Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 90- A Lady and her Retainers

Chapter 90- A Lady and her Retainers

[Keeno POV]

After camp was set up and food was eaten, people were milling about, chatting, or going to their tents to sleep.  Since the novelty of being glared at ran out, I pulled that little fox aside and told her that I wasn’t making any move on Emma and explained a small bit of my relationship with her to assuage her.  When I explained that Pram and Freya also wouldn’t make a move, she became all smiles and sunshine.  Soon enough, the only ones left awake were Sigurd, Emma, Pram, Freya, and me.  We were all sitting around a fire when I looked over at Pram and Freya and told them through telepathy that I wanted to have a small, private talk with Emma and Sigurd and that we’d be back in a bit.  They both nodded and I stood up.

“Emma, Sigurd, come with me for a bit.” (Keeno)

They both nodded and stood up.  I waved my tails a little and Huginn and Muninn flapped out of them before flying over and landing next to Pram.  The three of us walked away until I was sure nobody would hear us.  I even tried carving some runes of silence in the dirt with my feet, but nothing happened.

‘I really need to figure out how to start making these things work.’

Shrugging my shoulders at that, I walked over and sat down on a rock.  The other two followed suit.

“*Sigh*So, where do you want me to start?” (Keeno)

“Your name.” (Emma)

“That’s going to take some explaining, so fine, but before I even get there, I need the two of you to promise me something.” (Keeno)

“Anything, my Lady.” (Sigurd)

“Any and all secrets are safe with me, my Lady.” (Emma)

“Then, please keep ALL of this a secret.  I won’t say take it to your grave, but please keep what I’m going to tell you two to yourselves until I say it’s ok.  It has further reaching implications than either of you two could probably imagine.” (Keeno)

The two got up and knelt down on one knee.

“Lady Keeno Okami, I, Sigurd, promise on the name you gave me to keep any and all secrets you deign to tell me, even if I face the most gruesome of torture, I will never divulge them.” (Sigurd)

“Lady Keeno Okami, I, Emma, promise to keep all your secrets from coming to light until told otherwise.  As your maid, it is my duty to be your closest confidant.  Should I be captured and tortured for your secrets, I will die before ever divulging them.” (Emma)

I felt a bit happy that the two of them were this willing to make a vow like that to me, even 14 years later.  Deciding that I’d show my appreciation for their willingness to go this far, I stood up and walked near them.

“Thank you, my two loyal retainers.  My appreciation for your vows is more than you could possibly know.” (Keeno)

I placed a hand on their shoulders like I was knighting them.  I then moved back to my rock seat and sat down.  They did the same after a moment.  When they sat down, the area was filled with silence before all three of us burst into laughter.

“While I was serious about it, thank you for playing along, my Lady.” (Emma)

“Yes, it feels good to feel like I’m serving you again, my Lady.  It brings me back to when we used to discretely play like this when you were a child.” (Sigurd)

“Oh, that brings me back…but enough of that reminiscing for now.  We have things to talk about and not a long enough night to do so.  Now, back to answering Emma’s question.  Like I said it takes a bit more backstory, so please don’t interrupt.” (Keeno)

After getting confirmation that they wouldn’t interrupt me, I began my tale.

“For starts, this isn’t my first life.  I was reincarnated from a different world through…means I can’t remember all to well honestly.  But that isn’t the important part.  Before I was born in this world, I met someone in the Divine Domain.  That someone was Amaterasu, Goddess of the Orange Sun, Life, and Magic.  Said goddess is also my Fated One.” (Keeno)

I paused there to let that information sink in.  I could tell they were both shocked at this information, though their expressions told me it was for different reasons.  I nodded my head, saying they could ask some things for now.  Emma was the first to speak.

