Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 122: If I Could Leave (4)

Chapter 122: If I Could Leave (4)

“Are there any inconveniences?”

Deathbringer felt rather burdened by this person following him around, trying to provide him with constant assistance. He was particularly troubled by this because the person attending to him was the direct aide of the Priestess.

To make matters even worse, he was the only one enjoying this luxury. Berserk had left with the nonsensical statement, ‘Warriors communicate through their bodies’, and the iron wall was meditating in her assigned chambers.

He didn’t want to be left alone in a room with those other Temple members, so he decided to go for a walk, explore a bit, and obtain some rare poisons… In hindsight, he regretted leaving his quarters.

While he appreciated them taking such great care of him, he found it quite burdensome.

“Erm, I can manage on my own.”

“I can’t let that happen. The Priestess has ordered us to ensure you are assisted and aren’t lacking in anything.”

If they had an ulterior motive, like surveilling or controlling his movements, he might have had an easier time accepting this. However, these actions stemmed purely from goodwill.

He finally decided to address this openly. He’d heard that the people of the Great Forest were greatly hostile toward outsiders, so why were they being so accommodating?

“We were saved. By the Black Snake Warrior.”


“Everyone wants to repay his kindness. But the warrior left to assist the Vigabol Tribe with urgent matters.”

However, when he asked, stories about a certain someone he knew pretty well came up. Deathbringer’s expression turned curious.

【The geographical conditions between the Jatav and the Vigabol have repeatedly hindered our relationship. Isn’t that right?】

Meanwhile, White Wind had a personal meeting with the chief of the Serhan. A great number of tea leaves, common in the Great Forest but more precious than gold outside of it, were steeping in hot water before him.

【However, in this Katina, there will be someone with a positive stance on the exchange with the outside world. And if he were to become warchief…】

【Our connection can be fully established.】

The words they exchanged were far more valuable than this tea, though.

【Of course, to become warchief, he will need some… assistance. Many in this forest are unable to lay down long-held traditions and beliefs immediately.】

While young, he wasn’t so ignorant. Rather than be offended by the highly transparent intent behind his words, White Wind felt pleased. It was difficult to negotiate with someone who was too ignorant and foolish.

【So, if we do it like this, we’ll then…】

【I appreciate your words, but that’s a bit…】

White Wind continued intensely discussing their future with the Serhan chief. He couldn’t miss this opportunity to secure more trade routes within the Great Forest, even though their current focus was hunting the Arcane Power-eating snakes.

The Archmage and the Demon Knight were already handling this task—it would be a while before any of their research in the Magic Tower bore fruit—so he had nothing to worry about.

【I didn’t expect to get along so well with the Tower Master. I hope we’ll have another opportunity to talk like this in the future.】

【If Sir Chief invites me like this, how could I refuse?】

Separately, there was something White Wind had been curious about. He wondered why the Serhan were so accommodating to outsiders.

Although they’d never been especially harsh toward outsiders, they couldn’t be called particularly friendly or eager to communicate with them. There had to be a reason for this.

【…Ah, the reason.】

Unable to contain his curiosity, White Wind immediately asked the chief. The chief’s normally calm and gentle face briefly turned slightly bashful, making him look like a regular little boy.

【…An outsider warrior with two-colored hair has done our tribe a great favor.】

That was the Demon Knight. Without needing any further explanation, White Wind instantly realized what the answer was. As far as White Wind knew, only two people in this world had two-colored hair.

【Of course, it isn’t like we want to repay this debt to you as a substitute. However…】

After taking a few calming, deep breaths to regain his composure, the boy quickly regained his demeanor as the chief of a tribe.

【Before meeting him, we couldn't even fathom that someone as powerful as him existed. We also realized that if he were ever to point his sword at the forest, we would be completely defenseless. However, it might be different for other outsiders. Knowing about him means that we have enough time to prepare, right?】

Hmm. The Demon Knight far exceeded the average, so just knowing about him didn't necessarily mean they could prepare for him… But White Wind chose not to mention that.

If they misunderstood the Demon Knight as the standard of strength of all outsiders and were thus more open to interacting with outsiders to prepare against him, that would only benefit the Magic Tower, right?

