Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 74- Tasty Treats and Magical Explosions

Chapter 74- Tasty Treats and Magical Explosions

[Keeno POV]

Another two days passed as we continued on our way out of Vanir.  Pram and I were doing quite well with the weather being sunny, while Freya was, for some reason, a bit uncomfortable with it.  When we asked her about it, she said that, while knowing it was the case, it’s a lot stranger experiencing extended periods of time without the sound and feel of rain like in other countries.  It was at that point that I couldn’t hold back my curiosity anymore.

“Hey Ama, do you know why it rains so much in Vanir anyway?” (Keeno)

{It’s the part of this continent that the rain and storm gods love.  I don’t know why they love it; they just do.  And if you think Vanir was bad, just wait until you get to Tamist.  They love that country too, so much so that it’s basically a country sized mire.}

“…” (Pram)

“…” (Freya)

“Will we need to go there?” (Keeno)

{There is a Dead Zone there.}

“…” (Keeno)

“Keeno, when we eventually get there, will you just heat up everything so that it all goes away?” (Pram)

“That sounds like a good plan, Pram.  I think I’ll do that.” (Keeno)

{The Dead Zone compounds it, so you won’t be able to do that.  Don’t ask me why it does that, it happened after the core became simple Divinity.}

“Oh, is that why Fia had to go around inspecting the Dead Zones?” (Keeno)

{One reason.  The other is that it kept her busy.  You know she doesn’t like sitting still.}

“True.” (Keeno)

“Yeah, if Fia ever get’s a lover, they’ll have to be good with moving around a lot.” (Pram)

“I can’t comment since I’ve only ever heard of Fiametta.” (Freya)

“You’ll meet her one day.” (Keeno)

{Yep.  Be it either before or after Keeno fully ascends or not, I feel like the two of you will get along quite well.  Especially since you’ll both be Sun Apostles.}

“Well, if all of you say that, then I guess I should look forward to meeting her.” (Freya)

We continued for the rest of the day sharing some fun conversation.  When it came time to set up camp, we found a nice spot next to a big tree close to the road.  While setting up, I looked up at the tree branches and saw that there were several fruits hanging from the branches.  They were small apple-like fruits, though they had a poisonous purple color.

“What are you looking at?” (Freya)

Freya looked up at what I was staring at and a small smile spread across her face.

“Oh, I didn’t think there was a lesh tree this far inland.” (Freya)

“Lesh?” (Keeno)

“It’s a fruit that normally is only grown near the border with Odeen.  Despite how they look, the fruit is extremely delicious.  It’s to the point where there are debates on how best to eat one.  One side believes it’s best to eat it like it is, while the other says that adding salt makes it a thousand times better.” (Freya)

“And what side are you on?” (Pram)

“No salt.  In my opinion, it masks the natural sweetness too much.  Plus, why would anyone like salty fruit?” (Freya)

Hearing that, Pram looked at me and I nodded.

“Huginn, Muninn, mind getting some of those fruits down for us?” (Keeno)

The two hopped out of my tails and flapped up to the branches.  They then pecked at some of the stems, dropping the lesh fruits down to us.  I caught them and handed them over to Freya and Pram before catching a few more.  Once we were satisfied with the number, Huginn and Muninn flew back down to us and looked expectantly at me.

“Yes, you two, I’m going to share with you.” (Keeno)

We all sat down and, after cleaning them a bit, we all bit into the fruit.

‘…Watermelon…it tastes like watermelon, very, very sweet watermelon.’ (Keeno)

{What’s a watermelon?}

‘A fruit from my old world.  Green on the outside, red or sometimes yellow on the inside, sweet, normally, oval shaped, and a normal sized one is about the size of a human’s head.’ (Keeno)


We all enjoyed our fruit and I had Huginn and Muninn help in getting us a few more down from the branches so we could keep them for later.  After that, I sat back down and started to concentrate on my training.  I had a ball of my blue flames floating above my palm.  I continued to add more and more mana to it while also trying to make it smaller and more compact.  It was going well for a few minutes before the ball started to warp.  I then sent it as far up into the air as I could before it exploded.  High up in the air, the ball rapidly expanded, and everything lit up like it was day again.  Then the sound hit.  A sharp pain in my ears is all I felt.  My vision swam a bit and I held my ears down, hoping it would help.  It did not.  When I looked up, I saw Pram and Freya doing the same while Huginn and Muninn were sprawled out on the ground.

