Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 84- Keeno Meets the Twins

Chapter 84- Keeno Meets the Twins

[Keeno POV]

After eating I spent the rest of the day going here and there helping out with things the Guild needed since I was bored.  When I got back in the evening, Pram and Freya were awake and chatting happily with one another.  Freya especially seemed overjoyed, if her tail waving around was anything to go by.  After some light teasing, I explained the things the Guild Master told me earlier and that we’ll be staying here for a bit more before moving on.

“Why do I feel both honored and scared of getting a title?” (Pram)

“Because titles like that have a habit of forcing a certain kind of image on you.” (Freya)

“And there is a chance that it will be something cringy.” (Keeno)

{Yes, there have been uncountable numbers of cringy titles in the past.  Even Fia didn’t like hers in the beginning, though she’s since gotten used to it.}

“That’s not easing my nerves about it.” (Pram)

“As someone who had a title before, it’s not too bad.  Once you hear people call you by the title enough, that is.” (Freya)

“And besides, you technically already have one, at least back home, Miss Duchess of Ice.” (Keeno)

“Says you, Miss Snowfire Princess.” (Pram)

“…Pfft.” (Freya)

“See, now Freya’s laughing at us.” (Pram)

“Wait, before that, what are those titles?” (Freya)

Freya had fallen backwards on the bed she was laying on trying to hold in her laughter at the titles Pram and I had gotten back home.

“Well, back in Solheim, when we were little, Keeno had a reputation for having an attitude of a cold princess to everyone but the people closest to her, and with the heat she naturally produces, the adventurers and eventually others in the city started calling her that.” (Pram)

“And since Pram and I were nearly inseparable when we were little, she got her title when she tried to mimic me.” (Keeno)

“Hahahahahahahahahaha…I mean, it fits…haha…when you take into account of the way you…haha…act in public, Keeno, but I can’t see Pram acting that way.” (Freya)

While Freya continued to try and stop laughing, Pram pouted and turned away from her with a hmph.  This prompted Freya to immediately stop laughing and try to get Pram to forgive her, which then turned into flirting.

“…Ya know, Ama, it feels like they’ve been together a lot longer than a few hours.” (Keeno)

{I agree…are we going to let them outdo us in flirting?}

“Never.” (Keeno)

The evening turned to night, and by the time midnight rolled around, all of us had fallen asleep.  The next time I woke up, I was laying on some warm sand with my head on an amazing pillow and staring up at two mounds that obstructed a familiar face.

“Well, this is a nice way to wake up.”

{It is, isn’t it?  Makes me wonder what it feels like.}

“Well, seeing as there is no current way for the reverse to happen just yet, I’ll let you fantasize about it.”

{Now, now, I wouldn’t say there is no way for it to happen.  Though I feel that it would take away some of the time we get to spend together if I just slept a little.}

“I wouldn’t say I wouldn’t enjoy that.  It would be a chance for me to see your cute sleeping face, after all.”

{And how do you know my face is cute when I sleep?}

“I just figured, if you are already so insanely beautiful while awake, then you’d look insanely cute while asleep.  It’s perfect logic.”

{It’s definitely logic I can get behind.}

I was about to sit up when Ama placed a hand on my shoulder to keep me laying there.  Then, with her free hand, she started to gently rub one of my ears.  The ticklish, and slightly stimulating feeling caused shivers to run through my entire body.


{Shhh.  Keeno, just enjoy the feeling for the moment.  We will have guests today after all and I want to pamper you before they show up.}

“Fine…but I get to do the same to you later…you know I don’t do well…when you start something and then stop halfway.”

{I know that very well.  And what, may I ask, will you do to me?}


I moved one of my tails and used the tip of it to tickly Ama’s foot.  The sudden feeling caused her to squirm a little and allowed me to sit up.  I quickly positioned myself in such a way that now, Ama’s head was in my lap.  I then brought my hands to her ears and gently started to rub them.



Ama continued to melt at my touch when a coughing sound came from somewhere.  I turned my head to see two wolfgirls looking at us with their faces blushing a deep red.  In front of the taller one was Red with hands covering her eyes.

