Life Hunter

Chapter 122: ''Seriously, that's too much...''

Chapter 122: ''Seriously, that's too much...''

"Who are you?" Errastas' voice resounded and made the planet shake ever so slightly. Arima looked up and grinned. His skull deformed wickedly.

"You don't remember me?" He scoffed and let loose of his slaughter intent. The giant reacted badly and rolled his eyes.

"So, you are that one. I thought I had dealt with you already," the giant spoke again and Arima snorted.

"Did you really think that you could eliminate me so easily?" Arima retorted and a hooded skeleton materialized above him. The 'Last Painter' started his work.

"That should have been enough to take care of the likes of you. You were not even in the Earthen Realm," Errastas's eyes gloweda and he took a step forward, making the ground quake. "And even if the guardian of the Hell Gate is on your side, he's nothing more than a puppy right now."

"Ha, ha aren't you a funny one?" Chulainn laughed dryly and a circle appeared under his feet. His fire magic was endowed to his body and his body expanded even more.

"Don't underestimate an Earthen God. You may be a legendary-level existence but this is not Hell. You are weak here, Kerberos."

Errastas' third eye glowed the stone around him was lifted to form mountains.

Arima identified the giant's third eye as a sigil. He took note of it and grandly released his aura. The sky darkened and purple lightning bolts fell like rain, each stronger than the previous one. Arima smirked and the hooded skeleton behind him spread his arms wide as he finished the drawing.

"[First Red Art, Ragnark]," Arima chanted and the World Serpent moved.

At that instant, everything fell under Arima's control. As if a warning to prove that fact, the purple lightning attacked the giant. The sky lit up and Errastas was then trapped by a cage of electricity as thunder roared.

"Let's go. Lanya, wait for my signal. Stay with Chulainn for now," Arima instructed and deployed his silver bony wings cloaked by an ashen net. He flew off and became a silver light.

Chulainn looked at Lanya. "Help me attack from here. We'll use the Third Red Art. Even I am obliged to admit that they are the strongest magic I have ever seen," he uttered and Lanya smiled before nodding.

The Hellhound then raised his three heads toward the sky. He opened his three mouths and red light escaped his throats. Above him, in mid-air, three small black and red stones appeared slowly started growing bigger while releasing very small flames.

Lanya traced a red circle above her with her rapier. Like with Chulainn, a strange stone formed and began to expand in size whilst releasing a dangerous heat.

Meanwhile, Arima reached Errastas's head and was about to go inside the lightning prison he had made when a shadow suddenly covered him from the side.

His expression changed drastically and the fire wisps he had for eyes blazed stronger until they produced purple smoke.

Everything near Arima moved according to his will. The earth from the ground shielded him, the wind condensed around him, and his lightning totally stopped attacking the giant as it created a physical wall.

Errastas' palm emerged from the electric cage and went through every single defense Arima had put up before it struck the man in question.

Arima met the hand with his sword. But he couldn't possibly overpower the momentum of a giant's hit. He infused a staggering amount of black lightning within his sword.

"[Aeterna] (Eternal Night)," the wave of energy came out of the blade's edge pressing against Errastas's palm and exploded.

Arima phased his body but was still affected by the shockwave and although he impeded the giant's palm, he was still literally swiped away as he rocketed toward the ground.

He crashed on a mountain, destroying it in its entirety. At the same time, Errastas' invoked his Earth magic and manipulated the compatible elements around to attack.

Arima could only grit his teeth as he used Ragnark to fend off the assault. "Back to square one" he clicked his tongue and started chanting for another magic under his breath.

"Now!" Chulainn shouted and the red stones that were already hundreds of meters large shrunk and replaced the large mass of matter with a raging fire. Both Chulainn and Lanya proceeded to chant.

"[Maior acriorque] (Larger and fiercer)."

"[Quod quia vis accipere] (Take as much as you want)."

"[In oblivionem remittere pergant et deleant] (Release it in one go and destroy to oblivion)."

"[Third Blue Art, Fragor Magnus] (Big Bang)."

The four fireballs shined produced a detonation sound as they were propelled toward their target.

Errastas sneered and the sigil in his third eye activated once more. The ground below him surged and tried to engulf the huge fireballs. But the giant's pupils narrowed as he noticed an unknown force impeding his magic formation. He grunted and took on the fire with his body.

He punched the four of them as they were coming at him. The magnitude of the explosion that ensued shocked him. He felt a stinging pain on his hand as his skin was ripped apart to reveal his raw muscles.

The Third Blue Art was called 'Big Bang' for a reason. Arima conceived that magic with the idea that it could be charged indefinitely. To the point that if Arima were to stay immobile, every day, for years, providing mana to that red stone, perhaps he would create a nova as strong as the Big Bang.

Chulainn and Lanya used quite a huge chunk of their mana and it paid off. Errastas scowled as he looked at his fuming hand. He then turned to look at Arima who was grinning at him. The giant knew it was because of him that he had failed to use his Earth magic in time.

Errastas stopped playing around and moved his entire body. Although he was unbelievably big, and it's still quite an understatement, his speed was nothing to scoff at. He swiftly punched the ground where Arima was standing.

Arima avoided the fist but still suffered from the air pressure that he soon dissipated thanks to Ragnarok.

