King Of Chaos

Chapter 372 Ch 372: Altar of Zephyr

Chapter 372 Ch 372: Altar of Zephyr

Having no choice, Ling Xiaolong had to stop what he was doing. It was a shame that he could not save other Lands and Source Universes. It was a shame that he had already reached the limit.

"No worries. It is almost time to leave this Chaos. After leaving, I'll make several breakthroughs continuously. Then, I'll return again if possible, and save the remaining Lands and Source Universes. This way, I can kill two birds with one arrow. Not only can I integrate the remaining Lands and Source Universes into my personal Chaos, I can also further increase my strength and cultivation."

Ling Xiaolong muttered and a smile finally bloomed on his face.

It was also at this time the space around him started fluctuating, and the next second, Ling Xiaolong disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already standing on top of a huge altar floating in the dark void. This altar was covered in strange runes, something that Ling Xiaolong had never seen before.

These runes looked way more mysterious and profound than anything he had ever seen before. Just one look and he could tell that these runes were enough to kill him if triggered wrongly. Even with the power of Chaos, the most he could do was escape with a heavily injured body.

This kind of feeling was not comfortable at all.

This altar was in the shape of a decagone. It had a total of ten corners.

Looking around, Ling Xiaolong saw ten pillars standing tall at the ten corners of the altar. Strange patterns were carved on the surface of the pillars. These patterns were glowing with shining blue light. Sometimes, they were glowing intensely, and sometimes their glow reduced to the point of almost disappearing.

On this altar, aside from him, Queen and Ling Xiaolong #1 were also standing. They were standing right at the center of this altar and were looking at him with a smile on their faces.

Seeing that Ling Xiaolong #2 had finally looked at them, Ling Xiaolong #1 spoke, "It is time to leave this Chaos. Are you ready?"

Ling Xiaolong #2 nodded his head in agreement. He had already done what he could do for this incomplete chaos. The Land of Morning Stars where his family was living had been also integrated into his personal chaos. There was nothing left here for him to do. He could leave without any worry now.

Queen spoke, "This altar is called the Altar of Zephyr. It is connected to a second Altar of Zephyr that is located inside a Mystic Realm in the original Chaos. With the activation of this altar, a path will open that will lead us to the second altar directly."

"In other words, as long as we activate this altar, we'll be able to leave this chaos without alerting our enemies outside. We will also appear inside a Mystic Realm instead of any Land. This could be considered a type of security for you to fuse with him."

As she spoke, she pointed at Ling Xiaolong #1. Then she continued, "This fusion process will last longer. It lowest time the fusion process will take is a hundred years or it might be more."

"Nevertheless, I believe that you'll at least become a Master of Chaos of the First Level after the fusion is completed. At that time, with your advantages and several cards, I believe you'll already be stronger than the peak moment of his (Ling Xiaolong #1) life."

Queen believed this only because what Ling Xiaolong #2 had was an entire Chaos within his body. She and Ling Xiaolong #1 had seen how Ling Xiaolong #2 erupted with the Power of Chaos which caused this incomplete Chaos to be injured gravely in an instant. If Ling Xiaolong #2 had not withdrawn the reflection of his chaos, this incomplete Chaos would have long been destroyed.

"What then?"

Ling Xiaolong #2 understood Queen's explanation. Now, what he wanted to know was the things he would do after the fusion was completed.

Ling Xiaolong #1 smiled at Ling Xiaolong #2 and answered, "After we become one, you'll receive all of my memories as well. At that time, you'll obviously know what to do."

Indeed, he was right. As long as the two of them become one, their everything will belong to each other including memories that Ling Xiaolong #2 was lacking at the moment. He will obviously know what step to take next.

Nodding his head, he was now ready to leave this incomplete Chaos.

It was a pity that he could not integrate the rest of Lands and Source Universes into his Chaos.

It'll take a minimum of one hundred years for them to become one.