“My Lady, you’re telling me that you and a Goddess are Fated partners!?” (Emma)

“Yes.  She is mine and I am hers.  I will not stand for anyone else claiming so and they will be dealt the most painful of ends if they dare try anything.” (Keeno)

“That’s both scary and romantic.  I wish someone would be like that for me.  And no, Sigurd and Selkie don’t count.  Sigurd and I didn’t click like that and whatever Selkie feels for me isn’t proper love, but an obsession.” (Emma)

“Wait what!?” (Keeno)

“Yeah, Sigurd and I were a couple for about a month, but things didn’t work out so we ended things but kept a good relationship as friends and colleagues.” (Emma)

“…” (Sigurd)

“I hope you know that I’m going to use this information for teasing at later dates now.” (Keeno)

“Join the club, I and the others always tease Sigurd about this kind of stuff.” (Emma)

“Heh.” (Keeno)

“All that aside, is that the reason for so many things going wrong with the Fafnir house after we all managed to get out?  Though I didn’t see it for myself, I heard that everyone in the mansion was put under some kind of curse that kept them in eternal nightmares for years and years and that the canals around the mansion were constantly boiling until recently.  It was even to the point that people from the outside trying to get in died due to the steam.” (Sigurd)

“I didn’t know the specifics of Ama’s curse, but honestly, I feel she could have done worse.  But yes, she did curse them all for how they treated me, at least until she was asked to lift it by that idiot Phobos.” (Keeno)

“…Wait, what other implications come with you being the Fated One of a goddess?” (Sigurd)

“I’ll become one, one day, or am I already one now?  I don’t really know, and I change that answer all the time since neither Ama nor I know.  Anyway, before you ask any more, let me explain some more things.  When I was being reincarnated, Phobos, the God of Time and Fate messes with my soul and gave me the two Authorities I would have when I ascended early, resulting in me getting the Authorities of the Blue Sun and Death.  That’s why, when I was born and for so long afterwards, my body was so hot that my birth giver became infertile, and it was so hot anywhere near me.  That and one of the effects of Ama’s Divine Protection giving me more mana than normal people which was hard to control when I was that young.” (Keeno)

“…” (Sigurd)

“…” (Emma)

“Now, onto the main part.  The day I was being sent into Solitude for ‘being a disgrace to the Fafnir name,’ the one who picked me up in the carriage was Ama’s Apostle, Fiametta, who is now like a big sister to me.  Along the way out of this damnable country, Ama gave me the name Keeno, while I gave us the family name Okami.” (Keeno)

“That’s lovely, Lady Keeno.” (Emma)

“It is indeed.  I’m happy that you managed to get out of here and live a happy life, from what I’ve seen of you and how you interact with the two that came here with you.” (Sigurd)

“I can say the same for you two, while still having to live here and while fighting the whole time is one thing, I’m glad you have had at least the smallest of chances for, what I would consider, a normal life, even if it is in snippets.” (Keeno)

“Hmm.  Now, from what I’ve seen today, at least a little bit, you’ve finally learned magic.” (Sigurd)

“Yep.  And also manifested my Soul Weapon.” (Keeno)

I made my blades appear and disappear again.

“…But…” (Sigurd)

“According to Ama, the manifested later than normal due to my body still getting accustomed to the Divine Protection and the two Authorities.  And besides, Soul Weapons aren’t as rare as you’d think.  They aren’t ‘signs of nobility’ and they are not invincible, shaking someone’s resolve enough will make their Will falter, and when it falters, a soul weakens, when a soul weakens, its weapon fails its wielder.  Shake someone who relies on their Soul Weapon enough, it will fail them, it is not a trump card or an absolute sign of victory, but a weapon, and one that is only as strong as its wielder’s resolve.” (Keeno)

The two were once again shocked into silence, this time though, the surprise on their faces was the same.  Like a part of their world view was destroyed, which, for them, it was.

“…How much?” (Sigurd)

“How much of what, Sigurd, there are too many ways to finish that question properly to completely answer you.” (Keeno)

“How much of what we know is true?” (Sigurd)

“Well, if you know what I was taught when I was still very young, then most of it.  There are so many more places outside of this place more advanced and powerful than here.  Even on this continent, there are two countries that are bigger than you could possibly imagine.  In fact, just crossing a small part of one to another took me a year, and most of that year was spent on a boat.  There are people stronger than anyone you could imagine.” (Keeno)

I decided to stop there since the two of them looked like they were on the verge of a panic attack.  I waited for the two of them to calm down before we proceeded any further.

“…My Lady, please tell me that you aren’t going to completely destroy my view of the world anymore.” (Emma)

“Just a little bit, though this part is probably going to be the thing that does the most damage.  How much do either of you know about the Dead Zone?” (Keeno)

“I know that the king keeps it closely guarded, only those who serve him directly, like the Fafnir house, know its location, and that anyone who holds claim over it is deigned to rule this land, a right given by…...the goddess of Life.  In the name of all the Divine, my Lady!” (Sigurd)

Sigurd looked up at me, his eyes widest tonight.

