I’ve Become a Genius Actor

Chapter 104:

Chapter 104:


Yooil slowly looked around the audience.

From the front to the back, Yooil tried to make eye contact with each person sitting in the seats. The venue for Yooil's fan meeting was the main theater of the art hall, which had a maximum capacity of about 1000 people.

All these people came to see me.'

Preparing for the fan meeting and actually facing the fans in person felt entirely different. When he looked into the eyes of his fans, his mind went blank.

Get it together.'

Finally pulling himself together, Yooil began to sing the last line of the song.

[I think I can finally say it now]

After finishing the song, Yooil barely managed to speak.

"I'm more nervous than at an award ceremony."

Laughter spread throughout the audience at Yooil's remark.

"It's okay~"

"You're so cute!"


Seeing the flustered and broken' Yooil, the fans enjoyed the moment even more.

Today, Yooil's company had invited a special host to lead the fan meeting. It was Wooju, a talented broadcaster he had met once before during "Space Train."

"Woow~ Yooil, you look so cool today!"

With her unique high tone, she jumped onto the stage, her blue hair swaying as she exclaimed cheerfully.

"Look at this blue jacket and hoodie~ Totally big brother vibes!"

Wooju interacted with Yooil with her usual overflowing energy, which helped him to focus on the conversation instead of getting lost in deep thoughts.

"Now, before we move on to the next segment, if you have anything you want to say to the fans, now's the time, Yooil!"

Holding the microphone, Yooil looked around.

"To be honest, I still can't believe I'm here."

Yooil spoke playfully, now a bit more at ease.

"Thank you for coming all the way here tonight, even though you must be tired."

Not tired at all!

Someone in the audience shouted energetically.

Hearing that, Yooil covered his face with one hand and laughed lightly, prompting laughter to erupt from the audience.

"By the way, did everyone have dinner?"


The chorus-like response made Yooil laugh unwittingly.

* * *

Seated in the center of row F, Lee Hyejin had been covering her mouth since the beginning of the fan meeting. Otherwise, she felt she might keep making noise.

Yooil, whom she had seen several times at school, was now someone she only saw on screen.

He's become even more handsome.'

Was it the atmosphere that had changed?

Yooil, wearing a yellow hoodie, light blue jacket, and jeans with cute patches, seemed as if he was born to wear those clothes. Especially since his recent roles were far from bright characters, the casual and cute outfit felt particularly delightful.

Then, after a brief conversation between Wooju and Yooil.

The main segment of the fan meeting began.

"Here, in this box, are all the wishes that the fans have requested!"

Wooju pointed to the transparent acrylic box that the staff had brought to the center of the stage. Inside were colorful plastic balls.

"Now, let's draw the first wish!"

Yooil picked a green ball. As he opened it, a slip of paper fell onto his lap.


The expression on Yooil's face turned slightly strange as he read the note. After pondering for a moment, Yooil read out the note.

"Please tell us your shoulder width and shoe size please."

Yooil, with a puzzled face, read the note and lifted his head.

"Is this really your wish?"


Lee Hyejin quickly pressed down her rising cheeks. The audience was already filled with screams of anticipation.

Wooju clapped her hands as if she was the one who had asked the question, thoroughly enjoying herself.

"Ah, this is it, this is it~!"

Yooil still looked bewildered but obediently responded.

"My shoe size is 275mm. As for my shoulders I'm not sure."

"Knew it! We're prepared for everything~!"

Wooju pulled out a tape measure from the table and approached Yooil.

"5, 54 centimeters?"

Wooju, who had measured the width herself, looked up at Yooil with a slightly surprised face.

Yooil's expression, still unable to comprehend, was a subtly amusing point.

More unique wishes (?) continued to emerge. The wishes written on the notes asked Yooil to do trendy aegyo from short-form content platforms, or to recite a line from <Jinhee>.

After several rounds of wish notes,

the last ball Yooil picked contained one more question.

"I want to see you dance to an idol's song."


The audience erupted in cheers, their eyes filled with anticipation as they looked at Yooil.

However, Yooil's response was unexpected. Reading the note, Yooil furrowed his brows and said,

"Ah, but as you all know, I can't dance."

No way!


The fans, eager and unwilling to accept his answer, shouted vehemently, but Yooil shook his head firmly as if it really wasn't possible.

"I'm going to prepare for the next segment. Watch the video, and I'll see you again soon!"

The fans, with faces full of disappointment, watched Yooil's retreating back. As the VCR started, their attention shifted to the screen.

A fan meeting?

Will that many people come to see me?

The VCR that started with a black screen soon showed Yooil's face.

It was Yooil during an interview.

I never thought I would start acting like this.

[You had talent.]

I was just lucky.

After that, the video showed Yooil preparing various things for the fan meeting segments.

The video then cut off as Yooil was seen making a phone call and going to meet someone.

What's this?'

Is it an error?'

As the fans were puzzled by the sudden interruption, they cheered when Yooil reappeared on stage.

Yooil returned, dressed in a white shirt with a necktie and black trousers.

