Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 72: Bloodless

Chapter 72: Bloodless

Sounds of explosions rang out. I found with astonishment that the air above the college was not protected by any shield. The artillery shells were able to land on their perimeter walls and buildings, sending chunks of buildings flying everywhere.

"Brothers, kill!" Team Leader Kamo charged at the very front. Wielding an iron hammer, he charged into the reinforcements and started his slaughter.

The thugs behind him were provoked by their leader's bravery as they madly charged the Eternals and engaged their enemies without regard for their lives. With a loud explosion, a laser tower in Team Leader Aaron's direction crumbled apart. Giorno was so excited by the smooth assault that he started dancing.

In front of the college, the melee was still continuing. About 70 Liyate thugs fought against 30 Eternal soldiers. Their numerical superiority did not take long to display its benefit. In only 10 minutes, the Eternal soldiers were decimated.

"Fire your cannons. Drones, charge and blast their cannons! Take the college in one charge!" Giorno roared.

I suddenly noticed something wrong. "Wait, something feels odd."

"What did you discover, great explorer," Giorno hurriedly asked.

"Their rail cannons and laser towers are still inactive. Even their drones aren't out. Don't you think that's weird?" I asked.

The suspicious circumstances invoked Giorno's suspicions as well.

"Everyone, pause your attack. Assemble before the base and be on standby," Giorno suddenly ordered.

Giorno's authority was unquestionable. Even though all his men were still in a state of battle-lust, the battle stopped as commanded. Apart from the sound of burning flames, the battlefield sank into an inconceivable silence.

"The tanks will be the vanguard. The drones will provide cover. Everyone else, advance slowly. Do not fire without my command," ordered Giorno.

I advanced with the army at his command. The college's imposing gate entered my eyes. We were able to push all the way to the gate. Our surroundings were completely calm with no reaction whatsoever from our enemies.

"What is this? Where are their defenses? Have all their people escaped through a secret tunnel?" Giorno asked.

The thug in charge of their probe robots reported through the communicator, "Reporting, boss. Someone is walking out of the college."

"How many people?" Giorno asked.

"Only one. He's coming," replied the thug.

"What's going on? Everyone, do not move without my order. Execute anyone who fires without permission," commanded Giorno.

The gate opened slowly. An old man in a yellow robe walked out and continued walking toward us.

"Great explorer, how about you and I go meet him?" Giorno asked.

"Sure," I replied.

I stepped forth with Giorno and soon met the old man face to face. The old Eternal's face had evolved to an incredibly scholarly appearance. He had kind brows and pleasant eyes, completely unlike the Eternal soldiers I had seen before.

"Great master, we're in the middle of a war. What brings you here all alone? Are you here to negotiate on behalf of the emperor? Be careful as bullets have no eyes," said Giorno.

The robed great master did not say anything. Instead, he reached out and spread his palm open, revealing a six-pointed star badge. Giorno was stunned and was unable to say anything for a while.

"You must be President Giorno. I am Great Scholar Jeferun of the Imperial College. Principal Sosse mentioned you to me before. He reminded me to not look for you unless absolutely necessary. I did not expect you to attack the college. What a surprise," said the great scholar.

"You're the surprising one. I have long heard of your name. However, Sosse never told me that you were also part of the Brotherhood," said Giorno.

"The Imperial College is a product of Principal Sosse's tears and blood. Before he left, he told me to take good care of the college. I did not expect you to suddenly attack. I have no choice but to show myself so that we can reduce the damage done to the college," said the great scholar.

"You came alone. Is the emperor not inside? How about the Sacred Wing race?" asked Giorno in agitation.

"The college has been sealed for almost 20 days. I have been here all this while and have not seen the emperor or anyone else," replied Jeferun.

Giorno appeared disappointed to hear that the emperor wasn't in the college. However, the disappointment was quickly replaced by anxiousness.

"I only accept unconditional surrender. I still need to look for some important individuals. Do note that I'm also carrying out a mission for Principal Sosse. If you disagree, we will attack immediately," said Giorno.

"There are fewer than 30 imperial police and soldiers here. Please allow them to live. My students and I welcome the Brotherhood to the college," said Jeferun.

Giorno lowered his head in thought before saying, "Leave their armaments and armors behind. Have them disappear in 15 minutes."

The great scholar nodded in agreement. "Brothers, please wait a moment. I'll make the arrangements before opening the gate wide to welcome you."

"Please wait." I pulled at Jeferun's robe. "May I ask if some friends of mine are imprisoned here?"

"You must be Li Canyue. They're all waiting for you in the main hall," said Jeferun.

My brain was hurting. My intelligence was incapable of grasping such a sudden change in plot. I immediately stepped forth, intending to enter and look for Zhang Xingxing and the others. However, several people grabbed and stopped me.

"Great explorer, we should go together," said Giorno with a wide smile on his face.

'This fellow is too crafty. He's afraid that I'll go back on my words,' I thought.

