Let you join the army to quit Internet addiction, but you create the Matrix

Chapter 27 - Talent show, Chen Ming, show off first!

Chapter 27 - Talent show, Chen Ming, show off first!

Chapter 27: Talent show, Chen Ming, show off first!

It’s not coquettishness but human nature. Although most of these recruits are eighteen or nineteen years old and have grown up, in modern society, at eighteen or nineteen years old, many people are half-grown children who are still immature. Suddenly, joining the army, a melting pot of steel-like discipline is naturally difficult to adapt to.

More than a week ago, they were still enjoying the warmth brought by their parents at home, but this week, they came to the military camp and shouldered the sacred mission. The sudden contrast is hard for people to accept.

Company Commander Lin Changfeng looked at the moist eyes of many people and smiled slightly. He could naturally understand the mood of these recruits.

But the bitterness, tiring of training, strict and strict discipline are all necessary. This is a military camp. When they come here, they are no longer flowers in the greenhouse. All they have to do here is to hone! Only in this environment can they quickly transform into a real soldier, shoulder the responsibilities that a soldier should have, and shoulder their mission! That’s, like, growing up!

Chen Ming couldn’t help feeling touched hearing what the company commander said.

He has been a man in two lifetimes, and his mind is more mature than these ordinary recruits. Before enlisting in the army, he lived with Chen Gensheng and Wang Yan for more than a month and witnessed their concern for him and the kind of excitement that came from his heart after his achievements.

He had already regarded the two of them as his biological parents, and after listening to Lin Chang’s words, he couldn’t help thinking of the two elders in his heart.

As the company commander said, the conversation suddenly changed, “The instructor and I can both understand that it is not easy for you as recruits to enter the barracks this week.”

After a pause, he smiled, “So, organize a barbecue meeting today. Let’s relax together and welcome the next training together. I hope you can go forward bravely and not fear difficulties in the next training!”

“Now, everyone goes to the cooking class to move ingredients and ovens!”

With the joint efforts of all the recruits, all the ingredients and ovens placed in the cooking class were moved here. Soon after, the flames in the clearing slowly burned. Many people here already live in the countryside, and doing things like burning fires is a breeze.

Under the influence of fireworks and fragrance, the homesickness aroused by the company commander before was also suppressed in the deepest part of their hearts.

After a week of boring training, such a special barbecue meeting suddenly came. Everyone’s emotions were instantly ignited, the atmosphere was extremely active, and laughter continued to echo in this open space. Some recruits who were very confident in their barbecue skills volunteered to sit in front of the oven, holding a bunch of skewers in each hand, constantly turning on the fire, and brushing various sauces occasionally.

If they were not still wearing military uniforms, they would have been regarded as the masters of the barbecue stall. Some recruits who didn’t know how to roast squatted on the side of the road, staring at the sizzling and fragrant barbecue, swallowing their saliva continuously.

Seeing that the appearance was almost roasted, regardless of the dissuasion of his teammates, he said with a righteous look, “I will help you to test the poison first!”

After taking a bite, it is either because it is not cooked, so I spit it out and put it on the stove again to roast, or it is so hot that I grinned and kept sucking in the cold air. The soldier in charge of the barbecue said he couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

Such scenes can be seen everywhere, joking and playing with each other. At this moment, they truly resemble children, shedding their maturity, stability, restraint, and burden, reverting to their original innocent selves.

Chen Ming looked at them, lost in thought.

“Actually, the child within us has always been there, just hiding from the noise of adults. When surrounded by children hiding their true selves, they emerge and become their most authentic selves.”

With these reflections, Chen Ming took a hearty bite of the fragrant pork belly skewer grilled by He Xue. Under the command of the company commander, many recruits headed to the cooking class to continue transporting ingredients.

Instructor Wang Fei, observing the lively scene, stood in the midst of everyone, holding a horn, and announced, “A barbecue gathering is not just about eating barbecue. Otherwise, it lacks excitement.”

“Let’s have a talent show. Anyone with talent can come forward—singing, reciting poetry, storytelling, or stand-up comedy—all are welcome. Today is about joy, so let’s have some fun together!”

The instructor scanned the crowd with the horn, but there was a sudden silence. People looked at each other hesitantly, showing awkward expressions.

“Looks like we need a role model.”

Wang Fei chuckled inwardly, understanding that these recruits needed someone to break the ice. Fortunately, he already had someone in mind…

Thinking this, he turned his gaze to Chen Ming and said, “Chen Ming, do you have a talent? Come up and showcase it!”

Chen Ming, remembering when he led the recruits to memorize regulations, knew he had the courage needed. Putting down his skewer, he stood up.

“Hmm,” Chen Ming pondered, “I’m not really talented, but I can sing a song for everyone.”

He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. Everyone anticipated his singing, but Chen Ming spoke again instead of singing, “Instructor, can I borrow a guitar? Singing without accompaniment is a bit awkward.”

“Hey, you can play the guitar?” The instructor was surprised, having found this talent in Chen Ming’s simple profile.

Chen Ming nodded, “A little bit.”

The instructor, satisfied, nodded and said, “I have one in the dorm. Wait here. I’ll get it for you.”

Returning shortly, the instructor handed the guitar to Chen Ming.

“As it’s a talent show, I won’t sing a military song. Instead, I’ll sing a youthful song for everyone!”

Chen Ming tuned the guitar strings, tested the sound, and then looked up at the crowd.

“The song is called ‘Days on East Beijing Road!'”

“Huh? Is there such a song?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never heard of it.”

As the song title perplexed everyone, the doubts quickly faded. With the strumming of the guitar strings, the music slowly filled the air, captivating everyone.

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