Legend of the Asura

Chapter 346: Powerful Monster Refining Pot

Chapter 346: Powerful Monster Refining Pot

The air seemed very soothing today. Feng Xiao walked out of Rou Rous room and let out a long sigh of relief as he had a pampering smile on his face. She had been in the cold for over a month, so Shui Rou Rous body was delicate right now and she needed a good rest. The three girls stayed with her, telling her what had happened over the past month. Xi Ruo had already decided to stay with her for the next few days, for their sisterly love and for the final bit of guilt in her heart.

Xiao Tian looked at the Chasing Star Sword in his hand with an indifferent look as he narrowed his eyes, almost as if he was communicating with it. Feng Xiao revealed a faint smile. He had some understanding of his path of growth, but the only curious thing wasHe was actually wearing a mask. A pair of ice cold eyes that he was familiar with looked at him and Feng Xiao turned to head towards Chen Bing Er.

Hearing Feng Xiaos footsteps, Xiao Tian suddenly looked up and shouted in a loud voice, Ah..Boss, dont go over!

Feng Xiao who was in front of Chen Bing Er turned around and looked at Xiao Tian with a strange look. If he could see through the tiger mask, he would see that shocked look.

Eh~Boss, you arent cold? Xiao Tians strange look became stronger because Feng Xiao was already only a step away from Chen Bing Er, but he didnt show any trace of discomfort on his face.

Oh? Cold? No. Feng Xiao looked at him with a smile as he didnt explain anything. With his 90% cold resistance, the chill that came from Chen Bing Er couldnt affect him at all. All it did was make him feel a trace of coldness.

Xiao Tian was confused as he looked at Feng Xiao standing in front of Chen Bing Er with a puzzled look. He had experienced the cold coming from Chen Bing Er many times and he could only at most stand within three meters of her for three seconds.

Suddenly, there was a belief that he had never forgotten that filled his mind that completely answered his questions

It was becausehe was boss! No matter what unbelievable thing happened to him, it wasnt worth being confused by.

Bing Er Feng Xiaos eyes gently looked at her. It had already been five years since he called her that and he didnt feel strange calling her this again. That was because he suddenly noticed that compared to Xiao Bing, he preferred the name Bing Er.

Chen Bing Er revealed a ghost of a smilethat was absolutely beautiful. Only in front of him, she couldnt help putting down her ice cold appearance. It was only in front of him that her heartstrings would tremble slightly. She liked him calling her this. A full five years, hearing him call her Bing Er again, even if she was as ice cold as ever, there was a faint warmth that filled her heart.

In this world, only he could give her this feeling.

I heard Xiao Tian say that you no longer need to keep your promise. Did you really hurt him?

Thinking of that battle yesterday, when she hit him with an unexpected strike, Chen Bing Er gave a nod. There was a look of pride that appeared on her face, but it also quickly disappeared. That was because she didnt see a look of praise or happiness on Feng Xiaos face, rather there was a bit of worry.

She knew that he must have something to say.

Feng Xiao and Xiao Tian clearly knew the barrier between Chen Bing Er and Chen Yan. It was a barrier that separated the love between daughter and father, it was near indestructible! In the past, this was something that Feng Xiao could never understand. That was because in his world, his father was the greatest symbol. Since his adopted father passed, he missed the relationship between father and son every day.

Bing Er, do you still hate him? You should know that he forced you to accept this promise so that you could become stronger. It was because as one of Chinas future protectors, there was a reason that you had to become stronger. Feng Xiao slowly said this. She had returned to Chen Bing Er, so he could finally say the things he had kept in his heart.

Chen Bing Er looked down, there was no hesitation or warmth in her eyes.

Patting her shoulder, Feng Xiao turned with a sigh.

Bing ErAlthough he accidentally killed your motherhe is still your father.

Chen Bing Er looked up at this figure that had suddenly turned a bit sad. There was a slightly sad aura that filled her ice cold heart with pain. There were faint ripples that appeared in her heart because of his final words.

Walking out of the hall, the air inside made his slightly depressed heart relaxed. When he thought of his adoptive father who passed, thinking of that hatred that was deeply imprinted in his heart that he couldnt resolve, it was like there was a large stone pressed on his heart.

Big brother Feng

What is it, Waner? Feng Xiao replied with a smile.

I never had a chance to talk to you about it before Xuanyuan Waners voice became serious, I dont know why, but theres the aura of the Monster Refining Pot coming from big brother Feng. Moreover, its very strong and it seems very close.

Oh? Monster Refining Pot? Feng Xiao was a bit surprised. Only then did he think about the Death Swamp and the little pot that hung on Demon Fiend. According to Xuanyuan Waner, that was the fourth ranked Monster Refining Pot of the Ten Ancient Artifacts.

Waner, are you sure youre not mistaken? Feng Xiao knitted his brows as he asked this. When he killed Demon Fiend, there was only anger and hatred in his heart, so he had completely forgotten the Monster Refining Pot. Perhaps it had fallen into the deep abyss created in the land he had destroyed, or perhaps it had also been destroyed by Star Breaker by him like Demon Fiend. But no matter what, it shouldnt be on him.

