Legend of the Asura

Chapter 352: Moth to the flame

Chapter 352: Moth to the flame

This is called defeating the enemy without even fighting! Boss, this is called popularity! Other people cant get it even if they want to. Xiao Tian said with a serious look.

Popularity your butt, its more like angering me to death. Other than the first match, I couldnt show off the Xuanyuan Sword all day. Feng Xiao said with a helpless expression.

Xiao Tian shook his head and didnt think so as he said, You cant say that those players are too weak. The ones that can enter the second round are all those that are quite strong, its just that boss is too strong. After seeing boss first round performance, it would be strange if they dared to fight you. Just a normal attack without a crit can deal over ten thousand damage, there arent that many in the server that can resist that.

Forget it! Feng Xiao stood up and walked out. When he passed by Xiao Tian, he suddenly asked, Xiao Tian, why are you wearing a mask these days? You arent even willing to take it off in front of me!

AhKe, ke, its because the feeling of wearing a mask is quite good. Ah..Its no wonder boss likes wearing the black Asuras Illusion. This is just me imitating boss. Xiao Tian incoherently explained for a while, secretly looking at Bao Bao who was playing in the yard.

Feng Xiao looked at him with doubt for a while before not asking again and walking out to the yard.

Big sister Binger, you are similar to the big sister that I saw beforeWu, but she wasnt as beautiful as big sister Binger and her hair and eyes were different. Butyou really are similar.

Bao Bao stood three meters away from Chen Bing Er, tilting her head to think. It was as if she was trying to remember that big sister she saw before. That was because she rarely saw other people, so each one left a deep impression on her.

Chen Bing Er didnt nod or shake her head, she just turned to look at Feng Xiao.

Binger, through this tournament, it will be hard for you not to be famous. Feng Xiao said with a smile. A suffocating beauty, a cold aura, a strange appearance, a water magician Job, and powerful magic attack power. Although she hadnt shown off much of her power over the past few days, it was already enough to attract everyones attention.

Chen Bing Er revealed a faint smile, creating a beauty that was like flowers blooming.

Come, Bao Bao, lets go to Yuzhou to fish! Feng Xiao lifted up Bao Baos little body.

UnHee, hee!

Seven days had passed for the tournament and the first four rounds were finished. The top hundred experts had already been decided for all the major servers. For the Chinese Server that had the most players, the top hundred experts were even heavier. Emerging from hundreds of millions of players, each one of them had power that wasnt small, had powerful Hidden Jobs, or had powerful equipment, stats, or skills. Of course, there were also the battle senses and reactions that were above normal peoples.

Feng Xiao, Feng Yao, Bao Bao, Xiao Tian, and Chen Bing Er had all entered the top hundred without fail. The entire process had been too smooth without much setbacks. Feng Xiao, Feng Yao, Bao Bao entering the top hundred was without surprise, but Xiao Tian and Chen Bing Er who came out of nowhere attracted peoples attention. That was because they revealed a power that was far beyond that of normal players. However, Feng Xiao knew that they hadnt even used their full power just yet. Chen Bing Er only used the most simple spells and Xiao Tian, other than using that quick speed attack, he hadnt used any other skills.

Today was the day the top hundred became the top thirty two. The competition today was more important than the competition over the past seven days because today was the meeting of true experts. The thirty two chosen would be the ultimate experts who stood at the top of Chinas Rebirth.

And the elimination format tomorrow was what people cared about more because starting tomorrow was the real competition!

It still used the point system for choosing the top thirty two, with a similar method to the preliminaries. The only difference was that everyone would face five random people and there were only ten arenas instead of the hundreds used before. For the elimination format tomorrow, there would only be two locations.

Feng Xiao stood in the arena with an indifferent expression, looking at the purple figure in front of him with a complicated gaze. His first opponent was actually her, Madame Proud Moon.

After not meeting for so long, she had become much thinner. Those eyes that had become dim before because of him had once again become bright like the past.

The two silently faced each other as if they didnt hear the battle start notification.

