Irresistible Romance

Chapter 94

At the moment of Yan Xi's opening, Bai luofan finally realized how small and ignorant he was.

The word "villain" severely bruised belofan's self-esteem.

In Yan Xi's heart, their past is not a stain, but it is no longer worth mentioning. Bai luofan, looking at her strange expression and estranged attitude, suddenly understands everything.

All along, it was he who lived in his own fantasy.

Think Yan Xi only rely on him, can live, but did not expect, finally is he wants to keep her around.

And Yan Xi, it is impossible to turn back.

She has a better man around her, is the man he has worked hard for several lifetimes can not match.

"I didn't expect you I can't believe that you can marry Jiang Mochen, but I didn't expect that you... "

Their marriage really tells Bai luofan that although in this circle is full of intrigue, there are still some people who have been guarding their original intention and guarding each other with true love.

What he didn't give to Yan Xi, Jiang Mochen gave it all, even ten times a hundred times.

"I thought you, like Jiang Yumeng, could give up everything in order to be famous and win prizes. I was wrong Yan Xi, I... "

Twenty minutes ago, he was still imagining the scene of Yan Xi kneeling down to beg for his forgiveness. Now, the man who became a drowning dog is himself.

"I also want to win the prize, to be recognized by the audience, but I have to rely on my own strength, not the unorthodox."

Now Yan Xi absolutely has the strength to say so.

She became a grand slam movie step by step relying on her own efforts. Now she has become the wife of Jiang Muchen. She did not publicize it and used this relationship to increase her exposure.

Only in this way can we have a clear conscience.

Belovan looked at her and suddenly stood up.

"Yan Xi, your husband is Jiang Mochen. If you are in the entertainment industry, will no one open the back door for you? The best contribution award, even if you didn't sleep in, was won by this means

Yan Xi eyes a dark, did not expect things to this step, white luofan's idea is still so inferior.

"At present, only a few people know about the marriage of Mo Chen and I. sister Xia, Chen Yu and you."

Bai luofan was in a daze.

"You don't need such good resources!"

Balovan was shocked. "Are you stupid or am I crazy?"

"Everyone has their own choice. Maybe you and Jiang Yumeng are not the same person after all. I prefer to watch my efforts pay off. You may never understand that feeling. I hope you can keep the affair between me and Mochen secret."

Belofanche lost completely.

He didn't even have the qualification to beg for mercy in front of Yan Xi.

Looking at their tacit understanding and harmonious appearance, Bai luofan is extremely painful, this kind of heartbreaking feeling he actually realizes from Yan Xi!

Jiang Yumeng ruined his reputation and was forced to flee abroad. Yan Xi taught him a profound lesson.

"All that should be said has been said. I hope we can make a thorough settlement between us. I hope you will have a good life in the future. That's all."

Yan Xi's eyes are extremely cold, and her tenderness can only face Jiang Mochen alone.

He painfully watched Yan Xi leave with Jiang Mo Chen. What did he do to lose her!

Now regret has no use, white luofan out of the restaurant, sent the last message to Yan Xi, "Du Jingsheng is not easy to deal with, I send the recording of him and Jiang Yumeng to you, hoping to help you, Yan Xi, wish you happiness."

After that, he tremulously deleted Yan Xi's telephone number.

People like him are not qualified to appear in her world again.

Yan Xi sat in the car, saw the message, and then sent it to Xia Jie.

She raised her head and looked at the man beside her and put the mobile phone into the bag. "Mo Chen, thank you for coming with me."

He could not have done it.

"I will do anything with you." Jiang Mo Chen held Yan Xi's hand back and clasped her fingers. "I hope you can see the road ahead. No matter what, there is me."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Mo Chen gently kisses her forehead, showing a gentle smile.

The present situation is not easy for Yan Xi to escape. Jiang Yumeng and Du Jingsheng hide and kick Bai luofan out of the game with brilliant feet. Yan Xi has no agent around, only sister Xia helps her.

There are many difficulties in getting rid of those rumors.

Xia Jie took the recordings of Du Jingsheng and Jiang Yumeng, and looked for several paparazzi reporters. Finally, she got a response. One reporter had a picture of them in and out of the hotel together. He just took it casually. He didn't pay attention to who it was at that time. Now she found out that it was Jiang Yumeng.

"Yan Xi, with these evidences, it can be proved that there was a hidden rule trade between Du Jingsheng and Jiang Yumeng, and you were not in China at all during that time."

"In addition to the recordings sent by Bai luofan, there is no mention of you at all. The photos exposed by Jiang Yumeng are the plot of Bai luofan and Du Jingsheng. If you are the victim, you will become the chips in Bai luofan's hands."Yan Xi, er a, she thought about it, or feel the lack of something.

Just at this time, Qin Yu, Jiang Mochen's secretary, drove to pick her up. "Madam, at two o'clock in the afternoon, there will be a press conference between the Jinge jury group and the organizers. President Jiang sent me to pick you up."

Yan Xi changed a casual dress and rushed to the scene with Xia Jie.

At present, it is not enough to have such evidence alone. The most important thing is to have the sponsor's proof.

Because of the rapid development of this matter, attracted the attention of many media, Yan Xi and Xia sister rubbed to one side of the corner, no one had time to pay attention to them.

At two o'clock, the reception officially begins.

All the judges were present except Du Jingsheng.

"Everyone, please be quiet. Today, our organizers hold this special press conference to explain to the public the results of the investigation on the selection of the best actress."

"With the help of many parties, we can make sure that there is a hidden rule trade between Du Jingsheng and Jiang Yumeng. He did use the means to change the name list, making Jiang Yumeng one of the most popular winners. We are sorry and sorry for this."

"What about Yan Xi?"

A reporter interrupted the organizer in a loud voice.

"After investigation, Yan Xi did not participate in the event. The award of the best contribution award was temporarily decided by the sponsor after the red carpet night, and was listed as an essential award of the jingo Film Festival from then on."

"How can you be sure that Yan Xi was not involved? Now Jiang Yumeng and Du Jingsheng can't get in touch. Did Yan Xi buy you out? "

Reporters' sharp questions echoed throughout the hall.

"As for the best contribution award, there are three criteria for selection. There should be works, strength and perseverance. Yan Xi has done all of them. After discussion, we think that she is the most suitable candidate for the award, and it is absolutely irrelevant to any transaction."

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