【Of course, change will alter many aspects of our current lives. Some will feel it’s destructive. But if one thinks about it a little more, even the forest and the Mountain Lord we serve are ever-changing, albeit slowly. So, I, too, want to embrace change without fear in my heart.】

【And that’s why now is the right time for a new warchief, right?】


【Do you want us to send someone to help you?】

【I appreciate the offer, but it’s fine. Sudden changes can cause a lot of backlash, as it did with the Vigabol tribe. So, I… want to change slowly, just as we are now. In the process, we’ll also determine what traditions we must protect.】

Having outsiders residing inside the village might cause discomfort, so it seemed they wanted to accept some temporary guests gradually.

It was a slow approach, but that might actually be better. Rather than getting scared and retreating into their shells like turtles at the mere sight of unfamiliar customs, it was far better to adapt gradually over several years.

【I see. Thank you for your kind words.】

With that, White Wind’s curiosity had been sated. Now, there was only one last thing he needed to find out.

The personality of the Vigabol chief, whom this young chief was supporting and the Archmage only reluctantly decided to assist.

Regardless of his reformist nature, the policies he’d implement after becoming the new warchief might worsen things, even if doing so led to increased interaction with them.

“Have you finished your conversation?”

“Yes. What did you find out?”

“…I heard something strange.”


“There’s a wizard hailing from the Vigabol tribe who is now fully affiliated with the Magic Tower. He said…”

And in White Wind’s opinion, the Vigabol chief wasn’t suited for this position.

“He’s problematic.”

No matter how perfect someone might seem, those capable of inflicting violence on their family and loved ones absolutely couldn’t be trusted.

Indeed, just how greatly would those who raised their hands against their most precious bonds disregard others?

* * *

* * *

【You can use this place during your stay.】

【Hooh. I don’t know if we are deserving of such a fine place.】

Although we were invited here as guests—it was more of an employment situation since we both knew about the rebellion and were promised compensation—we’d made significant contributions by saving a lot of people.

As a result, the Archmage and I were treated quite luxuriously. We were assigned the best house after the chief’s residence.

【Not only did you eradicate the traitors who dared to threaten our Chief, but you also helped take care of those evil things they left behind.】

Of course, the Archmage wasn’t just receiving favorable treatment because of me.

Thanks to the nature of Arcane abilities, he proved his worth after the suppression: he dismantled barriers, removed Arcane devices, and partially helped reconstruct collapsed buildings.

【Moreover, despite us having greatly inconvenienced you already, you generously created temporary Arcane sealing tools… Please don’t hesitate to use this place to your heart’s content.】

He was even more valuable since all these priests had participated in the rebellion. While his Arcane assistance was already very precious, as a fellow wizard, he was the only one capable of sealing those guys.

【We are truly grateful for your consideration. However, we cannot stay here for long. When will we receive what was promised…?】

Of course, even though we were treated well, it didn’t really matter. While a comfortable place to sleep and good meals were certainly welcome, our situation was a bit difficult.

We’d somehow ended up completely changing a tribe’s future—had the rebellion succeeded, the person in charge would have changed—but this wasn’t our original goal.

We came here to meet the Mountain Lord.

We were here to discover whether they were a Demon and, additionally, to uncover the principle behind these Arcane Power-consuming creatures.

As such, I’d have preferred they lead us to the Mountain Lord quickly rather than give us this luxurious treatment.

If we stayed here any longer, we might get involved in selecting the warchief or whatever the goal of this Katina thing was. I really hated political fights, which were never just clear-cut battles between good and evil.

【I apologize, but I cannot answer that arbitrarily. I will convey your request to the chief, however.】

【That will suffice.】

【I will return with his response along with your meal. Please wait a bit longer.】

I glanced at the person who’d guided us here as they left and leaned against the wall. I casually placed my Zweihänder next to me.

“They said they’ll bring us food. It seems we’ll have to wait a little longer.”

I’d been wondering what they were talking about, but it was just about food.

Indeed, we hadn’t eaten anything proper during our journey nor had any time to eat upon arriving here. Even if this wasn’t my usual mealtime, I had to get something in my stomach.

“It seems the group led by White Wind will be here a bit later. Just as we struggled to move freely due to the Jatav blocking the way, they are having similar issues.”

I casually listened to what the Archmage had to say while checking my satiety level.

I wasn’t particularly interested in White Wind’s group, as they were only coming here to investigate, meaning they wouldn’t reduce my workload.

“Hmm? He also gave us a warning.”

Then, the Archmage furrowed his brows slightly as he checked his communication device.

“Is there something wrong with the Vigabol tribe…?”

Knock, knock.