“      ” (Pram)

“        ” (Freya)

‘I can’t hear anything.’ (Keeno)

‘Keeno!  What was that!?’ (Pram)

‘Magic practice.  It was a failure.’ (Keeno)

‘At least warn us next time!’ (Pram)

Pram then placed her hands on her ears and used healing magic.  She then moved on to Freya, Huginn, and Muninn.  When she got to me, she glared at me for a second before healing me.

“Next time, tell us you’re going to make us deaf.” (Pram)

“That wasn’t my intention.” (Keeno)

“Well, it still worked.  And what even was that?” (Freya)

“A simple fireball, just super condensed.” (Keeno)

“…” (Freya)

{You were doing so good with it too.  Even practically made a tiny sun.  Too bad it took too long to be used practically.}

“Yeah.  And even then, that isn’t what I was going for, condensing it is just the first step.” (Keeno)

“What in the world are you trying to do?” (Freya)

“Something like a dragon’s breath…AH!  That’s it!  I’m an idiot!” (Keeno)

“Oh no.” (Pram)

“What?  Why oh no?” (Freya)

“She’s going to do something stupid again.” (Pram)

“Oh no.” (Freya)

While those two had looks ranging from annoyed and worried to worried and scared, Huginn and Muninn hopped behind them.

{Keeno, even I’m a bit worried at whatever epiphany you just had.  Share before you try.}

“Well, if it’s a breath attack, then I was going about it in the wrong way.  Where does breath come out, your mouth, so I just have to condense the magic inside either my mouth or throat and it should work.” (Keeno)

{Keeno, I love you, I really do, but that is the stupidest things I’ve ever heard of.}

“I know it’s stupid, and even more dangerous, but I just have this gut feeling it’ll work.” (Keeno)

{Pram, please be ready to use healing magic if Keeno blows up.}

“Will that even work?” (Pram)

{She’s immune to fire magic, even her own, so she’ll just be in a lot of pain while suffering some minor internal injuries.  Well, minor for her.}

Pram just rolled her eyes but got ready to heal me just in case.

“Thanks Pram, feel free to use both my tails as pillows for however long you want now.” (Keeno)

“Just get it over with.” (Pram)

I closed my eyes and concentrated inside myself.  I tried focusing on making mana condense in either my mouth or throat, but it just didn’t feel right.  I kept trying to condense it lower until it was around inside my chest.

“Why is her chest glowing like that?” (Freya)

{Guess that’s where the magic is going to start condensing.}

Ignoring them, I concentrated more.  The small bit of heat inside my chest continued to grow hotter and hotter.

{Freya, point Keeno in a direction that doesn’t have any people in it.  I don’t know how far anything that happens is going to go, but just in case it goes until it hits something, please make sure it won’t end in something Keeno will regret.  There is a mountain range to the north, so turn her in that direction.  Pram, keep at the ready.}

Freya moved over and grabbed my shoulders, turning me around until I was facing a safe direction.  While this was happening, I continued to condense the solar magic in my chest even more.  I could tell it was already past the point of the earlier attempt, but I felt like I could condense it even more.  After several minutes, I felt like I heard some kind of heartbeat and felt a small itch in my eyes.  At that point, it was like I instinctually knew that I was ready to release my magic.  I opened my mouth, and I felt the intense heat of the solar magic coming up and out.  In front of me, a beam of cerulean light shot from my mouth and into the distance.  It lasted for only a few seconds and when it stopped, I fell to my back, panting heavily.

“So…this is what it feels like to run out of mana.” (Keeno)

I felt dizzy and when I tried opening my eyes again, everything started to spin, so I closed them.  I heard Pram walk over and kneel down next to me before she started to inspect my body with healing magic for any injuries.

“Well, your body is perfectly fine.  Open your eyes.” (Pram)

I did as she said and for a second, she looked a little freaked out.

