Irresistible Romance

Chapter 91

"What do you mean?" Yan Xi frowned and rubbed toward Jiang Mo Chen. "Mo Chen, I don't think it's necessary."

"I'm not going to help you as president of Dahua Group, but simply as your husband, isn't it?" Jiang Mo Chen clenched her fingers and warmed her cold hands. He had his persistence.

"I understand your concerns, but there is no better way." He advised in a low voice.

Yan Xi had to admit that what he said was reasonable.

There was no way to clear up the rumor, and she could not ignore it.

"OK, I'll go with Xia Jie to prepare a press release and issue a statement as my agent and lawyer." Yan Xi nodded. When necessary, she must protect herself with the law.

"Remember, no matter what happens, I'll be behind you."

Jiang Mo Chen gently touched Yan Xi's long hair and gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead.


Brilliant gave an official response as the news intensified.

"We are investigating the matter of Jiang Yumeng and Yan Xi, and the company is very sad to see such a situation. They are all artists trained by brilliant. However, no one can predict what kind of things a female artist will do in such a complicated environment. If the matter is true, brilliant will investigate their legal liability according to the contract."

Xia elder sister listened to the broadcast and gave a stern Pooh.

"It's all the ideas of belovan! Just like his sister, if something goes wrong, they will only push the dirty water on others. Yan Xi, I think we should seize the time. "

Yan Xi Er, in the mind already conceived a countermeasure.

"Try to find out the internal information of brilliant. I think belofan's position should also be very dangerous. We should take advantage of this to let brilliant civil strife, instead of throwing dirty water on us. On the other hand, I also think other people are involved in this matter."

Only a river Yumeng can not lift such a big storm, who is behind everything.

"Do we have other rivals?" Xia elder sister frown, "can be that little girl last time!"

"Han Xueli? It should not be her. She just got the new contract of creative arts and won't be involved in this kind of thing. For her, it's enough to watch the fire from the shore. "

Yan Xi's thoughts are like a tangle of hemp thread. She has some headache on her forehead.

When she saw her like this, she was also very worried about her situation. "I checked the invitation you received. In addition to Director Li Hai, he insisted on using you. Other directors and producers have changed. Yan Xi, do you want to take this opportunity to have a rest?"

Recently, Yan Xi has experienced too much.

If Jiang Mo Chen had not been with her all the time, Xia Jie was really worried that she would not be able to persist.

Yan Xi shook her head, "sister Xia, I can still insist, since I have come to this step, how can I stop? The dirty water will be over sooner or later. "

Even if it was to bite her teeth, she would endure it.

Once the film invitation has become a piece of waste paper, the site is full of scolding Yan Xi posts.

"Shameless actors waste my feelings."

"I thought she was an actress with positive energy. I didn't expect that she was also a green tea whore who depended on her body. She still pretended to be so poor and innocent in front of the camera. It was better than Jiang Yumeng. At least she dared to tell the truth!"

"The female stars in the entertainment industry are all like this. If you don't take off a little bit, how can I get the engagement? It's ridiculous. I actually bought her advertising products, and I'll return them tomorrow!"

"Is this kind of character good for being a star? Are you not afraid to bring bad social atmosphere

No one cares what Yan Xi has gone through. The appearance of her winning the prize in the Jinge Film Festival is forgotten by people. We only remember that she was a female artist who got the award after she colluded with the judges.

That afternoon, Yan Xi received a call from Du Jingsheng.

"Brilliant already can't keep you, how about, do you want me to help you contact KB's agent, or other brokerage companies can also, as you choose."

"I heard that you have fled overseas. Can you still control the situation at home?" Yan Xi tries to ask something out of Du Jingsheng's mouth.

If we can find out who he is related to, maybe we can find a solution to this problem.

However, Du Jingsheng is a very cautious person. He just wants to bait Yan Xi again.

"I know you are praised behind you, I don't care, but I tell you, now only when I come forward to say that you are not involved in this matter, you can leave the whole body, and the price is, you have to stay with me for one night."

"As long as you nod, I'll send you the ticket immediately. As soon as you get on the plane, I can get people to release press releases in China. Well, this is a very good opportunity for you."

Yan Xi's eyes in the pan cold meaning, "you are indeed a scum."

"Oh, still pure? Yan Xi, if you go on fighting like this, the situation that you have to fight hard will be destroyed again. I don't believe you still have three years to wait for! "For a female artist, time is the most precious.

Yan Xi has acting skills and strength, but she doesn't have much time to waste. She needs to get the best film appointment in her prime time so as to establish her future status.

Du Jingsheng is gambling that she dare not violate his will.


She will never betray herself.

"I will not be the second Jiang Yumeng and dig my own grave." Yan Xi finished, directly hung up the phone.

She took a deep breath and calmed her anger.

Since when did people in this circle start to play this kind of subterfuge, it's disgusting.

"Yan Xi, this is the script sent by director Li Hai. He said in front of the reporter that he would never change the heroine." Xia said happily.

Yan Xi heard the sound and opened the online video interview.

Director Li Hai did not shy away from speaking for Yan Xi, he said that he believed that Yan Xi would never do that kind of thing.

Yan Xi immediately sent a message of thanks to Director Li Hai, and then asked Xia Jie to open the lawyer's letter. It was absolutely false news about the "sleeping judge". Yan Xi would protect her reputation through legal channels.

Moreover, Yan Xi's fans have also published the itinerary of Yan Xi before. She can't have an intersection with Du Jingsheng before the Jinge Film Festival.

Directors who once cooperated with Yan Xi also said in an interview that Yan Xi they knew could never do that.

"She is very popular in the circle. Why should she be with such an old man?"

"If she really has the so-called backstage to help her, won't she announce her retirement at the hottest time?"

"Yan Xi's acting skills are obvious to all. The people who spread rumors are just jealous of her strength. I believe Yan Xi will be reborn."

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