Shortly after, disarmed imperial soldiers walked through the gate while supporting each other. They hurriedly rushed far away. I could see Giorno gesturing at Kamo with his eyes. The team leader retreated silently upon receiving his order. My heart thumped at the implication. Giorno was a gang leader. Was he intending to kill all the soldiers? But it wasn't like I could do anything to help the pitiful soldiers.

The gate slowly opened wide. With Jeferun in the lead, over a hundred college students walked out. With one look, I saw Zhang Xingxing, Prince Toruse, Sarje, Domo, and my other companions walking alongside him.

I ran forth, grabbed Zhang Xingxing's hands, and asked, "Xingxing, are you fine?"

"We're fine. It has been hard on you, Canyue," replied Zhang Xingxing, who was similarly happy to see me.

"Canyue, kid, don't use this as an excuse to take advantage of her. Watch your hands," said Zhang Bao'er as he landed a heavy pat on my shoulder.

Only then did I notice that I was holding Zhang Xingxing's hands tightly. It was not gentlemanly at all, so I hurriedly released her hands. Old Du and Zhang Bao'er stepped forth, and the three of us hugged each other tightly. Every reunion after a disaster was precious. After all, nobody was sure that everyone would still be around for the next reunion.

"Canyue, where's Dondon? He's not with you," asked Zhang Xingxing with concern.

I was about to answer when I thought of something. "Dondon and I went our separate ways. Since the situation here was unclear and dangerous, I couldn't spare the time to go look for him. He is probably safe. Don't worry."

I was basically hinting at Dondon to keep hiding until he received further directions from me. After saying that, I turned off my suit's communicator. The battle had ended, and Giorno's robotic probes could now easily pick up my conversation with Dondon.

Jeferun led us all to the college's main hall. Zhang Xingxing and I walked at the back of the group. Behind us, several burly Liyates were shadowing us. Obviously, they were sent by Giorno to monitor us.

"How did you end up captured by the police?" I asked stealthily after shutting off the Brotherhood's communicator.

"It was Master Crystal's idea. After meeting Sarje's master, he told me the same thing he told you. While I was thinking of a way to sneak into the college, Master Crystal gave me a good idea," said Zhang Xingxing.

"What idea?" I asked.

"He had us roam around the college, attract the police, and have them arrest us. According to imperial law, arrested individuals can only be moved from their initial holding location after it is reported up the chain of command. Thus, we will be temporarily imprisoned in the college after being captured," said Zhang Xingxing.

"I see. Have the police deliver us to the college...that's a good idea," I said as we arrived at the main hall.

The hall was 30 meters tallimposing and majestic with four massive pillars supporting its roof. It was spacious enough that it could easily house hundreds of people. Beautiful statues were standing in the hall, and the four pillars were covered with lifelike carvings of beasts I had never seen before. At the center of the ceiling, a model of Betelgeuse hovered, illuminating the hall with its red radiance.

'Too beautiful. This is a paradise of arts. The artistic accomplishments of aliens are definitely no less advanced than Blue's,' I thought.

"Brothers, we only have three hours. Move quickly. Remember, the lowest floor of the college is a forbidden zone," Giorno suddenly said.

The Brotherhood members then scattered and started searching the college.

"Giorno, have you gone mad? This is a holy land. Are you not afraid that the principal will punish you for doing this?" yelled the great scholar.

More than 10 of Giorno's personal guards surrounded the members of the college. The turbines on their rayguns were spinning, indicating that the guns were ready to attack at a moment's notice.

"Hmph. I suffered the loss of tens of brothers and so much equipment attacking this place. Even if the principal himself is here, this debt needs to be paid," said Giorno ferociously.

"Fatty, you see that? That is what an actual unscrupulous businessman looks like. Open your eyes wide and look," said Domo to Zhang Bao'er.

Facing a tyrant, the great scholar could only stop his protest despite his unwillingness.

"Great explorer, who is the expert who knows the mysterious characters?" asked Giorno with a wide smile on his face, once again displaying his ability to change his expression at a moment's notice.

"President Giorno, like I said, I won't help you if you intend to do harm with it. Do you think I'll still help you after seeing you plunder a holy place with my own eyes?" I said coldly.

"What? Are you thinking of reneging on our deal?" Giorno's face sank.

"What mysterious characters? We can always talk this out," said Zhang Bao'er when he saw that things were becoming tense.

"The characters of a lost civilization. They're the key to decoding the Imperial Golden Book," I said.

"Oh, yes, I'm well-versed in that. I'll take a look later," said Zhang Bao'er.

"Really?" asked Giorno, pleasantly surprised.

"I can't fake it. You'll know after taking me there," lied Zhang Bao'er.

Giorno raised his head in joy and signaled his bodyguards with his eyes. Two burly Liyates then stood behind Zhang Bao'er. The period of three hours ended before we knew it. The Brotherhood thugs had gathered a large number of riches from the college, piling them up in the hall.

Among the pile, I could see numerous shiny precious stones of different colors, sculptures that were pried from the walls, and many exquisitely packaged books. The great scholar was furious, but he did not dare to protest.

Suddenly, Team Leader Kamo charged inside the hall fearfully and said, "B-boss, this is bad! Something happened!"

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