Let you join the army to quit Internet addiction, but you create the Matrix

Chapter 8 - Difficult men who are in the same class!

Chapter 8 - Difficult men who are in the same class!

Chapter 8: Difficult men who are in the same class!

The black-faced non-commissioned officer, named Li Long, stared intensely at Chen Ming with a stern expression.

“I’m Chen Ming,” he replied, grinning broadly after receiving a reward.

Still, with a dark face, Li Long glanced at the Snake game on the Nokia screen and asked calmly, “Is it enjoyable?”

“It’s quite fun,” Chen Ming replied with a beaming smile.

He Xue, who had experience in society, thought, “Is this kid a troublemaker?”

Li Long, realising Chen Ming’s spirited nature, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, his buffalo-sized eyes exuding a hint of authority.

Unexpectedly, this kid is a bit of a rebel. Perfect, I enjoy disciplining rebels.

After a cold laugh, Li Long confiscated the phone, saying, “I’ll keep this for you. I’ll call you on rest days if you perform well in the army. If not, well, find me after retirement!”

Chen Ming felt guilty for playing games right after receiving a reward.

He Xue, being understanding, waved it off, saying, “No worries, we have to surrender our phones when entering the barracks anyway.”

After this brief episode, the four continued chatting.

Several hours later, as the train sounds diminished, the train slowed down and came to a steady stop at the station. Li Long ordered them to disembark and gather in line quickly. Chen Ming and others followed the flow. After a roll call at the station, they were assigned to military trucks lined with camouflage paint and covered with a green cloth.

As the trucks started, He Xue, Chen Ming, and the others observed the scenes outside through the truck’s curtain.

Leaving the train station, they entered the bustling city. The vehicles decreased, and distant merchants’ promotional activities echoed. As the military convoy moved farther away, the surroundings quieted down, leaving only a worn-out road for the military trucks. The outside noise disappeared.

Upon entering a gate guarded by soldiers, the military trucks finally stopped.  Li Long’s voice sounded again, instructing them to disembark and gather in line.

Chen Ming quickly got out of the truck, and the sight of a massive military camp greeted him.

In front of a five-pointed star statue, Chen Ming observed the signature, “Red Star Brigade,” carved in vermilion under the statue.

The recruits stood in formation, and Chen Ming noted several new soldiers from various places. As the non-commissioned officers finished roll call and confirmed no absences, they began classifying the recruits. Perhaps it was destiny at play. He Xue, Xu Jun, and He Dong, who had a pleasant conversation on the train, were assigned to the same class as Chen Ming.

As the class allocation concluded, the four individuals standing side by side exchanged glances and shared a grin. Having bonded during their train journey, being in the same class now meant a smoother adjustment period.

Li Long, their squad leader for the three-month recruit training, stood before them, looked sternly, and said, “What’s with the smiles!”

Chen Ming quickly stood straight, responding, “Reporting, Squad Leader, we’re happy to be under your command. We know you may seem stern, but we believe you’re kind-hearted!”

Li Long, slightly surprised, retorted, “Don’t think kind words will win me over! Follow my orders, and you’ll have a good time!”

Unbeknownst to Li Long, Chen Ming had just received a system reward on the train, making him overwhelmingly happy.

With a nasal tone, Li Long grunted, “Don’t think compliments will make me happy! Obey my rules, and you’ll have a good time!”

Chen Ming grinned, stood tall, and mimicked a disciplined soldier. “Yes, sir!”

As the class allocation concluded, the company commander delivered a brief speech under the red star statue, and then each class was dismissed.

After entering the barracks, Chen Ming couldn’t help but feel a connection to the number 2. Assigned to 2nd Company, 2nd Platoon, 2nd Squad, and living in Room 202 of the single dormitory building, it seemed like fate.

Luckily, the dormitory was spacious, with a central aisle, a long table, three bunk beds on the left, and two on the right, accommodating ten people.

Entering the class, Li Long, the squad leader, took the initiative, holding a large black bag and said, “You have one chance. Hand over phones, snacks, cigarettes, and other contraband. If you don’t, and I find them during a search, hmm…”

Chen Ming, thinking quickly, handed over a bag of dried sweet potatoes. With minimal luggage, he hadn’t planned on bringing much.

Li Long nodded, somewhat satisfied, and moved on. Next up was He Dong, whose suitcase surprised everyone with an array of items – an MP3 player, chips, spicy snacks, an umbrella, a water bottle, and even cigarettes.

Observing the instructor’s bag, Chen Ming estimated it might not be enough to hold all of He Dong’s items.

The squad leader’s expression turned stern, and asked, “You’re here to enlist, not on a vacation. Why bring so much stuff, like you’re going on a leisure trip?”

He Dong, noticing the squad leader’s displeasure, stepped back, murmuring, “It’s my first time in the military. How was I supposed to know what to bring and what not to bring?”

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