Lightning Is The Only Way

Chapter 1070 - 1070 – Senior Brother

Chapter 1070 - 1070 – Senior Brother

The man quickly teleported a couple of times before he arrived at the mine.

He handed over the two release-tokens and waited.


Silent Walker and Broad Walker appeared in front of the man.

Broad Walker bowed deeply.

Silent Walker nodded politely.

"Thank you for saving us, Mas-"


Broad Walker was slapped by the man, and Broad Walker hit the ground, creating a gigantic crater.

Luckily, this was a mostly dead area.

"Don't talk to me, unfilial disciple!" the man shouted. "I don't have such an idiotic, impulsive disciple!"


Broad Walker dug out of the ground and bowed before his master again. "I'm sorry, Master. This disciple deserves a thousand slaps for his mistakes!"


Another slap.

"You think you'll get away with only a thousand slaps!? No, I want ten times the amount of God Stones I paid for you this time!"

Broad Walker returned with an ashen face. "But Master, you have already taken all of my wealth! I don't have any-"


"Are you questioning your master's judgment!?" the man shouted in rage. "Are you telling me that I am treating you unjustly!? I have just paid 100 God Stones to get you out of the trouble you have brought upon yourself! I could have also just ignored you! I expect 1,000 God Stones in 100 years, or I will banish you from the Sect!"

Broad Walker wanted to protest, but he had learned that this would only make things worse.

"Yes, Master," Broad Walker said deferentially.

"Power Walker," Silent Walker said, directly addressing his master with his name. "Thank you for helping me."

Power Walker put a comforting hand on Silent Walker's shoulder. "It's fine, child. I will right this wrong! You don't have to worry about anything! Your master will take care of everything."

Silent Walker nodded with a happy smile.

"Power Walker, my Cultivation received a hit while being in the mines. I feel like a Law that I was about to grasp has become more illusory. Could you lend me 50,000 God Stones to increase my perception so that I can make up for my lost time?" Silent Walker asked.

Broad Walker looked with confusion at Silent Walker.

Increase his perception? Sure, a higher Energy density could help with that, but 15 God Stones were more than enough to make up for the lost time. Additionally, how could anyone lose comprehension of a Law? It wasn't like Silent Walker was rudely interrupted in the middle of Law Comprehension.

100,000 God Stones appeared in the air.

"Don't worry, good child," Power Walker said with a loving gaze. "You have been wronged this time, and it is the duty of your master to help you recover. Keep these 100,000 God Stones. You don't need to pay me back. It is what I should do as your master."

Silent Walker nodded and pocketed the God Stones. "I believe in your judgment, Power Walker," he said.

"But Master, the Sect doesn't have much wealth left-"


Another slap. "Are you questioning your master's judgment!?" Power Walker shouted. "I am the Sect Master, and I know about my Sect better than you! If I say it's fine, it's fine!"

In a crater in the ground, Broad Walker felt deeply worried.

Their Sect didn't have much wealth left!

If his master spent any more money, they might not be able to pay their other disciples!

If that happened, some disciples would abandon the Sect and search for another one, and they were already short on disciples! Many disciples had already left due to the poor rewards for the Sect missions!

"Tell me, child, what happened?" Power Walker asked Silent Walker with a kind voice.

"It all happened about a hundred years ago," Silent Walker explained with a sad voice. "I was simply walking along the streets when I saw Broad Walker being attacked by several spears. I couldn't watch as my fellow disciple brother died, so I decided to stop the attack by summoning these spears into my Spirit Space. I knew that the power of the spears would kill me, but I was willing to die for my brother."

Silent Walker told of all these things with a clear conscience and unwavering conviction.

Broad Walker had a worried expression on his face.

This made no sense!

There were so many holes in the story that he didn't even know where he should start!

Another gentle hand appeared on Silent Walker's shoulder. "You truly suffered. Even if I die today, I can rest without regrets knowing that I have taken in such a selfless and outstanding disciple," Power Walker said with pride.

Silent Walker only smiled sadly at his master, slowly moving the hand away from his shoulder. "Thank you, Power Walker."

Broad Walker was stunned.

Did his master believe that!?

"Master, please don't-"


Another slap. "You dare question me again!? Leave! I don't have such a disciple as you! You can keep your 1,000 God Stones! I don't need you to repay me anymore!"

Broad Walker felt his world break down.

His master had abandoned him!?


Broad Walker looked with fear at his master, but he knew that he couldn't get through to his master.

So, he looked at Silent Walker with hope.

Silent Walker saw how Broad Walker looked at him and suppressed a smirk.

Then, he turned to Power Walker. "Power Walker, please forgive my brother. He spoke carelessly."

Power Walker immediately calmed down. "If you say so, child. I will forgive him." Then, he looked at Broad Walker with a severe expression. "Come over and thank your senior brother!"

'Senior brother?' Broad Walker thought in shock. 'But I'm the senior brother!'

However, Broad Walker didn't dare to make another mistake. He quickly went over to Silent Walker and bowed politely. "I thank senior brother for your kindness."

Silent Walker nodded politely towards Broad Walker. "It's fine. It's my duty to take care of you."

Broad Walker felt like something dangerous was happening, but he couldn't be sure what.

Everything seemed to revolve around Silent Walker, but for some reason, Silent Walker radiated this pure and kind aura.

Even more, Silent Walker had always helped Broad Walker ever since he joined the Sect.

"Power Walker, when will you take revenge?" Silent Walker asked.

"Immediately," Power Walker answered. "I will visit the Information Pavilion and dig up more information about him. If he doesn't have some great background, I will kill him. If he does, I still have my ways."

Silent Walker nodded. "Thank you, Power Walker. I'm happy that I've made a powerful senior brother such as you."

Broad Walker's breathing halted.

What did Silent Walker just say!?

Senior brother!?

Calling one's master senior brother was putting oneself at the same level as the master! This was severely disrespectful!

"Child," Power Walker said awkwardly. "I'm your master, not your senior brother."

"You don't want to be my senior brother?" Silent Walker asked with a fearful and sad expression.

When Power Walker saw Silent Walker's expression, his heart ached. He felt like he had just hurt the most important thing in the world.

"No, no, I do, but others will think of me as a joke," Power Walker said nervously.

"Senior brother, it doesn't matter what others think. Their perception has no impact on you," Silent Walker said with a smile.

Power Walker's nervousness disappeared, and happiness took hold of him. "Yes, you're right! What others think doesn't matter! Then, from today onward, I'm happy to have another junior brother!"

"Thank you, senior brother Power Walker," Silent Walker said with a smile.

Power Walker patted Silent Walker's shoulder with exhilaration. "Great! Great! Now, let's get your revenge!"

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