Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 47

Chapter 047

Only then did Thunderwalker recall the story he heard from Professor Garcia the other day.

– Student Lee Han has a lot of magic power.

– Was that enough to say that? How long?

– Draw a big circle with both arms.

-and. That’s quite a level.

-As much as minus that?


I’ve heard that he has a lot of magical power like a madman, but I didn’t expect it to be this much.

There was no need to say more if you couldn’t feel the recovery even if you ate magic potions.

“sorry. professor.”

“…no. done. well made anyway don’t praise ruler! Here is a student who made a perfect potion.”


“Is it also the Wardanaj family?”

Other students, rather than being surprised by Lee Han’s appearance, showed reactions such as ‘If it’s Wodanaz,’ ‘I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s that kind of a genius.’

Lee Han was a little taken aback by the whispering response.

‘what. Why is it so frothy?’

Lee Han was evaluating himself coldly.

Lee Han himself was not a genius. I just rolled around in the lab for a long time, so I’m worse than others… No, I’m just used to student life.

However, being treated as a genius was a bit embarrassing.

When did this happen?

“As expected, Wodanaz. You are genius.”

Asan was admiring it as he poured the pale blue potion into the flask.

Asan’s potion was also quite good, but compared to Lee Han’s, it was true that its perfection looked disappointing.

“The potion made by Cyana in the Phoenix Tower over there is also excellent, but it’s not as good as you? look over there.”


Lee Han looked away.

A snake-beast student wearing a priestly uniform was holding a pretty vivid blue potion.

‘Cult of Fleming?’

Yoner had explained it before, so Yihan recognized it right away.

The Flemain Church, a church that worships alchemy.

Of course, the church’s priests were all excellent alchemists.

As such, it was only natural that a student named Shiana made an excellent potion.


Shiana walked towards Lee Han and Asan and held out her hand.

“The Wardanaz family, right? nice to meet you My name is Siana.”

“Nice to meet you. It’s okay to speak comfortably. It is Lee Han.”

Lee Han held the other person’s hand and shook it. It was cold and chilly, probably because it was a snake beast.

“I didn’t expect to meet such an outstanding alchemist. Did you learn from the Wardanaj family?”

“hey. Stop talking now.”

The thunder walk professor cut off his words. Before I knew it, the professor was back in front of the classroom.

“Everyone must have made < Low Magical Recovery Potion > today. Some guys would have made it well even though it was their first time, and some guys would have made it clumsily. But don’t be fooled by these results. This is just the beginning of alchemy. In the future, a complex and wonderful world of alchemy awaits you.”

‘Certainly, all professors are very good at getting rid of students’ motivation.’

“I will give you an assignment by next week. Make < Potion of friendship with lower spirits >. I’ll test it myself with something I’ve made, so you better pay attention.”

The students played hard with quills and took notes.

Fortunately, Professor Thunderwalk taught me how to make < Low Spirit Affinity Potion >.

I didn’t say to the freshmen, ‘Do you want to research the production method and find out’?

“professor. I don’t have any evolutionary spirits here right now… where is it? Are you upstairs?”

The students who couldn’t find the ingredients in the shelves and drawers asked puzzled.

Thunderstep asked the same puzzled question.

“what are you talking about? You have to find it.”

“ah. is that so? We will look for it.”

At the end of the thunderous step, the students stood up to search the surroundings.

“no. no. not here.”


“excuse me.”

Thunderstep pointed out the window.

The lush mountains behind the main building greeted the students.



“I have to go and find it. I believe everyone will remember what I said in the first lecture.”

The faces of the students were contorted with despair and anger.

* * *

The professor who started to reveal his true color was not the only one who walked.

The professors at the magic school gave each lecture a crazy amount of assignments to see who had more assignments.

-Take the books here, read them, and find at least five loopholes in the logic in the books.

-professor. Insufficient number of books. I think students will need a little more to share.

-what are you talking about? that’s for one person Pick up all the books. Then a new book will be born from below.


The students were frightened by the quantity that seemed to exceed ten books.

-professor. Carrying this…

-Don’t worry. It’s because I’ve cast a lightweight magic for you guys. go get the book

The < Basic Imperial Language and Logic > lecture that made some White Tiger Tower students seriously cry.

-This is the magic formation production plan I submitted to the empire when I was young. Take a look at this design and figure out what the total cost would have been. You don’t have to give the exact answer. However, I will punish the lower-ranking students who wrote the answer furthest from the correct answer.

The < Basic Imperial Geometry and Arithmetic > lecture made Asan, who was from a family of an imperial chancellor, tangled his head and despaired.

You shall love one another and be in harmony. what? you don’t like it? Your will doesn’t matter. You must love each other and be in harmony. In that sense, I will give you a task. The students of each tower must bring the flag hung in the freshman lounge of the tower I designate until next time. It is a flag with a pattern engraved on it.

At this point, even < Basic Magic Personality Education >, which raises doubts about whether it is character education or fighting.

After each lecture, the faces of the students turned pale.

“How do you get the flag of the White Tigers Tower?”

“Why are the white tiger tower guys? There’s no way those kids can be persuaded.”

Moreover, the goal of the Blue Dragon Tower students was the White Tiger Tower.

If it was the Black Turtle Tower or the Phoenix Tower, you could have borrowed the flag through persuasion and conversation.

However, considering the bad relationship with the White Tiger Tower, it was clear that he would snort if asked to borrow it.

“The White Tiger Tower guys also said our flag was their goal. Shall we exchange it?”