The atmosphere was very strange. The players that were cheering could see the strangeness and the fiery arena very quickly became silent as they silently watched them. Even a fool could tell that there was some grudge between the two. Then again, thinking of how Asura had stolen Madame Proud Moon in front of everyone at Heavenly Demon Wind Clouds wedding, everyone thought of one thing


There must be adultery!

In a corner of the arena, Hand of God clenched his fists as he watched the two of them with a complicated look. He knew everything that Asura had done to his little sisterMoreover, the only ones that knew this in the world were the three of them. But this was a hatred that he could only swallow and couldnt speak of, or her life would be destroyed. Especially for a family that cared heavily about their prestige, if this thing was knownthen she would be imprisoned or chased out!

So he forced the Gods Domain formed from the Duanmu, Shangguan, Ouyang, and Sima Families to take Asura as an enemy, but he never gave a reason.

What confused Hand of God was that she had been seemingly isolating herself from her, not asking about him and only vaguely responding to him. At home, she who rarely spoke from her pride in the first place became even more isolated. What she would do most was use soulless eyes to look in a direction in a daze.

The reason for all of this could only be that she couldnt eliminate the pain that she had suffered at Asuras hands. Every time that he thought of this, his heart would fill with so much pain that it would bleed.

She finally moved. With a calm look on her face and a graceful figure, she moved step by step towards him. Her clear eyes had been on Feng Xiao the entire time without looking away. Those eyes had something that Feng Xiao couldnt understand and he didnt know how to reactThat was because she wasnt holding a weapon.

Madame Proud Moon only stopped when she was right in front of him. The entire arena was silent and everyone watched this strange scene with large eyes, with many people quietly turning on their cameras. Hand of God knitted his brows as he couldnt understand her actions at all.

If I leave the Duanmu Family, will you take me in?

She spoke with difficulty and there was a sob in her voice that was filled with pleading and endurance. Feng Xiao simply couldnt believe his ears and just stood there in a daze.

Why would you do this? Feng Xiao said in a low voice. He did his best to see if there were traces of a lie on her face, but he was surprised to find that her eyes that had traces of tears in them were filled with determination.

You said that I will be your woman for the rest of my lifeOther than you, I cant be with anyone else. Those teardrops in her eyes finally fell. It was unknown if it was from aggrievement, pain, or relief.

Feng Xiaos brain fell into chaos. He had thought countless times of how to deal with her or the scene that would happen when they met again, but he never imagined something like this.

Was this girl crazy, or did she not understand what he was saying!

Do you understand what you are saying! Feng Xiao asked in a deep voice. Perhaps it was because of her determined eyes or because her tears made his will shake, he unconsciously believed herOnly, why would she do this? Was she giving up? Or was she broken by others?

He wasnt narcissistic enough to think that all women would fall in love with him, not to mention that she didnt even know what he looked like.

I do! I understand very clearly! I know what I am saying

Her voice was too low, so people couldnt hear what they were saying, but everyone could see that Madame Proud Moon was crying in front of Feng Xiao.

He! Feng Xiao gave a cold laugh, Do you know what I look like? Do you know who I am in real life? Where I live? This is my first time seeing an incurably dumb girl like you.

Madame Proud Moons face turned pale, but she stubbornly raised her head and looked at him with firm eyes filled with tears, I only want to know, if I leave the Duanmu Familywill you shelter me?


Good Madame Proud Moon revealed a mournful smile and her beautiful eyes revealed a look of despair that made Feng Xiaos heart tremble.

Because of you, I, Duanmu Yi Ren am no longer the Duanmu Yi Ren of the pastFrom now on, Duanmu Yi Ren will no longer exist in this world! Your revenge has beenachieved!!!

Feng Xiaos heart trembled and he grabbed her hand, stopping her from logging off.

What is happening with boss and the Duanmu girl? Xiao Tian asked in a confused voice, Could it be that something happened between them in the month I was gone?

SheShe wants to leave the Duanmu Family and follow big brother Feng Yao looked at the delicate and slender form with a complicated look. She vaguely understood why this pitiful girl made this crazy decision at this time.

Xiao Tian: ......

Could this be the legendary love from sleeping together? Xiao Tian looked up at the sky and shook his head forcefully.

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