King Of Chaos

Chapter 392 Ch 392: The Sage Paintings

Chapter 392 Ch 392: The Sage Paintings

?╠ Land of Celestial Insight ╣

Land of Celestial Insight is a 'world' ruled by the Tower of Wisdom. This is where the Tower of Wisdom was located.

Tower of Wisdom is a square-shaped tower with a total of 99 floors. Each floor has a different shape and size. Most importantly, each floor was built using different materials.

If there was something similar among all the 99 floors, then it was the fact that there were paintings on the walls of this tower. Other than the floor, there was not a single place in this tower that was not covered with paintings.

Each floor has a different painting and each painting tells a totally different tale. However, they were all connected in one or another way.

Warriors who know about the Tower of Wisdom had named these paintings: The Sage Paintings.

No ordinary people could enter the Tower of Wisdom. Only Masters of Chaos were allowed to step inside this tower.

However, there are always exceptions.

For example, if you are a descendant of a Master of Chaos from the Tower of Wisdom, you could enter the tower by using a special card.

Xuan Yun is one such descendant.

Every painting inside the Tower of Wisdom appears to be alive, as if they are filled with boundless insights. The wisdom hidden in every painting is different, however, they all share the same source. They are all branches of a single tree.

It is said that as long as someone comprehends the essence of all 99 paintings, they could comprehend a heavenly secret that might end up giving them a way to break past the limit of the 36th Level of Master of Chaos, and enter an entirely new realm of cultivation, becoming a King that will rule the Chaos.

At that time, even the Tree of Chaos could not control that warrior's life and death. That warrior will be above the Rules of Chaos, beyond the control of the Tree of Chaos, and at the initial step of an entirely new life filled with unknown certainties.

No one knows for how long the Tower of Wisdom is there, however, legend says it is an ancient tower left behind by the forgotten era.

The Forgotten Era is named so because no one knows what transpired during that time. The nature of whether it was the initial era of Chaos or if there were preceding eras before it remains unknown.

Although various sites and Mystic Realms from the Forgotten Era have been discovered, no account detailing what precisely unfolded during that era can be found; not a single story, not even an ordinary one.

As several eras came after the forgotten era, the Tower of Wisdom became one of those forces that could terrify the entire Chaos. No one would want to find trouble with this force.

However, there was one exception. A lone individual resisted this force and even managed to defeat several Masters of Chaos from this tower. This person's rapid ascent in strength became a legend, as he achieved the status of a Master of Chaos in an exceptionally short period. It was an accomplishment unprecedented by anyone else.

It was unfortunate that this individual had numerous powerful forces as enemies for various reasons, with the Tower of Wisdom being just one of them.

He was pursued by all these forces, including the Tower of Chaos, yet none could capture or kill him.

As time passed, he vanished without a trace. No one knew his whereabouts, but his name echoed throughout the Chaos.

Some regarded him as a legend and a hero, while many considered him a thorn in their eyes.

Ultimately, it was up to the people to perceive him as they saw fit.

Not long after that person who became the enemy of the entire Chaos disappeared, his name became taboo. No one wanted to call his name, for if anyone dared to do so and was caught, they'd be punished severely by those big forces.

The person whose name became taboo years ago was Ling Xiaolong!

A few days ago, after so many years, this name once again appeared in several Lands. This name was once again called in several big forces, including the Tower of Wisdom.

Today, it was destined to be a sleepless night for the Tower of Wisdom because the latest news related to this person was sent by a Master of Chaos's descendent.


_Tower of Wisdom, 72nd floor_

Unlike other floors, the 72nd floor did not have any rooms. It was separated into two parts by an Energy Curtain. This Energy Curtain not only blocks the sound, it also has the effect of Dimensional Isolation, with which it can create a temporary pocket dimension within its confines. Once an individual steps through the curtain, they'll find themselves in a space that exists independent of the tower's conventional dimensions.

There is another unique feature of this Energy Curtain. Whenever someone enters the pocket dimension, their every action is recorded.

Once they exit the temporary pocket dimension, it is promptly destroyed. Simultaneously, a Memory Crystal materializes, containing recordings of every second of that pocket dimension's existence.

Currently, many people can be seen inside a temporary pocket dimension. This dimension was quite small, not larger than 1,000 square meters. It was an open grass field beneath the blue sky.

Rows of high chairs were arranged facing one direction, almost a hundred of them, and each chair had a person sitting comfortably.

Ten throne-like chairs were arranged, facing those hundred chairs. Seated on these throne-like chairs were ten individuals with the highest status in the Tower of Wisdom.

It's worth noting that every person present was a Master of Chaos.

They seemed to be discussing something very important. They all had that serious expression on their faces that could make warriors with weaker cultivation bases shudder in fear.

"Lord Kang, explain yourself!"

An old man seated on the throne-like chair asked a Master of Chaos seated on the fourth seat of the third row.

Lord Kang, Kang Yunjie, stood up and spoke earnestly, "Lord Ji, it wasn't my fault. I know all of you placed a great deal of trust in me by appointing me to guard the entrance of that Mystic Realm where Ling Xiaolong was hiding. I also exerted my best efforts to break the legendary Nine Layer Formation Boundary, and we nearly breached the final layer. It's just that..."

Taking a deep breath, Kang Yunjie continued, "...I never expected him to have already prepared an escape route beforehand. In fact, no one could have anticipated this. We were also carefree because the exit of the Mystic Realm was tightly guarded by us. It is just that Ling Xiaolong had always been a step ahead of us. I..."


Before Kang Yunjie could continue his explanation further, someone interrupted him. This person was seated on the second seat in the second row. He also stood up, pointed at Kang Yunjie, and sneered coldly, saying, "Kang Yunjie, this is exactly my point."

"Ling Xiaolong has always been a person extremely difficult to deal with. He was always a step ahead of us. You should have been careful and considered this fact. After all, since he dared to enter the Mystic Realm and seal it with the legendary Nine Layer Formation Boundary, he must have planned an escape route that no one could have anticipated."

"We appointed you not only to guard the exit of the Mystic Realm but also to calculate his potential escape routes through which he could have fled. However, look at what you have done. Not only did you become careless after assigning a few Celestial Sovereigns to stand guard at the exit, but you also never seriously tried to investigate and calculate the possible escape route. It is definitely your fault that he escaped."

Kang Yunjie's expression changed. He tried to speak something, but no words came out of his mouth. His body kept trembling, his eyes glaring at the person who just pointed his finger at him.

Breathing deeply, he tried his best to suppress the rising anger in his heart. He knew he was at fault and had to think of something. Otherwise, he would be held responsible for making Ling Xiaolong escape successfully. In that case, he would face punishment from ten high-ranking Masters of Chaos.

This was not something he wanted.

Seeing Kang Yunjie could not say anything, someone sighed. He then slowly stood up and gestured to Kang Yunjie to sit down.

Kang Yunjie again took a deep breath and silently nodded his head before sitting down.

The person who gestured to Kang Yunjie to sit was a middle-

aged man with two deep scars on his face, making a cross (x) sign.

He was Shao Ji Xiang.

Shao Ji Xiang then looked at the ten high-ranking Masters of Chaos.

"Everyone, there is no need to be nervous about anything. Yes, Ling Xiaolong was able to escape, but we must not solely blame Kang Yunjie for this. We are all at fault. We suffered so many defeats under his hand but still dared to underestimate him."

"His escape is the result of our underestimation."

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