Those who expected him to sit down were surprised when he took a position in the center of the stage.

However, as the music started playing on stage, their expressions changed instantly.


The song was Black Sea's <Shining Night>.

<Shining Night>, or Bright Night', was a song that became hugely popular when Black Sea made a comeback with the Black Agent concept.

On stage, Han Yooil, as the music reached its climax, assumed his position as if he had been waiting for this moment.

[We wake up as the night deepens]

The dance started with a move like hiding in the shadows and loading a gun.

[In the shadowy streets, twinkling starlight]


The office worker watched the stage, mouth agape.

Even without knowing much about dance, it seemed evident how much practice was required for such choreography.

[I search for you again and Run to you]

[Roll the dice for a mission dedicated only to you tonight]

With a gesture as if rolling dice in the air, the choreography for <Shining Night> came to an end.


The office worker clapped in amazement. Even this much was impressive enough.

But the real highlight was yet to come.

[Pop, pop, pop! Bursting lovely heart!]


As soon as the unforgettable melody started playing, the office worker unconsciously grabbed their phone.

They might not know much else, but they had to record this.

* * *

The fan meeting, initially scheduled for 2 hours, lasted well over 3 hours before coming to an end.

"Thank you so much for coming. Really."

Yooil was giving his closing remarks when someone shouted.

"Yooil! Thank you~!"

Yooil turned his head towards the loud voice in the audience, a soft smile forming on his lips.

"Me too."

His voice trembled slightly as the words flowed out.

"Thank you so much."

Everyone, both those fixated on Yooil's face in the audience and those watching his face on the screen, fell silent.

"Thank you, everyone."

In the end, Yooil couldn't hold back his tears.

* * *

Han Yooil's debut fan meeting concludes successfully

Han Yooil's sold-out fan meeting ends successfully Unforgettable'

Han Yooil's fan meeting ended with great success.

Immediately after the fan meeting,

Yooil posted a handwritten letter on Unique You'.

Hello, this is Han Yooil.

[It was such a joy to meet fans today. Honestly, I was so excited I almost stayed up all night, but thankfully, I managed to get some sleep and meet you all in good condition. ()]

It was a lengthy letter. Yooil calmly narrated the moment he started acting and his resolve as an actor. The last paragraph of the letter went like this:

[() I know I'm far from perfect, but I promise to work hard to make you proud. I'll live more diligently and do my best, so please keep an eye on me.]

The letter, with its orderly handwriting and sincerity pressed into every word, touched the fans deeply. The I love you', the small heart, and Han Yooil' written at the end felt especially poignant.

Those who usually posted polished language on the fan caf started sharing raw posts on community forums.

Just back from the fan meeting

[Seriously paradise, my fan heart is at its peak right now..]

222.. Crazy

It was really so good

I've been thinking about the fan meeting all day

Total fangirl meltdown;;

Isn't this crazy

[I've been a fan of various idols for a long time and often went to concerts and fan meetings, but I've never felt this way at an actor's fan meeting..]

The emotions were real

Must have been great, everyone's just saying good things


They even gave us fan gifts


Yep, hand cream, lip balm, chocolate, and photocards


I didn't know my actor could sing so well

[If only he released an album]


Wow, if he released an album, I'd listen to it all day

Found a link to a compilation of Yooil singing at the fan meeting here! (Link)

Wow, insane

Thanks, thanks

Gonna listen to this every night before bed

Feeling proud you attended the fan meeting, huh?

[Please do more upload more photos please]




Seriously tearing up [Missed it because of a part-time job and it hurts more reading the reviews next fan meeting should be at least two days with a minimum capacity of 2000 people, seriously]


JJ, are you seeing this?

Meanwhile, on BlueChat, Yooil's fan meeting reviews were prominently visible.


(Photo) (Photo)

0116 Thanks for the warmest and happiest January gift ever! Let's keep watching for a long time (Puppy emoticon) (Sun emoticon) #One&Only #Han_yu-il_1st_Fan_meeting #Love_you_Yooil]

After browsing through the reviews and enjoying the afterglow, Lee Hyejin was examining countless videos and photos taken at Yooil's fan meeting.

[@jinnnny (Photo) Getting more handsome by the minute;;]

[@jinnnny (Photo) Hoodie with a blue jacket, is this even real?]

While actively posting on BlueChat, Lee Hyejin turned her gaze to the neat, small-sized shopping bag received at the fan meeting. Inside were hand cream and lip balm from the skincare brand Yooil recently modeled for, and a photocard signed by Yooil.

It's too precious to use.'

Of course, she planned to use it all since Yooil had said not to save it.

Lee Hyejin looked at the photocard with a distant gaze, thinking,

I want to go again.'

She was already missing the fan meeting.

* * *

A week after Yooil had hectically prepared and successfully concluded the fan meeting, he was taking in the salty sea air and doing some light stretching. A faint smile appeared on Yooil's face as he exhaled deeply.

This is nice.'

He was currently at the filming site for Shadows of Faith'.

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