“Well, this is awkward.” (Keeno)

{Ah!  How long have you three been there!?}

“Um…” (Moco)

“About the time Miss Keeno there got your head in her lap.” (Fu)

“Can Red’s…eyes be uncovered now?” (Red)

“Not yet.” (Fu)

Ama quickly sat up, her face also blushing a deep crimson.  It was such a rare sight to see her this embarrassed, so I made sure to sear the image into my mind.  After doing that, I turned back to our guests.

“Nice to meet you both.  I am Keeno Okami, Fated One of Amaterasu Okami and future(?) Goddess of the Blue Sun, Death, and Runes, though Runes are still a work in progress.” (Keeno)

“Why was future a question?” (Moco)

“I can’t really decide if I can call myself a goddess yet or not.  I mean, I have the Authorities, but they are basically still completely sealed, with only a small amount of power that is usable.  So, until someone can definitively tell me that I am or am not currently a goddess, it’s a thing I’ll say sometimes, and not at others.” (Keeno)

The twin goddesses nodded their heads in sync in understanding.

“Well, it’s nice to finally meet you in person, Miss Keeno.  I’m Fu!” (Fu)

“And I’m Moco!” (Moco)

““And we’re the twin Goddesses of Nature, War, Home, and Family!”” (Both)

They introduced themselves in such a way that it was like they choreographed it beforehand, but it was endearing.  At this point, Red’s eyes were also uncovered, and she moved over towards me and sat down in my lap.  I unconsciously moved my hand and stared to pat her head.

“Nn…Pats are good.” (Red)

“It’s good to see you again too, Red.  Have you been doing well?  Have you been getting enough to eat?  Have you gotten hurt at all?  Do I need to drop everything and come burn Vanir to the ground?” (Keeno)

“Everything…is fine…Red has…been eating well…and mom…and aunty…have made sure to take care…of Red’s…wellbeing.” (Red)

I looked up at the two goddesses and gave them a thumbs up.  They both smiled while the shorter of the two had tears in the corners of her eyes.

“Ah!  It makes me so emotional when I hear Red call me mom!” (Moco)

Moco then jumped forward and started hugging Red.  This resulted in all three of us getting tangled up in a pile.

“*Sigh* Moco, while I get that you are happy, you should calm down a little.” (Fu)

“Uuuuuuuu.  But Fu, aren’t you also just completely enamored at being called Aunty?” (Moco)

“I am, but I also know that I shouldn’t act like that until our second meeting with Amaterasu’s Fated One and Red’s proclaimed big sister.  Plus, watch where your hands are, because Amaterasu is glaring at you, and it’s really scary.” (Fu)

Moco looked at where her hands were, and they were dangerously close to my ears.  She then glanced over at Ama who was staring at the pile of fluff, and she went pale.  She hopped up and behind her twin sister so fast it was almost like she teleported.

“I’msosorryIdidn’tmeanitandInevertouchedherearspleaseforgiveme.” (Moco)

{You’re fine, Moco, just don’t do it again.  Keeno’s ears are mine and mine alone.}

“Heard loud and clear.  Next time my emotions get the best of me, I will make sure Miss Keeno in nowhere near me!” (Moco)


“Hehe.  I like how you don’t deny that it will happen again.” (Keeno)

“It’s only natural.  I mean, do you see how adorable Red is?  As her mother, I must show her all the affection she needs and deserves, and sometimes I go a bit overboard, but I can’t help it.” (Moco)

“And I’m much the same, I just know when to hold it back a bit more.” (Fu)

“Aunty prefers…to spoil Red…with treats…instead of pats.” (Red)

“Yup, yup.” (Fu)

“Good.  You deserve it, Red.” (Keeno)

Fu and Moco then sat down across from me, Ama, and Red and a picnic blanket appeared underneath us.  Fu then pulled out a basket and started to pull out food and even some drinks from it.

