Life Hunter

Chapter 93: ''Let me recapitulate.''

Chapter 93: ''Let me recapitulate.''

Arima whistled as he admired the manifestation of 'Hell' around Kerberos. While the latter was in here alone, he had gone wild trying to destroy the dimension. Even though he was just releasing his dimensional theory, his aura alone had managed to change the landscape and kill any foe around him.

Now, the dimension was just volcanic earth as far as the eye could see. Arima couldn't even spot something that wasn't burned no matter how. He could also smell the odor of sulfur mixed with the carbonized ground's, and the crisp corpses of the many monsters.

Kerberos snarled. "Your mana pool and magic output; they are both outrageous."

Arima smiled and shrugged. "You still almost destroyed the dimension, you know?" He paused then squinted his eyes. "Although you're not even in Hell."

Kerberos snorted. "You noticed after all, huh? You're correct. When I'm not in Hell, my power is greatly reduced. But don't think that you can beat me easily."

Arima chuckled and unsheathed Karma, releasing the three seals at the same time. "Don't worry, I'm not underestimating you."

"A transcendental weapon. A weapon which has liberated itself of its material limitations. That's a scary sword you have there," Kerberos snickered and the flames on his body burned stronger. The snake he had for a tail, became longer. The three heads' eyes glowed and fire ignited within their maws. The Hellhound's aura exploded and shook the earth.

Arima also released his aura and the shaking was strengthened. The ground started splitting and the sky darkened. Across the whole continent, volcanoes started erupting, tornadoes forming, and the sea was being pushed back. The entire planet was being affected.

In the seemingly never-ending earthquake, Kerberos stomped the ground with his front leg and massive earth spikes, around fifty meters tall each sprout out from underground and continued to do so in Arima's direction.

The latter flapped his wings and flew off to avoid it then dived back toward Kerberos. He infused Karma with lightning and swung it against the middle head.

A clash occurred between the two of them and a perfectly circular crated was created around them, flattening the ground for hundreds of miles. The thing that actually parred Karma was surprisingly the Hellhound's tail. The huge serpent blocked the blade with its fangs and glared at Arima with its green eyes.

The three heads then moved and opened their mouths, ready to attack Arima from three different angles. The Hellhound's maws were glowing with a red color and crimson lava was raising in their throat.

Arima's sigil revolved and thunder resounded. Kerberos roared and the three heads each spat a massive amount of magma, condensed into a single wave. Arima erected a barrier of the darkness element around him and was pushed back as three lightning bolts fell in front of him and dispersed the lava.

The explosion shook both Arima and Kerberos but the latter recovered faster and swung his paw. Arima crossed his arms and his sigil glowed to increase his defense. At the same time, a dark green mark on the snake's forehead glowed and Arima's magic formation was interrupted.

He then took the blow with his physical body alone and was sent flying for miles whilst coughing blood. When he finally crashed and was free of the momentum, he grunted and healed himself as much as could.

"{That mark on the snake is his sigil,}" Night commented and Arima didn't reply.

It's actually possible to destroy a sigil. If an individual sees the part of his body holding it being cut or destroyed, then they would lose it. For example, if Arima loses his eyes, he won't be able to use his sigil anymore. It's the same for Kerberos. If the snake's head is cut, he will lose his sigil, at least until it regrows back.

"{Easier said than done though,}" Karma followed and Arima wryly smiled. He immediately stood up and gathered black lightning around his weapon. He looked up and saw a giant fireball coming toward him.

"[Aeterna] (Eternal Night)," He chanted and swung his sword toward the sky and the black wave clashed against the fire. The explosion covered the sky and three dog heads suddenly emerged from the flames of the explosion and spat out crimson lava at the same time. A pillar of lava descended and shrouded Arima's figure.

Crimson flames spread everywhere, ignited by the lava. After a few seconds, a pair of eyes shined through the lava and the temperature suddenly dropped unnaturally. The flames were extinguished as the pillar of magma froze.

Kerberos fell from the sky and roared. His voice broke the ice apart and Arima's figure was revealed. The Hellhound span in midair and slammed his two front legs. Arima pushed his body to 100% of its capabilities and used Karma to confront one of the paws while gathering a huge amount of neutral magic in his body. He stood firm on the ground whilst expending his mana to assault Kerberos with lightning.

The earth below became even more excavated and everything crumbled until Arima's feet actually reached the upper mantle of the planet. Arima clicked his tongue and infused as much mana as he could in his sword and then swung it at Kerberos's leg.

The strength behind that strike was enough to make the Hellhound back off but it just left a small cut. But when you take into account the creature's massive stature, it was nothing. On top of that, it healed in a few seconds.

Arima groaned. He concentrated and made a magic circle to teleport. He reappeared in the sky, a few miles away from Kerberos.

"Okay, let me recapitulate," Arima raised his voice and Kerberos frowned. He stopped and calmly listened.

"First, your physical strength and resistance, compared to mine, are like putting a lion and a cat next to each other."

"Two, your regenerative ability is a freaking cheat."

"Three, you're too big, I can't even properly injure you."

"Four, your tail is too fast and tough."

"Five, you don't need to chant to use fire magic and you can even produce some with your own body."

"Six, you have three heads, meaning three pairs of eyes, three brains, and three attack angles, plus your tail."

