struck by thunder; they had all seen the wolf pack that had just encircled them, finding it hard to imagine how to fend them off. However, some longtime fans were excited.

Watching Bi Fang and others running away all day, they had grown weary; the online friends were looking forward to Bi Fang scaring off the opponent like he had with the bear last time!

“But they will do the same to us!” Zheng Tianfang was very serious. He grew up in Mohe and, since childhood, had heard from the elders how terrifying packs of wolves could be. He also knew that their group couldn’t keep fleeing indefinitely, as that was just a slow death.

Hu Hao and the others were also extremely surprised, utterly at a loss how to counter a whole pack of wolves!

“Then we shouldn’t give them the chance!”

Bi Fang’s words were decisive. He didn’t wait any longer and began looking for straight branches nearby. Using the hunting knife, he chopped them down, intending to turn these branches into weapons to fend off the wolf pack.

One, two, three…

Under the dark night, the clouds dispersed, and a bright full moon rose.

Sparks flew as the wood burned, crackling in the fire.

The five of them sat around the campfire, four shaking with cold while only one young man stood upright; the light elongated his shadow, giving his face an interplay of light and dark with the flickering flames.

He threw the long poles on the ground as if bringing spears to warriors ready for battle.

[Damn, this composition, that’s another wallpaper-quality image]

[What a stunning view!]

[So tough! Master Fang is truly strong!]

[Aren’t wolves protected animals? Is this okay?]

[At a time like this, you’re still worried about protected animals? Are you okay?]

[Start a forest fire! Animals can’t communicate with humans, and I think the government would understand.]

[ What a bad idea from the guy above, you think burning the wolf means humans will be fine? Besides, if we’re not in the forest anymore, wolves won’t stay here either!]

[Ruo Zhuxun sent the host too Wolf Fangs—The host is so cool this round!]

[Plant a Big Tree sent the host a Spaceship*!—Still, better to be careful, right? We can just drag it out, right? Just wait for the rescue team to arrive.]

[Lord Mu sent the host a Spaceship*!—Though it’s better to rely on oneself than to ask for help, it really feels dangerous… but it is cool…]

“Holy shit, hurry, come look!”

In the dormitory, Cao Lifeng shouted excitedly, but the other roommates were somewhat bewildered.

“What’s got into him these past two days, always shouting and yelling at his phone.” The dorm leader pushed his reflective glasses up, bewildered.

Turns out the other roommates were also clueless.

“Watching a live stream!” Seeing his roommates gather around, Cao Lifeng excitedly showed them his phone, wanting to get them to acknowledge how awesome Master Fang was, “This host is just insanely cool, I couldn’t help but tip him a few dozen bucks!”

“Are you insane? You can’t even afford your meals, and you’re tipping?” The dorm leader was shocked—this guy was still asking his family for money yesterday, and now he’s in the mood to tip a host?

“Really, you don’t understand, you’d know if you watched.”

Cao Lifeng shoved his phone into the hands of the dorm leader, and the other guys couldn’t help but crowd around out of curiosity.

“Wolf Fang TV? You’re still using this for streaming?” The dorm leader, taking the phone, was surprised to see the little logo in the top-right corner of the live stream.

It was a platform that had become outdated—with its former glory days behind it, the younger generation had gradually been lured away by Shark and Tiger Fang. Were people still using this?

And even if it once was a big platform, it was now on the decline, so what kind of impressive host could they have?

If they were really that impressive, why not go to Shark or Tiger Fang instead of Wolf Fang?

Wasn’t that just ruining your own prospects?

Thinking this to himself, the dorm leader couldn’t resist Cao Lifeng’s enthusiasm and took a look at the content, but as soon as he saw Bi Fang throw the spear to the ground, his curiosity was piqued.

Huh, this frame… feels even better than a movie. This host is quite interesting.

Seeing the dorm leader’s expression, Cao Lifeng immediately knew he had hooked him.

It was the unique quality of the stream that had first drawn him in, and after learning more about the content, he was so engrossed that he skipped meals just to save money to tip. He didn’t believe the dorm leader wouldn’t be attracted.

And this scene was being repeated in many places across the country, with more and more people being recommended by those around them to watch Bi Fang’s live stream. Perhaps with just one look, their curiosity was captured. After understanding more, they were so hooked they didn’t want to let go— those without Wolf Fang TV even downloaded it.

This is the ultimate collision between man and wolf, a confrontation between lives.

Is it intelligence that has the upper hand, or is it the claws that tear everything apart?

Both sides are seasoned hunters with plenty of experience, but who will prove to be more skilled?

Everyone watched, utterly riveted and highly excited, as a true showdown was about to begin!

In such a situation, even though Bi Fang had a low-profile live stream the previous night, he still received a notification from the system.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the main task one. Rewards will be calculated after all tasks are completed!]

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