King Of Chaos

Chapter 253 Ch 253: Fire Of Battle (2)

Chapter 253 Ch 253: Fire Of Battle (2)

Ling Wei Long was like a general, leading his soldiers in war on the road to victory.

As his words resonated through the air, all the warriors felt an electric surge of energy course through their veins. Their hearts pounded like war drums, and their blood boiled with intensity. Each word from Ling Wei Long ignited a fire within them, and they could feel the weight of their duty pressing upon their shoulders.

"Yes!" they roared in unison, their voices ringing like thunder. "We will fight to protect our Land, we will die to protect our loved ones."

"Yes, let's march forward, brothers!" The shouts echoed across the battlefield like a wave that sent a shiver down the spines of all who heard it.

With unwavering spirit in their eyes and determination in their hearts, all the warriors hoisted their weapons high, the glint of steel reflecting their resolve. They charged toward the Worms and Heavenly Demons, their footsteps like a relentless storm approaching. Ling Wei Long's words had ignited a fervor within them, a burning desire to defend their Land at any cost.

"Let's fight!"

"Let's kill!"

Amidst the chaos of war, all the warriors moved as one cohesive unit like a well-oiled machine of destruction. Their battle cries pierced the air as they clashed with the enemy, their voices becoming a battle anthem that inspired fear in their foes.

"Forward, continue forward!"

They chanted, pushing relentlessly against the tide of the enemy.




With each swing of their swords, each thrust of their spears, each strike of their axes, they struck down their enemies with a singular purpose. That is to kill, kill, and annihilate them completely.

All kinds of noises could be heard throughout this battlefield. No matter what enemy they faced, even a Minor Saint dared to go against a Heavenly Saint at this moment in time. No one was afraid of the enemy, no one was afraid of death. Everyone knew that only if they fought and killed could they protect their families and friends, and give the light of hope to everyone in this Land filled with darkness and death.

"Kill all these bastards!"

The warriors fought with a tenacity that could not be extinguished. Their determination was a shield that deflected fear and doubt. Most importantly, Ling Wei Long's words have completely ignited the fire of battle in their hearts. They all are willing to die in battle but are also determined to at least take one enemy down with them.

So be it if that enemy could stand up once again and rise from the dead. It doesn't matter. At least they could provide time to their comrades in battle.

Everyone on the battlefield was brothers. They were fighting together, killing together, and being killed together. No one was fighting for themselves, everyone was fighting for each other. Everyone stands together.

"We stand as one!" thousands of warriors roared like soldiers facing enemies, the unity of their cause binding them together like brothers in arms.

"Boom!" "Boom!"



In the heat of battle, they displayed not only physical prowess but also an indomitable spirit. Their eyes blazed with a fierce resolve, and their voices never wavered. Their attacks brought explosion after explosion to the battlefield. The army of undying Worms was being killed rapidly.

Of course, they were coming back to life as well. However, their comeback was not as fast as their murders.

As the Worms fell one after another, the warriors pressed on, their footsteps leaving an indelible mark on the field of combat. Ling Wei Long's words had steeled their hearts, and they were unwavering in their commitment.

"We are warriors of the Land of Morning Stars!" they shouted, their voices carrying over the clash of steel and the cries of battle. "We will protect this Land till our last breath!"

With every foe they vanquished, their belief grew stronger.

"Even if we die, we will become legends today!" Everyone declared, their voices carrying the weight of their hearts and the position this Land held in their hearts.

With each passing moment, their resolve deepened. Even if many of them were being killed, none of them thought of retreating. Instead, the fire of battle burned more brightly in their hearts.

"Onward, brothers!"

Everyone bellowed loudly, their shouts a testament to their unyielding spirit.

"To glory! To victory!"

They charged forward, a force of nature that could not be denied.

In the face of death, the soldiers remained unshaken. Their unwavering spirit was a beacon of hope in the darkest of hours.

"For our land!"

Their voices rose above the chaos of battle as they yelled.

"For our people!"

Their determination was unbreakable, and their commitment was unwavering.

The warriors fought with a fury that seemed endless.

"With the courage of heroes!"

They cried, their voices carrying across the battlefield.

"With the fury of the dragon!"

The auras on their bodies were like invisible threads, connecting everyone's bonds with each other. It was as if everyone could feel each others' hearts clearly.

"With the grace of phoenixes!"

Their movements were a deadly dance, a symphony of destruction that left the enemy in awe.

As the battle raged on, the soldiers pressed forward, their voices a constant reminder of their purpose.

"May our enemies tremble!" they shouted, their determination unwavering. "May our victory be sung of for generations to come!"

In the midst of the chaos and carnage, the warriors remained resolute. They had heard Ling Wei Long's words, and they would not falter.

"Onward, brothers!"

"To glory! To victory!"


Ling Wei Long observed everything from a certain distance. He clenched his fist when he saw how brave these warriors were in their time of need. Even if they were enemies with each other and wanted to kill each other, when the time to face an external enemy came, all humans became one. Their thoughts merged, their needs aligned, and they became a united force.


His eyes flashed with hatred and anger. These damn Heavenly Demons brought war to the Land of Morning Stars, brought destruction in this once happy and fulfilling Land. They do not deserve to live, all of them deserve death.


With a flash, he disappeared. The next moment, he reappeared in front of a Great Saint Realm Heavenly Demon.


Just a single slash of his sword was needed to kill that enemy. In front of a Heavenly Saint, very few Great Saint has the strength to stand.

Ling We Long did not stop there. He flew at a fast speed, flashing in front of Worms and Heavenly Demons one after another, killing them.

As a Heavenly Saint, he did not face a Heavenly Saint Realm Heavenly Demon.


Because he wanted to provide help to weaker warriors. There were very few Heavenly Saint Realm Heavenly Demons however there were countless Heavenly Demons below Heavenly Saint Realm. Their number is terrifying.

However, on the human side, there were not even half as many as Heavenly Demons, let alone worms.

So, Ling Wei Long decided to first eliminate weaker enemies before confronting the Heavenly Demons of his equal.

There was no right or wrong in a war. If there is anything, then it is only do or die, kill or be killed, and victory or defeat.

In order to win, one cannot be described as taking too little action or as being too extreme in their actions. Every action is worth trying, every rule is worth breaking, and everything is right as long as one follows the right path.

Ling Wei Long was killing Heavenly Demons and Worms constantly, decreasing the pressure on other warriors greatly.

However, exactly this was the reason he was noticed by other powerful Heavenly Demons. Several Heavenly Saint Realm Heavenly Demons rushed at Ling Wei Long and surrounded him.

"Human, you are despicable. As a Heavenly Saint, you are actually facing weaker ones from our kind." One of the Heavenly Demons spoke.

"Humph!" Ling Wei Long snorted coldly and appeared in front of the Heavenly Demon, slashing at his neck. However, his attack was blocked by the dark flame that suddenly came out of his horns and acted like a shield.

Ling Wei Long then spoke, "You do not deserve to call me despicable or despise my action."

Ling Wei Long did not give the Heavenly Demon time to retort as he appeared at the back of the demon and swung his sword. The sword in his hand flashed with silver light as it touched the Heavenly Demon's neck again.



That Heavenly Demon was not alone. Many Heavenly Demons were surrounding Ling Wei Long.

As Ling Wei Long's sword was about to touch the Heavenly Demon's neck, another Heavenly Demon appeared before Ling Wei Long and punched at him, his giant fist wrapped in black flame.

Ling Wei Long had no choice but to shift his attack in the critical time, colliding against the second Heavenly Demon's fist, producing a metallic sound.

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