"Seven, your reaction speed and the time you need to think of a counter attack are just insufferable."

Arima spat out all of that in less than a minute. His intention was to complain but with the appearance of a Silver Emperor, his expression ironically remained unfazed.

On the other hand, Kerberos was confused like never before. First, he realized that this human's analytic ability was off the chart but then he asked himself why he was complaining like that. It was the first time for him that his enemy suddenly stopped in the middle of the fight to rant about his disadvantages.

"The only thing I'm better in is the mana quality and quantity, damnit," Arima cursed and sighed. He stared at Kerberos with a sharp look. "I get it now. I guess I need to go on a big scale with you, huh?" He uttered and Karma abruptly released her complete aura. Killing intent was even mixed in it.

"I still can't master the second-degree resonance, so I'll do it this way," Arima added and planted his katana in the ground.

"{How much?}" Karma inquired.

"Around fifty. Should be perfect," Arima responded and Karma's form began to change and she became bigger. A lot bigger.

Arima ended up a with fifty meters long harpoon beside him. The harpoon itself was red and had a purple contrast on it. The chain had become a lot thicker.

Kerberos snorted. "Do you think I'm a whale?" All the heads retorted at the same time.

Arima laughed. "You can say that." His aura spread around the whole continent. He then unrestricted his slaughter intent which shocked Kerberos.

"Slaughter intent is more than rare" He commented. "You really are something. A Life Hunter, I can also see that you're a Death Hunter, a Silver Emperor, holder of a transcendental weapon, and now, slaughter intent. But strangely, you still have a human body," The Hellhound shook his heads. "Won't you be a Plane Guardian at this rate?" He said with a joking tone.

"Plane Guardian?"

Kerberos responded with silence and Arima shrugged.

"In any case, prepare yourself. I will seriously go large scale."

When Arima said that, an uncanny phantasm appeared above him. It was around ten meters tall and the figure revealed itself as a cloaked skeleton. The skeleton lifted its hand, in which it held a brush, and started painting on thin air.

"[Scit et pictor est ad finem iam vergit] (The painter of the End is now drawing)," Arima intoned and the skeleton moved its brush.

"[Et erit vobis fabulam narrare] (He will tell you a story)."

Kerberos felt something ominous and the world around him seemed to be affected. Every spirit was agitated, the entire planet started shaking, thunder rumbled and it started raining. The wind became stronger and even some flames started to appear unnaturally here and there.

Kerberos didn't know what was happening but he instantly bent his front legs and kicked the ground. He leaped and reached Arima within a second.

He opened his mouths and spat out more magma but it passed through Arima as if he was a projection. Kerberos was surprised and tried to strike Arima physically with the drive of his jump, but the attack still couldn't reach him.

"What?!" He was confused first but then he realized what was happening. Arima had created a fake clone with spirit and clad it with slaughter intent. And since that intent was spreading everywhere, Kerberos wasn't able to notice it earlier.

The Hellhound focused and scanned the surrounding. He easily found Arima's real location, but it was already too late.

"[Novissima solis considerate vehementer] (Observe closely the last rising sun)."

Kerberos heard the incantation and turned toward Arima's position. He strengthened his eyes and spotted the skeleton. It had drawn a rising sun in mid-air. At that moment, it felt like time stopped. Kerberos could only stare as Arima finished his chant and the skeleton to paint.

"[Vita et mors occidere patriarcha] (Kill the patriarch of Death and Life)."

"[Pulsa campanas silentium] (Ring the bells of silence)."

"[Frange quern iure mundi] (Smash the world's law)."

"[Solve per nomen eius terras] (Spread your name across the lands)."

"[Monstrare pessimus somnum exterreri solebat] (Show them the worst nightmare)."

"[Cessare faciam istud] (Bring an end to this)."

When Arima ended his incantation, the skeleton stopped painting. Under the rising sun it had drawn, there was now a sea on the left side and land on the right side.

On both sides, numerous figures and creatures were depicted. You could see Vikings on the land, fighting monsters. On the sea, there were numerous sea serpents surrounding the giant head of a sleeping snake holding the end of a tail in his mouth.

There was also a huge wolf on the land, a man in armor riding a six-legged horse and a giant further behind. Numerous dragons were flying in the sky. One could see a flying city, carrying other figures, and one at the front was holding a large hammer. Another figure was on a golden-maned horse playing trumpet.

One who is knowledgeable will understand this scene. All the figures were recognizable. Jrmungandr, Fenrir, Odin with his Sleipnir, the giant Loki, the city Asgard, Thor, Heimdallr, and many other gods.

"[First Red Art, Fata Deorum, Ragnark] (Fate of the Gods, Ragnark)," Arima chanted the keyword and the painting became alive. It was like a war was suddenly occurring as every character on the painting battled.

But the spot that needed attention the most was the serpent, Jrmungandr. He opened his eyes and slowly let go of his own tail.

The legends say so; if the World Serpent releases his tail, Ragnark will begin.

Kerberos's eyes narrowed as he felt that everything around him fell under Arima's control. The air, the earth, the sky, the water, even the fire he controlled, everything was ready to attack him at any moment.

"Let's start again, Kerberos," Arima declared and thunder roared.

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