“My goals are my own, Sigurd.  What may seem selfish to you is, a change the world needs.  If you want an excuse to trick your mind, think of it this way: me taking away the Dead Zone will stop future rulers of this country from going down the same path its on now.” (Keeno)

“…” (Sigurd)

“My Lady.  It doesn’t matter.  I am your maid, your head maid, in fact.  That comes before anything else, and, I have no love for this place.  Yes, it’s all I’ve ever known, but what you said just now makes me want to see the world.  Get out and experience everything there is to know about it.  If getting rid of a Dead Zone is your goal, I’ll support you in it, with my meager power.” (Emma)

“Thank you, Emma.” (Keeno)

“…My Lady…let me ask you this…is your goal truly worth this?  I may not know much about the big picture, but I do know that the king and anyone connected to him, as well as the prince that leads the rebellion will both target you if or when they find out about this.” (Sigurd)

“Sigurd, if it wasn’t for you and Emma being here, I would burn this entire country to the ground.” (Keeno)


‘Anything to say, Ama?’ (Keeno)

{Not for now, but later.}

“I see…my Lady, I have sworn to you earlier on my name, let me add to that.  I will serve you as a knight for the rest of my life, if I my blood continues, they will serve you, be it as knights or clergy, whatever you choose, faithfully and without betrayal.” (Sigurd)

I wanted to say he didn’t have to go that far, but seeing the resolve in his eyes, I held my tongue.  I looked over to Emma and she nodded her head, showing that she agreed with what Sigurd had said.

“My Lady, may I ask one more thing…no, two more?” (Emma)

“Sure.” (Keeno)

“First, I would like to ask how you grew a second tail, I know that, in the far past, some kitsune who lived a long time grew one or two more, but you are far, far too young for that.” (Emma)

“I’ve already taken one Dead Zone.  In a country known as Vanir.  Me being me, I can take the core, that has now turned into simple Divinity, for myself.  By doing so, it lessens the seals on my Authorities, letting me have more power, and whatnot.  It also gives me the ability to appoint an Apostle of Death, or what I’m calling Valkyries up to nine.  So far, I have only one who is named Red.  She is still in Vanir, helping out the Death Spirits maintain things until I can fully ascend.  Once I get rid of the Dead Zone here, I’ll need to do the same, but that’s something for future me to figure out.” (Keeno)

“Are there conditions?” (Sigurd)

“Yes, though in this instance the ones for Death are vague.  It could be someone whose killed thousands, someone whose been at death’s door, someone who evades death at every step, more that I’m still figuring out.” (Keeno)

“Do either of us fulfill those conditions?” (Emma)

“Not at the moment, no.  Red fulfilled the condition of killing.  Her life hasn’t been easy, and she was in no position to stay her hand from treading that path, but she’s since found family in me and mine.  I consider the two of you close as family here, as well, by the way.” (Keeno)

“That warms my heart, my Lady.  Now for the second, and in my opinion, most important question…may I pat your tails?” (Emma)

“Feel free.” (Keeno)

Emma stood up from her spot and moved over to me.  Sitting down next to me, she gently placed her hands into the fluff on one of my tails.

“…This is…fluffier than I remember.” (Emma)

“Hehe.  Just don’t fall for me, Emma.  I promised that little fox I wouldn’t take you from her.” (Keeno)

“The little fox is just enraptured by me because I saved her life.  She doesn’t actually love me, my Lady.” (Emma)

“Hmm.  Tell me that story some other time.  We should head back, the suns should rise soon, and we need at least some sleep.” (Keeno)

I got up, much to Emma’s disappointment and the three of us headed back to the camp.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Hoho.  So she just out and told them everything from the start.

You weren’t any different.

Luna: I waited until I was five!

Your mother and Ana figured out something was up way earlier and Blake knew from the start it was you, pretty much.

Luna: …

Order: What I’m more interested in is who will get the Valkyrie position.


Luna: Emma.

Order: And why are you both so sure of that?

Luna: Valkyrie are only woman.

And Sigurd is more paladin material.  Hmm.  Paladin of the Sun, or Paladin of Death?

Luna: *praises the sun*

Pfft. *does the same*

Order: I don’t know what this means, but it seems fun.  *joins in the sun praising*

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