“Seeing as this meeting will take a while, I figured we’d all like something to eat, so I whipped up some stuff earlier.  Please enjoy!” (Fu)

“And I helped!” (Moco)

We all grabbed some stuff to eat and dug in.  The food was good, though just a bit too tough or chewy for my tastes.  I got to know the twins a bit more during this time, though most of it was spent with all of us spoiling Red.  Before long, I noticed that the suns were about to start setting.  Red had fallen asleep with her head lying on Moco’s lap while Fu was gently brushing her hair with her fingers.  We were all looking at the sky that was turning a pretty pink and orange color on the horizon.

“This was fun, but I think it’s time for us to go.” (Fu)

“I agree.  Once again, it was nice to meet you, Keeno.  I look forward to the next time we get to meet.” (Moco)

“The feeling is mutual.  Also, please continue to take good care of Red.” (Keeno)

““Of that, you need not worry.  We will always take care of her, you have our word on that.”” (Both)

They then stood up and disappeared in a flash of faint light along with Red.  Now, it was just me and Ama.  I scooted over and leaned my head on her shoulder as we continued to look into the horizon.

“Hey Ama.”

{Yes Keeno?}

“While we didn’t get to be alone for the day today, I had a lot of fun.”

{I did as well.}

“While I don’t think we should make a habit of it, I think we need to do this again one day.  Only next time, we should get Fia here as well.”

{I agree.  It’s been a long time since it was just the three of us, so a reunion of sorts would be nice.  Of course, that will have to wait for after next month since we have a special date that time.}


I closed my eyes as I continued to rest my head on Ama’s shoulder.  The gentle sound of the waves breaking against the shore and the pleasant breeze that blew through the area, making everything extremely peaceful.

“I feel like this is something I or both of us say every time, but it’s moments like this that I wish would last forever.  I know they will in time, but I’m impatient.”

Ama didn’t say anything and just wrapped her arm around me and pulled my head to her chest in a hug.  I kept my eyes closed and just listened to her heartbeat.  She then started to hum a song I’ve never heard.  It was an enchanting melody that made me feel a sense of tranquility that I’ve never felt before.  We sat there while Ama hummed her song to me and the sea in front of us for several minutes before it came to an end.

{Keeno, I know this may seem out of nowhere, but I feel like I should have said this a long time ago.}

I opened my eyes and moved so we were looking at each other.  She grabbed my shoulders and placed her head against mine.

{Entrust all your anxieties, doubts, and fears to me, and focus your mind only on moving forward without hesitation.  Come, let me become your bedrock, your foundation.  My beloved Keeno, nothing in existence shall ever tear you from me.  I am yours.}

She then moved even closer to me until our lips met.  We both closed our eyes and just enjoyed the moment.  When we broke apart and opened our eyes, we both smiled at each other.

“Amaterasu.  You are my everything.  My beacon in the night, the warmth of my soul, the overflowing radiance of my world.  Nothing will ever stop me from loving you and everything you stand for.  As long I have you, I can enjoy my life to the fullest.  Even just saying your name gives me strength, and fills me with the passion of an infinite number of suns.  I’ve long entrusted you with my everything, and I hope that you do the same with me, from now unto eternity.”

We smiled at each other even more deeply than before and wrapped our arms around each other.  Even our tails intertwined.  While we didn’t kiss this time, we both knew that it wasn’t necessary since just this warm embrace was enough to convey any feelings, both already said and the ones we couldn’t possibly describe in words.  It was in this warmth that we both eventually fell asleep.

Chaos Realm:

Luna: I’m so confused.

Order: About what?

Luna: There at the end, how did them sitting on the beach turn into basically stating marriage vows?  Don’t get me wrong, me and Tamamo have done the same thing several times, but seeing it happen to other people just feels…off.

Well, it’s just a mood thing really.  In this instance, Amaterasu was in the mood to reaffirm her feelings for Keeno since they didn’t really get much alone time this time.  And, following along with the same mood, Keeno did the same.

Order: Seeing as you said that this happens with you and Tamamo, it doesn’t make sense that it would be confusing to you.

Luna: Hmmm.  Maybe I’m just in the mood to do the same thing, but with Tamamo not being here at the moment, I’m frustrated?


Order: It’s very likely the case.

Luna: In any case, that was very heartwarming.

Payto and Order: Agreed.

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