“How can you trust them? Did you see those bastards do dirty things? They are savages who know nothing of honor.”

“I asked earlier, but he said he never intended to do that.”

“hey. Quit. Quit it. It’s a waste of time.”

The Blue Dragon Tower students lamented and whispered.

You have to be able to do the assignments in moderation so that you are motivated, and if there is no answer like this, you just give up.

Why do we have to hang the White Tiger Tower!

‘This isn’t good.’

Lee Han was taken aback by the atmosphere of his friends.

A guy who would easily give up a grade on a course would never make it big.

In particular, this magic school was like a pandemonium where you didn’t know what crazy lectures would give you what crazy grades.

I shouldn’t have given up already.

It didn’t matter if it was his own score, but wouldn’t it be tied together with Lee Han’s score?

“for a moment! Everyone, don’t give up.”



“Is there a way?”

“also. I knew there would be a way.”

It took about 3 seconds for the students’ reactions to change from surprise- >curiosity- >confidence- >belief.

Lee Han was dumbfounded by the appearance of these thin-eared friends.

“What method are you thinking of, Wodanaz?”

“for a moment. I guess I know.”

Instead of Asan, he smiled confidently and said.

“What is the moon card?”

“I plan to break into the White Tiger Tower secretly. 95% of the time it will be that.”

“Oh oh…!”

“indeed! I will join you too!”

“me too! Let’s give the White Tiger Tower a shot!”

“what? what’s the matter?”

“Wodhanaj said we should go into the White Tiger Tower and get the flag instead of begging them?”

“I really like that!”

In an instant, the Blue Dragon Tower students came up with a plan. Then he called Lee Han.

“Wardanaz! You lead us.”

“The only one who will lead us is you, who built this plan from start to finish!”


Lee Han gave up after trying to say something. It was annoying enough already.

‘Well, I guess I’ll have to go into the White Tiger Tower.’

Even if Lee Han was a student at the White Tiger Tower, the flag would not be handed over.

I came to see the group punishment room because of Lee Han…

In the first place, the only way was to use force.

“i get it.”

“Wardanaz! Wodanaz!”

“Wait, White Tiger Tower guys! Here we go!”

‘Is this really helpful for character education?’

Lee Han wondered if the principal’s lecture really helped him to have a proper personality.

The more you do it, the deeper the goal of each other’s feelings is, isn’t it?

* * *

The evening finally came.

Lee Han called Tigilling and fed him with a wicked trick like last time.

Tizzling, who was sipping soup, was puzzled when she felt Lee Han’s gaze mixed with a sense of accomplishment.

“Why is that?”

“Whoops. It is nothing.”

Tigilling couldn’t believe that the boy in front of her was so amused because he had fed her dinner with a clever narration.

‘It must be because of my mood.’

He was a boy from the venerable Wardanaj family.

The reason why he came to eat dinner like this now was probably because of the sense of honor that he had to keep the priest’s request and his promise as a nobleman.

There’s no way a person like that would laugh like a villain over something trivial like this.

“I see you here. The Wardanaz family. I was still looking for it.”


Shiana of the Fleming Church, whom I met in alchemy class, greeted Lee Han.

Not only Siana, but other top students were also gathered together.

“What is going on?”

“As you know, because of the assignment from alchemy class, we all have to make a < Low Spirit Affinity Potion >, right? There are limits to one’s power alone. I wondered what it would be like if we all moved together and gathered the ingredients.”

“That’s a good idea.”

Lee Han was delighted.

Lee Han had also thought of a way to gather and go together like that.

…because the other top students are afraid of Lee Han.

‘shit. Are you listening to me because of the priestly uniform? I also have a priestly uniform.’

“Then could you gather the Blue Dragon Tower students and come? Let’s gather the ingredients together.”

“okay. do that.”

After the conversation, Lee Han saw Siana off.

The students next to Siana withdrew and said, ‘I lived’, ‘Did you see the look in my eyes? I thought my heart stopped.” “But you’re kinder than I thought.”

Even though Lee Han knew, he felt unfair.

Returning to her seat, Tigilling tilted her head.


“Um… Priestess Siana of the Flemain Church.”

“huh. We are taking alchemy classes together.”

“…it’s nothing.”

Tigilling tried to speak, but shut her mouth.

There are two ways to make people feel stuffy, and one is to end up talking…

‘It makes you curious like a textbook.’

Of course, Lee Han was well aware of how demanding the priests were.

He probably kept his mouth shut because talking about it in the absence of the person concerned might come across as pointless gossip.

But Lee Han didn’t care about that at all.

‘What do you know? I’m curious.’

Lee Han decided to take a detour and persuade instead of the straight-line method.

I took out the prayer cross of the Pricinga Church and placed it on the rock in front of me.


Tigilling tilted her head, not understanding.

“It’s bad to curse at someone who isn’t there, but it’s okay to confide in prayer alone in front of God.”

“…You can’t believe that right now you’re going to cover your eyes and sigh…?”

“I think I heard something, but I can’t hear it. I am praying right now.”


“Last time, the students of the White Tiger Tower ambushed me, and I almost died because they attacked me. If Priestess Siana, who will be entering the mountain this time, is the one who plots such a scheme, I might really die. But God will take care of me.”


Tigilling sighed and rose from her seat.

He knelt down next to Lee Han and bowed his head as if praying to the cross.

“Mrs. Freesinga. I am not saying this to slander or accuse anyone.”

“thank you.”

“I think I heard something, but I can’t hear it. I’m praying.”


Tijeeling also had a secret back end.

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