Starting yesterday when we arrived in the Beginner Village, I could feel it vaguely. Until now, this feeling hasnt faded, but rather has become stronger, so it shouldnt be a mistake. Xuanyuan Waner didnt hesitate at all as she replied.

Could it be

Thinking of how the Xuanyuan Sword had automatically recognized him as a master, Feng Xiao suddenly thought of something. He focused his mind and quickly thought, Monster Refining Pot.

The facts made his heart skip a beat. With a gray flash, there was a gray azure little pot that was barely the size of his palm that appeared in his hand. Speaking of this little pot, it was more like a little jar that had a square bottom and there was a lid that seemed impossible to open, as well as a little spout from the side. Whether it was its appearance or its colour, there was nothing special about it.

Its the Monster Refining Pot! It really is the Monster Refining Pot! ItIt actually recognized big brother Feng as its master automatically!

Xuanyuan Waners voice went from surprise to pleasant surprise. She naturally knew what it meant for Feng Xiao to obtain the Monster Refining Pot. This was an ancient divine artifact only weaker than the Eastern Emperor, the Xuanyuan Sword, and the Pangus Axe.

I know! It must have been the power that big brother Feng used to defeat Demon Fiend that made it submit, so it automatically recognized big brother Feng as its master!

Feng Xiao nodded as this was the only explanation that he could think of as well. His hand holding the Monster Refining Pot shook a bit. After all, this was a complete Sacred Item that was on the same grade as the Xuanyuan Sword, no one would be able to remain calm.

Sealed Monster Refining Pot:

It's been called the Nine Black Pot since ancient times, one of the treasures of the ancient times. It has an unbelievable power, its said to contain everything and has a shocking destructive power. There is a strange space inside of this that is said to be so big that it can hold the heaven and earth. It has used up all of its power forcefully using the God Executing Array during the battle of gods and demons, as well as suffering a backlash from that power, so it is currently in a sealed state.

Effects: None.

Feng Xiao took a deep breath. He reached out a finger from his right hand and a drop of golden blood fell onto the Monster Refining Pot with a thought from him.

As if it had suddenly started burning, there was a gray light that came from the Monster Refining Pot that wrapped up Feng Xiaos body. The gray light became stronger and stronger, expanding its affected range at a shocking speed, while also releasing a strange energy that couldnt be resisted.

Feng Yao and Xiao Tian in the living room felt this large fluctuation of energy and suddenly ran out, but they were stunned by Feng Xiao who was completely covered in this gray light. This huge energy had a powerful attractive force. Although it didnt make their bodies move at all, it was so strange that they couldnt resist it at all.

Ding, you have successfully unsealed the Monster Refining Pot.

The Monster Refining Pots seal was completely released. Since it had already recognized a master, there wasnt the disgusting notification of accepting a trial. The Monster Refining Pots gray colour had already faded and was replaced with a dark azure azure. It was different from the quiet green of the Shennong Cauldron, this was an azure colour that had a strange demonic power.

Boss, this is? Seeing the square item in Feng Xiaos hand, Xiao Tian knew that it was the source of the gray glow from before.

Monster Refining Pot: Unknown grade.

It has recognized a master. It cannot be traded, dropped, destroyed, or stolen.

It's been called the Nine Black Pot since ancient times, one of the treasures of the ancient times. It has an unbelievable power, its said to contain everything and has a shocking destructive power. There is a strange space inside of this that is said to be so big that it can hold the heaven and earth.

Effects: Damage to demons increased by 400%

Special Effects:

Nine Black Space: Has an infinite space inside that can infinitely hold items, creatures, and even itself. The other side must agree when absorbing living beings. The master can travel to the Nine Black Space with a single thought.

Spirit Assimilation: The World Creation God created all life, but he felt that most of their nature was cruel. In order to not destroy the balance of this world, he created an azure bronze pot that can refine fierce energy, named the Monster Refining Pot. After falling into the pot, the cruel monsters, beasts, demons and such will be assimilated for the balance of heaven and earth.

Through the divine power of the Monster Refining Pot, different monsters and pets that arent higher level than the user can be pulled into the Monster Refining Pots refining space and can be refined with a thought. The absorption limit each day is equal to the users intelligence. Absorption ability will also depend on the users intelligence. 1000 intelligence is needed to absorb pets or monsters below the Spiritual Grade (Gold Grade), 2000 intelligence is needed to absorb pets or monsters below the Immortal Grade, 5000 intelligence is needed to absorb pets or monsters at the Immortal Grade, 30000 intelligence is needed to absorb pets or monsters at the Divine Grade, and 100000 intelligence is needed to absorb pets or monsters at the Super Divine Grade. After being refined, they will turn into corresponding energy gems.

Nine Black Energy: Releases the Nine Black Energy of the Monster Refining Pot to cover a certain area. All allies in the area will have their Strength, Vitality, Agility, and Intelligence increased by 100%. All enemies will have their Strength, Vitality, Agility, and Intelligence decreased by 50%. It will last 3 minutes and the range is equal to the users level times 10. Has a cooldown of two days.

The Monster Refining Pots stats made Feng Xiao stunned, Xiao Tians eyes almost popped out from shock, and Feng Yao was surprised.

Not mentioning anything else, just this Spirit Assimilation special skill was enough to call it a Sacred Item. It was so strong that it couldnt be described properly.

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