A heavy knock echoed from the door of the building we were staying in. The Archmage cleared his throat after glancing away from the communication device.

【Ahem. You may come in.】

The voice leaving his mouth after that sounded somewhat subdued.

【I have brought your dinner.】

However, the mention of food momentarily cut off his whispers.

Soon, wooden dishes filled with food were brought in one after the other. There was so much food that it was hard to believe it was meant for just two people.

【…This is far too much. We appreciate the hospitality, but this is excessive…】

Although they were doing their best to treat their benefactors well, considering a rebellion had occurred not too long ago, could they really afford to be so generous to us? Had the food stores been untouched?

【The chief commanded that we ensure our benefactors aren’t lacking in anything.】


I felt rather agitated but remained silent.

The Archmage would handle this, no problem. It was the classic group project strategy of ‘letting others do the work’.

【Ah, I also bear the response to your earlier inquiry. The chief said that the Mountain Lord is a figure greatly worshiped by all the tribes, and it’s particularly difficult to arrange a meeting during the Katina period. He asked for your understanding as it will take some time, but he will do his best to fulfill his promise.】

Well, the Archmage was pretty good at these kinds of things, right? I took care of all the tasks requiring physical strength, after all.

So, it should be okay. Although, a decent person should never act like this.

【In that case, there’s nothing we can do.】

【Thank you for your understanding.】

I only half-listened to their conversation as I examined the food. There were many sweet-looking fruits and various types of meat… it was a literal feast.



In any case, as their conversation concluded, the other people in the building withdrew one by one. It was kind of fascinating seeing them retreat backward without turning their backs to us.

【It seems to be rather noisy outside. Is something happening?】

【It’s nothing serious. We’re just preparing for the execution of the rebellion leaders.】

【…But it sounds like I can hear children’s voices.】

【Ah… that’s because when rebellions occur, the leaders’ entire families are subject to execution.】

So, could I eat now? However, the Archmage hadn’t sat at the table yet.

Even though my character wouldn’t give a damn about respecting the elderly, I still wanted to delay eating until after this elder sat down at the table.

【Ah! If you wish to watch…】

【Absolutely not. We decline.】

Why did the Archmage’s face turn so foul? This was my first time seeing such an expression on his face.

【…Very well. But if you change your mind, please let us know. We will arrange a place for you.】

【Thank you for your kindness.】

Nothing was scarier than seeing someone who usually never gets angry finally lose their temper.

I concealed my agitation, crossing my arms and closing my eyes. My stomach was quietly grumbling, probably only audible to me.

“I almost forgot that this place is almost completely isolated from the outside world.”

Fortunately, the Archmage sat down not too long after. I naturally opened my eyes and glanced sideways to see when I could start eating.

“Though rebellions are a grave crime, exterminating the perpetrators’ entire families has long been prohibited…”

What did he say?

“…They’re going to execute the rebellion leaders and their families. Do you want to watch?”

Was he crazy?!!?

“I guessed as much. You aren’t the type to go watch something like that.”

The Archmage nodded as I reflexively responded with my face. Although the idea of executing the entire family of the perpetrators left me utterly stunned, he seemed fairly unbothered, just clicking his tongue before returning to his usual calm demeanor.

Once again, I was the only one who felt completely lost in this barbaric era.

“Ah, right. This might be unnecessary for you, but please be careful. I’ve learned that the leader of the Vigabol tribe is known to be violent toward his family. His younger sibling reportedly fled to another tribe due to his abuse. He may appear gentle on the surface, but on the inside…”

However, the dreadful news didn’t end with that.

Hearing that he was abusing his family to the point where his younger sibling had to escape far away meant that he was a terrible domestic abuser, and I had just helped that scumbag.

I would have even preferred it if he was a murderer! In this world, it was kill or be killed, after all! But domestic violence? Domestic violeeeence??

Furthermore, in a world without any police or public authority it could be reported to?

I felt like I was going mad. Seriously, I was about to lose it.

Knock, knock.

At that moment, a polite knock traveled through my dazed mind. It was a light and cheerful sound, completely unfitting my state.

“Since I heard you declined to watch the execution, I’m here to ask again. Are you really sure you don’t want to watch?”

Without waiting for our permission to enter, the door was abruptly flung open. Considering the rank of the person who just entered, it was rather hard to complain, but what they’d done was incredibly rude.

“It wouldn’t hurt to take a look.”

From behind him, I could hear the high-pitched wailing of a child, which sent chills down my spine.

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