King of Beasts

Chapter 179: Weather Elf!

Chapter 179: Weather Elf!

Weather Elf!

Clearly, it is a mist-type elemental spirit primarily composed of water elements.

Lu Ran was instantly delighted.

Although he would be happy regardless of what kind of innate sovereign species pet beast hatched from the egg, this weather elf felt like a divine gift.

It perfectly matches his current team!

Lu Ran needed a water-element pet beast for future sea region battles, and here it is.

He needed a pet beast with wide-range AOE damage, and here it is.

Moreover, its ice cloud form and thunder cloud form seemed to be able to assist both General Ha and the Sudden Death King.

Lu Ran couldn’t think of any elemental spirit more suitable for him than this cloud.


However, as Lu Ran gently looked at the weather elf, who would have thought it would instantly change its expression and start bawling.

Rain began to pour down from its cloudy body.

Plop, plop, plop!!

Most importantly, its crying seemed to trigger an external weather change, and rain clouds materialized over half the Starlight Community, leading to a downpour.

“Um.” Lu Ran was taken aback.


Is this really level 1?

He looked at the heavy rain outside, lost in thought.

This is what a sovereign is.

But please, don’t cry!

“What, has it hatched?”

At this moment, Manager Ying sensed the commotion and walked onto the balcony…

As it discovered the floor covered in water, its gaze turned towards the weather elf and the bewildered Lu Ran.

[Water-elemental spirit… Could it be a species that controls weather by manipulating natural energy?]

Manager Ying quickly deduced the weather elf’s general abilities by observing the situation outside.


However, what Lu Ran didn’t expect was that as Manager Ying entered, the weather elf saw it and cried even harder.

It even showed signs of darkening, with electric arcs starting to flicker around its body…


A thunderclap echoed outside.

“Whoa.” This scene frightened Lu Ran, who hurriedly used telepathy to calm it down.

Water and lightning combo is not something to be trifled with.

It’s too easy to cause accidental injury.

It might be because it was just born and not yet accustomed to the outside environment, but the Weather Elf’s emotions were quite unstable at the moment.

However, no matter how much Lu Ran tried to soothe it, it didn’t seem to work. Eventually, Manager Ying scowled disdainfully, took out a water gem from its personal space, and tossed it to the Weather Elf.

Feeling the rich water element power, the Weather Elf immediately paused and caught the water gem with its body.

“You’re useless,” Manager Ying pouted. “Crying right after being born means it’s obviously hungry. Just ‘There, there, don’t cry’ won’t work. You need to feed it.”

Lu Ran: “…”

“Pitter-patter! Pitter-patter!” The Weather Elf held the water gem, its body moving as if nodding.

“I know, you don’t need to tell me,” Lu Ran said through gritted teeth. “I could sense its emotions earlier; I just didn’t immediately think of what to feed it.”

“Elemental-type beings prefer pure energy crystallizations like energy gems or special water sources, rather than animal flesh.”

“Given that it’s water-affiliated, you should try liquid food first.”

“Boring, I’m leaving.” Manager Ying glanced at the Weather Elf, losing interest.

“See you.” Lu Ran continued to observe the Weather Elf.

A sovereign by birth truly lives up to the name.

Not only does it have three innate attributes, but it also possesses various energy manipulation techniques and skills right from birth, with no need for a beastmaster to train or develop them later.

[Skills]: Rainmaking, Snowfall, Thunder!

“So powerful,” Lu Ran gently looked at the now-calm Weather Elf. The Weather Elf, holding the water gem, also “looked” at Lu Ran.

Though it was just a cloud without facial features, it might use energy fluctuations to perceive its surroundings.

“From today onwards, I am your beastmaster.”

“Here, take this, a welcome gift.”

Lu Ran took out a bottle of drink from the black card space. The Weather Elf immediately and excitedly extended a cloud to take the drink and poured it into its body.

“Pitter-patter! Pitter-patter!” It seemed quite content and happily accepted Lu Ran.

“Let’s give you a name,” Lu Ran smiled, feeling that “Weather Elf” was too long and awkward to say. He decided to give it a nickname, just like General Ha and the Sudden Death King.

What should it be…

However, as soon as Lu Ran started to think, the Weather Elf suddenly went limp and seemed to fall asleep, breathing softly.

Lu Ran was silent. It really seemed like the classic case of eating and then sleeping, and crying upon waking.

Before long.

Gu Qingyi also arrived at Lu Ran’s place, and the three of them-Lu Ran, Manager Ying, and Gu Qingyi-began a three-way discussion.

Originally, they were supposed to talk about necromancy matters, but after seeing the hatched egg, Gu Qingyi couldn’t help but ask about its species.

And Lu Ran, naturally, shared the basic information about the Weather Elf.

“You still say you’re not an illegitimate child of Infinite City. This Weather Elf fits in so perfectly with your other two pet beasts,” Manager Ying commented wryly. Paired with General Ha, it could trigger blizzard weather. Together with the Sudden Death King, it could initiate thunderstorm weather. As a duo, they formed a perfect weather team.

