Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 211: When did I change? [2/2]

People yearned for meaningful relationships. The safe space where you could be yourself and not be mocked for your weakness.

Most tried to find that piece of heav in their family or frids. But most of the time, only the most intimate relationships got that far.

Relationships were not based on sex alone. Sex was great, but being with people who lifted you up was what made or broke relationships. If you and your partner were just toxic to each other, ev the best sex in the world would not be ough.

Bella, Jo, Jas, Liv, Robyn, Aki and Lilly, somehow these wom became extremely important to me.

Just the memory of their voices and faces was ough to make my veins run with excitemt. Like the nourishing rain after a long drought, my soul became addicted to their affection. And today I finally get to see them again.

Feeling the immse joy in my heart, I tried to control myself.

"Not yet, if I come to find them, I would get lost. First things first. I should buy guns and find a place for the nd Amdmt. Th I can plan to do something for Earl and Noelle."

Buying guns and real estate was easy ough if you had the money. It was times like these that made me grateful to have be born in the USA. I used {code} and checked my currt funds.


Name: Limitless

Rank: Phantom

Soul Capacity : {Fate} /8 | {Kismet} 0/

Souls Available : 89,0 | To evolve: ,000


. {Rewind} | Lvl 4 | Cost: | Owner: Self | Sub: {Reload}, {Reg}, {Replace} (7) Sup: {Save}, {Auto}

{Kindred} : ???????

{Kismet} : N/A

Soulgear: {Honey Trap}


I had a little over 85k in souls before the night started. The nd A and I each got 60k in souls for our split.

We were able to complete 8 dirge sirs. The dirge sir bonuses from them amounted to 36,000 souls. If you add to that the 6,000 I got for killing Rank F's, you get the total I see now.

" Just how much is that in dollars?"

I quickly oped the calculator app on my phone and carefully tered the souls I had with me.

"Let's see, 89,0 multiplied by twty is 3,784,040. Hmm, so I now had almost four million dollars. And if I took a bigger share, my money would be ev bigger."

I took a minute to think, what the hell would I do with four million dollars? It had only be three days and I was literally making millions every night. I could already buy most of the things I had dreamed of before, from a car to gadgets and maybe ev real estate.

Going on a cruise, traveling a the world or ev paying a mortgage would be easy. But was that it? Was that all life had to offer? No wonder rich bastards threw money at the dumbest things. Wh you were on top, nothing seemed interesting anymore.

"Hmm. How strange. Money seemed so valuable wh I was living paycheck to paycheck. Now that I have millions of it, it just feels empty."

Speaking of which, Lilly told me that Reaper's needed a way to launder our money, otherwise our unexpected wealth couldn't be explained. I tried to look at the services on my GRI and navigated to [Services].


- Escorts

- Holy Blessings

- Bounty

- Grave Services


"Ho? I hav't be able to check out the other options because I've be so busy. I didn't know that I could request blessings and ev escorts here."

I quickly checked [Escorts] to see if this service was for combat or the red-light kind. It turned out to be both. You could request both reaper prostitutes and mercaries of varying quality and level for whatever purpose.

"I am reminded that I have barely scratched the surface of the Reaper world. Anyway, let us find the laundering services first."

[- Grave Services

- Souls

- Requests

- Soul Complaints

- Death Seeker Services


"Seeker services? Is it differt from escort services?"

Intrigued by the graveyard options, I choose the [Death Seeker Services] to satisfy my curiosity.

[- Death Seeker Services

- Request a Seeker Duel

- Request a Seeker War

- Other topics and services.]

"It's strange that the Death Seeker's request for intervtion is so accessible to everyone else. I wonder if an actual mercary would respond if I chose the last option?"

Laughing inwardly at the idea of customer service for death seekers, I returned to my original purpose and selected [Souls].


- Buy Souls

- Sell Souls

- Launder souls

- Change Currcy



You could buy souls? Somehow the mysticism disappeared wh the greed of capitalism became appart. If demons in fiction could just buy souls, almost every story would d in a few pages.

I selected the [Soul Laundering] option. Th I specified an amount, the currcy, and the dominations I preferred. Finally, I had to choose which industry would provide the service.

The industries were pretty ridiculous. Just hearing them made it incredibly believable. Multi-level marketing, cryptocurrcy, raissance art, collectibles, restored antiques, and finally an overseas shell company.

It didn't take a gius to figure out what they all had in common. They were all shady ways of claiming to have made millions. Anyone who has heard of rare baseball cards, overpriced paintings, and antiques would know what I meant.

From the beginning, money was subjective. Value was truly in the eye of the beholder. Being old school, I chose an offshore shell company. This basically meant a fake company that made sales and transactions overseas for tax befits.

This option basically meant that I would suddly become wealthy by acting as the middle man in a large overseas transaction. The company name I used was Smith Industries.

"This makes me an official fake businessman," I quipped in amusemt.

I stated that I needed to liquidate million dollars. This left me with only 89,0 souls. I also finally paid my debt of 6,000 souls for the murders during the recruitmt. This effectively absolved me of the charges as far as David was concerned.

In truth, ,000 souls or $0,000 was not worth a living human being. Yet many people died for far less. I swallowed my complaints, knowing that the world worked this way long before I was born, and would continue to do so long after I was dead.

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