Leveling Up With My Pet

Chapter 415 Liu Yong's Vision !

The erupted applause seemed to have a life of its own, a spontaneous burst of admiration and pride that swept through the room. It was difficult to ascertain who had initiated this symphony of approval, but it was clear that the scene unfolding before them had captured the hearts of everyone present.

Liu Yong and Wang Yongwang, the central figures of this momentous occasion, found themselves bathed in the warm glow of admiration. Surrounding them were the eager reporters from Jinpen County TV Station and Daily News, armed with cameras and pens, ready to immortalize this historic moment in pixels and ink.

Among them, one particularly zealous reporter, camera in hand, wielded it like a virtuoso brandishing a musical instrument. With each click of the shutter, he etched into history the image of Liu Yong and Wang Yongwang, their firm handshake symbolizing the dawn of a new era.

That very night, the digital realms of Jinpen County came alive with the news of this transformative event. The local WeChat public account and television stations raced to report the groundbreaking development. Word travelled swiftly, reaching every corner of the county, ensuring that Liu Yong's audacious vision became a household name overnight.

For the people of Jinpen County, this was not merely a piece of news; it was a lifeline, a promise of prosperity, and a testament to the indomitable spirit of their community.

"I can't believe my eyes!"

"You're not dreaming, my friend. A 30-billion-dollar investment to build a 100-billion-dollar super factory? Mr. Liu is a visionary!"

"To have such a talent hailing from our county is truly remarkable."

"I am determined to secure a place within that factory. This opportunity is too great to pass up."

As conversations buzzed with excitement among the locals, social media platforms exploded with activity. Profiles were ablaze with shares and reposts, each click and comment fueling the collective enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, Liu Yong found himself at the residence of his father-in-law, Meng Chunli. The news of his daughter and her soon-to-be husband's homecoming had set the house abuzz with anticipation. Meng Chunli, a culinary virtuoso, had spent the entire afternoon orchestrating a sumptuous feast celebrating the momentous occasion.

Li Zhengkai, ever the gracious host, had cracked open a bottle of Moutai, his spirits soaring as he engaged in lively conversation with Liu Yong.

"Xiaoyong, you've brought honor to our hometown once more. The entire county is singing your praises, and my social media feed is flooded with your story."

Liu Yong, ever humble, replied, "Uncle, my dream has always been to establish a factory. Where better to build it than in our own beloved hometown?"

Li Zhengkai beamed with pride as he raised his glass. "That's the spirit! Lele, fetch another bottle. Xiaoyong and I have much to celebrate."

As the night deepened, it became apparent that Li Zhengkai had allowed the spirits to get the better of him. Perhaps the sheer magnitude of the day's events or the overwhelming joy had pushed him beyond his usual limits.

Undeterred, Li Zhengkai insisted, "No, I can handle more. Lele, bring that bottle. Xiaoyong and I aren't done yet!"

Li Changle exchanged a knowing glance with Liu Yong as she gently guided her father to the bedroom. "Dad, it's time to rest. You've enjoyed enough for one night."

"I'm not drunk! Who says I'm drunk?" Li Zhengkai's voice echoed down the hallway, defiant and merry.

Always the dutiful son-in-law, Liu Yong carefully helped Li Zhengkai to bed. With tenderness, he removed the older man's shoes and coat, ensuring he was comfortable beneath the quilt. As sleep claimed Li Zhengkai, a contented smile played upon his lips, a testament to the sheer joy that enveloped him that day.

That evening, Liu Yong chose to stay over at his in-law's residence, and Meng Chunli had prepared a guest bedroom adorned with fresh linens and an inviting ambience.

The following morning, as the sun bathed the countryside in a warm embrace, Liu Yong set out for his hometown. Negotiating the finer points of the agreement with Jinpen County, including the formal contract signing, were now tasks he could confidently delegate. A single phone call to Qiu Yang would set the wheels in motion to ensure these matters were promptly and efficiently addressed.

Back at Universal Building, Liu Yong settled into his executive chair, his thoughts a whirlwind of recent events. After a brief trance, he was interrupted by a gentle knock on the door.

Qiu Yang entered, bearing good tidings. "Boss, everything is in order. Here is the signed contract."

Liu Yong accepted the contract, carefully scrutinizing its contents. His expression reflected deep satisfaction.

"Mr. Qiu, we're embarking on a new journey into the realm of new energy. Our inaugural factory in Jinpen County is poised to commence construction."

Qiu Yang nodded, well aware of the magnitude of this endeavour. "Indeed, Jinpen County will undertake the necessary preparations, including land leveling, within the next 30 days. Construction can then proceed unhindered."

With determination, Liu Yong continued, "Our enterprise is rapidly expanding, and it's time to establish a global enterprise group to streamline our operations. This group will oversee not only the global shipping division but also the global semiconductor division, the global research center, and the global new energy division."

Qiu Yang listened attentively, acknowledging the profound implications of this announcement.

Liu Yong elucidated his vision further. "You, Mr. Qiu, shall assume the pivotal role of General Manager of the Universal Enterprise Group. Deputy General Managers will include individuals such as Hu Shijun, Huang Guang, and others."

The news of the corporate restructuring, fueled by Liu Yong's unwavering vision, was quickly disseminated throughout the organization. The announcement was met with enthusiasm, and promotions were generously extended to those who had consistently displayed steadfast commitment and exceptional performance.

In the realm of the Global Scientific Research Center, an air of palpable excitement enveloped the laboratory. Researchers such as Huang Guang, Hu Nan, and Ning Zetao assembled around a test bench, upon which a groundbreaking graphene-aluminum battery rested.

This prototype battery was the culmination of weeks of tireless work, an achievement that had rewritten the boundaries of scientific discovery and from the project's initial approval to the realization of this battery, a mere 20 days had transpired—an achievement tantamount to a scientific marvel.

It starkly contrasted the many research teams worldwide that had expended years of resources and effort to crack the enigma of graphene-aluminium batteries, only to fall short. The barriers they faced were nowhere to be found in this laboratory.

A serendipitous encounter with an extraterrestrial energy block had triggered the breakthrough. As researchers delved deeper into its mysteries, they discovered it was more aptly termed an "energy block." While it currently lay dormant, it held the promise of revolutionary advancements within it.

As they celebrated their triumphs, the birth of the Universal Enterprise Group marked the dawn of a new era. Its vast scope offered boundless opportunities for those who contributed to its growth.

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