{Oh?  Your eyes are even prettier now, Keeno.}

“I don’t know what happened to them, but it seems you’re the only one that seems to think that.” (Keeno)

“Not true, I was just surprised.  I mean, not much has changed, it’s just your pupils are now slits instead of round, so it makes your already intense gaze even more piercing.  And I’m sorry for jumping at it, I know that it makes you upset when people get scared of your eyes, even if you deny it.” (Pram)

“…” (Keeno)

“So, you also have insecurities?  Paint me surprised.” (Freya)

“Of course, I do.  Just because my expression doesn’t change much around other people not close to me doesn’t mean I’m actually like that.  You should have figured that out by now.” (Keeno)

{Freya, even us gods have insecurities.  No one is exempt from them.}

“I see…” (Freya)

“All that aside, Keeno, as your best friend and healer of our party, I say you sleep.  No complaining, no excuses, sleep.” (Pram)

“I hear you, but I can’t really move.  If I do, I feel like I’ll pass out.” (Keeno)

“Freya, mind helping me to move this idiot?” (Pram)

“Sure.” (Freya)

I was then picked up by the two and moved into my tent.  Shortly after that, I fell asleep.

[Pram POV]

Once we were sure Keeno was asleep, Freya and I sat down next to a freshly started fire.

“Goddess, that felt…strange.  Like, she was a bit too good at doing that when she’s been struggling with it for so long.” (Pram)

{Hmmm.  Hang on a second.}

A few seconds later, the goddess’s voice came back.

{Don’t know how I missed this before, but apparently Keeno has some dragon blood in her.  Not enough to do anything more than give her slight instincts and apparently change her eyes to what they look like now, but it’s there all the same.}

“What?  I feel like if there was a family in any country that had a dragon in their ancestry, it would be widely known.  I mean, I don’t really know much about dragons, but from what I do know, they are stupid powerful.” (Freya)

{You aren’t wrong there; they are very strong.  As for the first thing, it isn’t well known for a few reasons, one being Keeno is from Falheim, another being that she was never told by those disgusting mongrels that birthed her because they treated her like a disposable piece of trash.  I doubt even those outside of the Fafnir family even know that they had a dragon ancestor.}

“But if that’s the case, why did her eyes change like that now instead of when she was born?” (Pram)

{I don’t know.  I can learn a person’s ancestry through my Life Authority, but I can’t find out stuff like that.  At least, not without having Keeno right next to me so I can get a more precise look.}

“Are you sure you aren’t just saying that because you want to touch her?” (Pram)

{Pram, it’s not like we go at it like beasts in heat every time we see each other.  It may end up like that most times, but we CAN hold back.}

“ANYWAY, should we be worried about any more of these instincts she has?” (Freya)

{Nope.  At most she’ll probably notice them more, and there is a small chance she’ll become a bit more hot-blooded when she thinks someone is trying to take things or people she considers precious from her, but being a kitsune, she was already like that, so it won’t really change anything.  What I’m more nervous about is when she tries to do a breath attack like she did earlier with Death magic.}

“I pray for any soul that is on the receiving end of that.” (Freya)

“Why?  Either way they would end up feeling Keeno’s wrath.” (Pram)

“…Right.  Why do I feel bad for anyone who makes themselves her enemy?” (Freya)

{You shouldn’t.  If they are stupid enough to become Keeno’s enemy, then they deserve whatever fate they face.  Especially since they will have lost my favor as well.}

“If Life herself says that, then are they even considered a living thing at that point?” (Pram)

{They wouldn’t be for long.}

“Hehehe.” (Pram)


“And you’re supposed to be the one with a Pure soul?  How?” (Freya)

“I don’t know.” (Pram)

{That’s a secret.}

The night continued on and before long, the suns started to rise.  When Keeno woke up, she was still a bit tired, so we all decided to use this spot to camp for a bit until she was back to her peak.

Chaos Realm:

Wonder how Keeno’s going to react to that news.

Order: Not sure, I mean, we knew for a while now, so it’s hard to picture her being surprised.


Order: By the way, what happened to that breath attack?

Sadly, it dissipated before hitting anything.

Order: Why is that sad?

It would have been funny seeing the chaos it caused.

Order: Falling into your role a bit too much, are we?

Gotta do that sometimes.  If I don’t, I feel like I’m not really me.

Order: Well, as long as you don’t mess up with the order of things too much, I guess I can allow that.

Don’t worry, I’d never do something that makes your job harder.

Order: And that’s why you are the best.

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