“A Weather Elf… That’s indeed amazing, especially at sea. With a group of wind and water-element spirits, the Weather Elf’s control over the weather might even make it the core of a weather legion,” Gu Qingyi marveled.

“With an inherent talent for Legion Command no less.”

“Not bad at all,” Lu Ran grinned widely, feeling almost personally praised when the Weather Elf was complimented.

“Do you want me to find a Nature Control trait for you?” Gu Qingyi asked. “The Weather Elf species seems perfectly suited for the Nature Control trait.”

“Sure,” Lu Ran nodded. If General Ha had a decent compatibility with the Nature Control trait, the Weather Elf was a perfect match.

Even the enhancements brought by some unique traits wouldn’t be as significant as those from Nature Control.

“However, its abilities are so comprehensive that apart from traits like Nature Control, which can enhance its power in all aspects, I can’t think of any other traits that would fit it perfectly,” Gu Qingyi pondered.

“Special Thunder, Special Frost, Special Water Source-they could work but are somewhat limited in enhancing it fully,” she mused.

“Actually, we could cultivate it laterally. Since it’s called a Weather Elf, we might try to awaken it to other weather forms,” Manager Ying suggested casually.

“For instance, by awakening new attributes, we could potentially develop it into a Storm Form, Sandstorm Form, Intense Sunlight Form, or even a Smog Form.”

“However, some of these attributes might not align well with its current Cloud Form, so it’s uncertain if they can be successfully developed.”

“Indeed,” Lu Ran nodded. He understood that one approach to nurturing this little one was to vertically strengthen its existing water, ice, and thunder abilities. The other approach was to infuse it with new attributes to unlock diverse weather forms.

New forms could assist other pet beasts. For example, if Lu Ran later contracted a pet beast with earth or rock powers, a Sandstorm Form for the Weather Elf could provide excellent support.

“Once the contract is established, I might add the Flame Sprite to it and see if it can awaken a Fiery Cloud or Intense Sunlight Form,” Lu Ran contemplated. He didn’t have to wait for it to awaken new attributes; he could directly use his beast taming skills to test new forms.

“…” Gu Qingyi and Manager Ying were momentarily speechless.

“Are we getting off track? Let’s not focus on the cloud baby for now,” Manager Ying interrupted. “Alright, now that Qingyi is here, why don’t you narrate your breakthrough secret realm experience from start to finish in detail?”

“OK,” Lu Ran began to recount his experience in the breakthrough secret realm. The core of their discussion was essentially how to bring the necromancy system to the forefront of the Blue Star stage openly.

Even though Xia Country was very powerful, they couldn’t completely disregard the eyes of the world and directly practice necromancy.

It was essential to clearly explain to the international community that the necromancy system posed no detriments and had significant benefits. Obtaining certification from the International Alliance was necessary before bringing necromancy openly to the world.

“This might require a fully perfected research outcome and an international press conference,” Gu Qingyi looked at Lu Ran and said:

“A conference aimed at vindicating the necromancy system. After the conference, Xia Country can help maneuver it to gain the support of the beast taming alliances from various countries. This way, necromancy can genuinely step onto the world stage.”

“Although Xia Country could continue its secret research and training without making it public, both options have their pros and cons. What do you think, Lu Ran?” Gu Qingyi asked.

“Keeping it secret might be more straightforward and less risky, but it could slow down the progress in necromancy research.”

“On the other hand, if we make it public and bring necromancy to the world stage, Xia Country would receive extensive resource support from the International Beast Taming Alliance and could become the cradle of necromancy. You’d also gain numerous honors and rewards.”

“The International Beast Taming Alliance highly values groundbreaking research and discoveries in the beast taming domain.”

“In doing so, Xia Country could leverage necromancy research to gain substantial political capital with other nations.”

“But in return, you’d become a high-profile figure on the international stage. Your influence would far exceed that of a Strongest Fourth Generation or Dragon Chef. You’ll be under even more scrutiny,” Gu Qingyi pondered aloud and said, “Guess how many assassination attempts I faced after I first nurtured a Loong-type pet beast?”

Lu Ran: “…”

“It’s alright. I still want to use necromancy openly and make it as normal and accepted as water, fire, wind, or thunder attributes,” Lu Ran stated. “After all, I promised the sect leader in the secret realm that I would promote the development of necromancy.”

“After the Evolution Secret Realm… No, after Dark Crow’s next evolution, I’ll hold a press conference for necromancy. I’ll present my research findings and my discoveries in the secret realm to the world.”

“We’ll pioneer necromancy as a new scholarly field.”

“Alright,” Gu Qingyi said, looking at the young man with a degree of admiration. “Researching Loong-types, investigating necromancy… You and your generation… No, just you alone… Who knows what kind of revolution you’ll bring to the world after this Evolution Secret Realm expedition.”

Manager Ying, standing nearby, chuckled and added, “Haha, now I’m curious whether he’ll also bring forth plant life and mechanical life from the Infinite City. Otherwise, I’d really start to suspect he has some undisclosed secrets with Infinite City.”

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