According to Queen, in the next five years, the last Formation Boundary protecting this incomplete Chaos from the wrath of Masters of Chaos will be broken. At that time, those Masters of Chaos would definitely not spare this incomplete Chaos knowing that Ling Xiaolong had already escaped successfully somewhere. They might destroy it before the scarlet wave of destructive energy does its work.

'Anyway, I'll come and take a look soon after becoming one with him. If this Chaos will not be destroyed at that time, I will integrate the rest of its Lands and Source Universes into my Chaos.'

Seeing that Ling Xiaolong #2 was ready, Queen started pouring her energy into the altar.

Ling Xiaolong #2 observed the green energy merging into the altar, causing the runes on its surface to gleam, their radiance intensifying with each passing moment.

Similarly, the patterns on the ten pillars, which had previously fluctuated in brightness, now displayed a consistent increase in luminosity. It appeared as though Queen's energy was sustaining them, allowing them to grow more robust.

Ling Xiaolong #2 could tell that Queen's energy was neither Chaos Energy nor Celestial Energy. It was something he had never seen before.

Seeing Ling Xiaolong #2 observing the green energy so intently, Ling Xiaolong #1 explained, "This is Origin Energy, a type of energy only Masters of Chaos could cultivate. A Masters of Chaos could control and manipulate the Rules they have comprehended in any way they see fit. They could manipulate the Rules to create an independent Mystic Realm for themselves, they could manipulate the Rules to attack their enemies and wipe out their existence if the enemies are weaker, and do more."

"Origin Energy is exclusive to only the Masters of Chaos. Every Master of Chaos has a different color of Origin Energy which also represents their foundation and the quality of their strength. Queen's Origin Energy is an exception. It is green probably because she is the Queen of Plants and green represents a wood element. I don't know."

"Anyway, the colors of Origin Energy are as follows, from weak to strong: Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue, and Purple. There are also special colors, they are white and black. Only a race called the White Immortal Race could cultivate White Origin Energy. As for Black Origin Energy, they could only be cultivated by demons, devils, and demonic cultivators."

"Aside from these White and Black Origin Energy, only Queen had cultivated Green Origin Energy. She is the first and maybe the last."

"As for me, when I became a Master of Chaos, I had cultivated Purple Origin Energy. This also became one of the reasons why I was very powerful and attracted countless enemies."

"Not everyone could cultivate Purple Origin Energy which is considered the strongest among the five main Origin Energy."

Ling Xiaolong #2 nodded his head in understanding.

There were still a few things he did not understand, such as why Origin Energy is divided into different colors. Could not there be just a single color like Chaos Energy and Celestial Energy? Is there a need for things to be so complicated for Masters of Chaos?

He had questions in mind but did not ask. It is because he will know everything very soon anyway.

"Ok, we are ready. All we need to do is wait for someone to come!" Ling Xiaolong #1 spoke as he saw Queen stop pouring her Green Energy into the altar.

"Someone else is coming?"

Ling Xiaolong #2 frowned. He obviously thought that only the three of them were leaving.

"Of course, someone is coming. I forcefully sealed it in this incomplete chaos after all. Now that we are leaving, it has to leave with us!"

When Ling Xiaolong #2 heard this, the image of a giant tortoise suddenly appeared in his mind. He had seen this tortoise once when he was facing the Heavenly Demons.

"Are you talking about Heavenly Seal Divine Tortoise?" Ling Xiaolong #2 asked.

Before anyone could answer, Ling Xiaolong #2 felt an extremely powerful energy rushing at them. In just a few seconds, he saw a blue color shining on the horizon. This blue color enlarged very soon. It could be seen that this blue-colored light was shooting towards the altar at an incredible speed.

Very soon, it arrived on the altar and rested on Ling Xiaolong #1's shoulder. It was a very small tortoise carrying a small boulder on its back.

Although the size was hundreds of thousands of times small, Ling Xiaolong #2 was sure that this little creatue was indeed the Heavenly Seal Divine Tortoise.

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