"Seriously, this is too much..." Arima grumbled and looked at Chulainn. "Assist me upfront from now on. Lanya, I want you to prepare your 'Unblinking Draconic Eyes'," he instructed and Lanya complied before retreating a bit. She was still not strong enough to face an Earthen God head-on.

"Really" Chulainn sighed and kicked the ground. He started running at full speed toward one of Errastas' legs. His hellfire ignited around him as he summoned a barrage of flames.

Arima flew up and grasped Karma with two hands. "Let's do this," he muttered and thunder roared as lightning gathered inside his blade.

"{No problem,}" Karma laughed. Black lightning surrounded Arima and covered his weapon.

Arima pointed his sword toward the sky and the blade extended for a thousand meters through the use of lightning.

Errastas' third eye glowed as he looked at the sword wielded by Arima. At the same time, Chulainn opened his three mouths and conjured a terrifying pillar of magma that exploded on Errastas's knee. The latter grunted in pain and half kneeled.

Errastas ignored Chulainn for the moment and focused on Arima's incoming magic. He waved his hand and a massive ax fitting his size appeared in his hands.

Arima brought down his sword in the next instant.

"[Procidens Aeterna Noctem] (Falling Eternal Night)," he intoned and his lightning blade clashed with the ax.

The result was a powerful explosion of energies that damaged the planet even further. Arima mustered all of his strength to clash against the ax and his bones were already cracking under the pressure.

"{Chulainn, a little help would be welcome.}"

"I know!" The Hellhound responded as he jumped on Errastas's body and made his way up by running on his body. When he reached the torso, he jumped off before looking up at the giant's head from below.

Chulainn snarled and flames mobilized behind his fangs. He then roared strongly and three pillars of crimson fire went and exploded on Errastas's throat. The giant grunted loudly and lost strength in his arms.

Arima grasped the occasion and swung his sword. The ax of the giant broke and the sword continued until it left a huge cut on Errastas' chest.

The Earthen God hollered in pain before going wild in rage. He punched Arima with a speed higher than what he's ever displayed and kicked Chulainn at the same time.

The two of them flew away and were buried miles away. Arima's bones suffered a lot of damage but started healing in no time. It was the same for Chulainn, his healing factor was naturally very high.

"{That guy is really hard to kill but he's kinda slow and his magic is not really a threat,}" Arima sent a telepathic message to Chulainn.

"{Yeah, but his hits still fucking hurt. Don't you have a way to end this quickly?}"

Arima grinned and looked at the giant. "{I could use the First Destruction Art but it's not really a good idea to use it now. But don't worry. I'm already working on something.}"

"{If you say so,}" Chulainn replied as he dodged multiple boulders two times his size. "{But hurry up, we can't fight like this eternally. He's slow but we are not really in a good position when we need time to go from his legs to his chest.}" He roared and spat out some huge fireballs.

"{It's alright, I know.}" Arima conjured 'Aeterna' again and turned toward Lanya. "{It's time.}"

Lanya nodded and her eyes slowly changed into a resplendent light blue. Her eyes flashed with knowledge and awareness.

"{Chulainn, prepare the Third Blue Art for two minutes, at that position precisely, and aim at three o'clock,}" She started giving strangely detailed orders.

"Huh?" Chulainn exclaimed but still followed her indications as he moved to the emplacement he was told. He sought confirmation with Arima and the latter nodded.

"{Arima, for this to work, I have to use the Tome. You have to attack him with everything you have in the meantime. You know what I mean since you've already planned it,}" Lanya said and Arima smirked as he took control of Ragnark.

The earth began to seriously antagonize Errastas and lightning finally started to attack the giant at full power. There were now multiple lightning bolts each second that would explode on contact with Errastas.

The giant could only grit his teeth as he tried to punch and squash Arima who was extremely focused on controlling the different elements. Even with parallel thoughts, right now, Arima was guiding air pressure, stone density and movement, cloud formation and lightning creation. All of that whilst fighting against Errastas, magically and physically. He couldn't afford to lose his concentration.

But eventually, Arima couldn't avoid Errastas' palm anymore. He always had to move for hundreds of meters to escape each strike and he couldn't keep up eternally like that. But since he was going to get hit no matter what, Arima decided to give his all.

"[Terminus Confractus, CCC] (Limit break, 300)," he chanted and mana gathered dangerously in his arms. He gripped Karma and swung it toward the giant's hand.

When the two clashed, Errastas felt a strong pain on his hand as it was actually pushed back. Meanwhile, Arima's left arm crumbled into pieces and his right arm splintered. He inevitably dropped Karma but she started floating and stayed beside him.

"Okaymaybe this wasn't worth it. But at least I can say I beat a ten-thousand-meter-tall giant in a physical bout."

"{It's not time to brag about the fact that you discarded two of your limbs to just repel the palm of your opponent, Arima,}" Karma brought him back to reality.

Arima winced and flapped his wings to dodge the giant's next blow. "It's not as cool when you say it like that. Stop."

"{Arima, we're ready,}" Lanya informed him in the next instant.

Arima smiled and looked at the giant from above the clouds. "Let's end this then," he declared and glanced at the sky with a witty grin. "I will rightfully get my little revenge."

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