Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 52: Fatal Infiltration

Chapter 52: Fatal Infiltration

"Four, five, six, move!" Zhang Xingxing commanded.

We then jogged out of the alley and headed toward the mansion. I could see several squads in the midst of changing shifts. Old Du led the team and approached the cars to the right and avoided the people walking on the street. After walking around the cars, we stumbled upon a squad of guards.

'Old Du did not anticipate this situation in his plan,' I thought as my heart thumped nervously.

The two squads looked at each other as an awkward silence hung in the air. At this time, Prince Toruse coughed and casually walked past the squad, completely ignoring them. We did the same and ignored the squad as well, walking away from the awkward encounter.

Both parties did not bother each other. We smoothly arrived before the main entrance. There, about 10 guards were busy changing shifts. According to Domo's plan, we prepared to rush into the mansion.

A squad of five was in charge of the entrance itself. To the upper right of the entrance was a face scanner. Prince Toruse walked in front of us and allowed the scanner to scan his face. A green wave of light swept past the prince's face. After about five seconds, the screen indicated that the identity verification was successful.

'The Jido disguise is really quite impressive,' I thought.

Under the guards' gazes, we allowed the scanner to scan us one after another.

This was my first time carrying out such a mission. Thus, I was extremely nervous, especially when I was walking through the entrance. I could feel my entire body being pumped full of adrenaline.

Surprisingly, the guards at the entrance did not say even a single word to us. Just like that, we completed the security checks in complete silence. We soon reached the patrol zone specified by Domo, and we started patrolling the area.

"Canyue, are these Eternal guards all mute?" asked Zhang Bao'er softly.

"You'll know by asking them," I said.

Zhang Bao'er shut his mouth. We started patrolling the first level while observing our surroundings. A big dark purple door was visible from where we were patrolling.

"Canyue, the door is there, but the situation on the first level is still unknown. Also, we have yet to decide on the plan after getting indoors," said Zhang Xingxing.

"Prince, Domo said that the Gandos will execute any guard who enters the mansion. Are the Gandos easy to deal with?" I asked.

"No. They are troublesome opponents. The Gandos are natural-born killers. Since they will execute those who enter without a proper reason, can we look for a proper reason?" said the prince.

"Can we have the prince pretend to be our captive? We're here with the prince to get our rewards from the governor," said Zhang Bao'er.

"Good idea. That's quick thinking, Bao'er," I praised.

"Of course. During crucial moments like this, it is always my inspiration that saves the day," Zhang Bao'er said smugly.

"I agree with the plan. Prince, what do you think?" asked Zhang Xingxing.

"If there is no better plan, we'll do it. First step, enter the building," said Toruse.

"And thus, the plot of New Mission Impossible enters its climax," narrated Zhang Bao'er smugly.

"The watchtower is able to monitor the entire courtyard. How are we supposed to avoid it?" Old Du asked calmly.

Everyone blanked out, not knowing how to hide from the watchtower. At this moment, I felt someone pull at me from behind. When I turned around, I nearly fainted from shock. An ugly canine had been hiding in my backpack.

Just as I was about to drag the animal from my bag, it spoke, "No, no, I'm Dondon!"

"Good lord. Dondon, how did you get here?" I asked in astonishment.

"When you were being disguised, Domo told me to come with you. He disguised me as the governor's pet," said Dondon.

"Looks like Domo is still rather professional with his job," said Zhang Bao'er.

"The plan has been drawn. Dondon, you'll draw the watchtower's attention. Everyone else, make use of the gap in surveillance to rush into the building," commanded Zhang Xingxing.

Dondon jumped out of the bag and ran toward the middle of the courtyard. The patrolling guards immediately noticed Dondon. They sounded the alarm, and the watchtower was the first to react, sending a wave of green light over to scan the intruder.

The Jido disguise proved to be of great quality; the scan determined that Dondon was the governor's pet. With the green light focused on Dondon, several guards immediately surrounded Dondon from several directions. At that moment, our window of opportunity opened.

"Everyone, move. Enter as per our agreed-upon order," commanded Zhang Xingxing.

Prince Toruse took the lead and everyone acted according to Domo's plan, rushing into the building while the air defense drones were switching positions. I was the last to enter. When it was my turn, I turned to take a look at Dondon. The little fellow was still running everywhere, making the watchtower's scanner and the guards chase him all over the courtyard.

Seeing that, I relaxed somewhat and rushed through the black door. We arrived at a spacious living room. Everything in the room seemed to be made of black iron, and everything, apart from the lighting, was black. Above us was a massive spiral staircase leading to the second and third levels.

"Canyue, do you see the Gandos anywhere?" Bao'er asked.

"No," I replied. "Prince, do we still follow the plan?"

"Yes. I'll remove my disguise and act like a captive. Remember, the governor's name is Daka," said Toruse.

Just as we were about to carry out our plan, heavy footsteps came from the staircase above us.

"Gandos!" whispered the prince.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Sounds of steel thumping against the ground came from above, slowly approaching us. The Gandos' imminent arrival caused me to break out in cold sweat. Instinctively, I placed my hand on the activation button of my morph-capable shield. After the prince took off his disguise, he nodded at us.

"Attack if you see an opening. Don't let the Gandos discover us first," said Zhang Xingxing softly.

The heavy steps continued down the stairs. Just as a Gando was about to come out of the spiral staircase and see us, the prince walked out with his hands raised. Zhang Xingxing immediately followed him with her gun aimed at him. I lifted my gun and did the same. A giant in white armor appeared before us.

The Gando was massive with a height of 2.5 meters. He was clad in white seamless armor covered with spikes. He held a white giant war hammer in his hand and was dragging it behind him. Oddly, his eyeballs were completely white, and with those white eyes, he looked at us with his head slanted to the side, looking like the mythological Grim Reaper.

"We caught the Prince Toruse wanted by Governor Daka. We're here to report to the governor and claim our reward," said Old Du.

The man in white remained expressionless and stared at us silently with his slanted head. Under his stare, I felt my hair stand on end. My instincts were telling me that something even more powerful was focused on us.

I turned instinctively, and what I saw nearly caused me to faint. On the second level's corridor, a three-meter tall Gando holding a massive sword with both hands was also staring at us. Different from the Gando before us, the one on the second level had black eyeballs.

'The black and white killers have us surrounded. This is too unfavorable for us,' I thought.

Just like that, the deadlock continued in awkward silence for several minutes before the white-eyed person spoke.

"Governor Daka's order is to have the prince killed and to return with his head, not return with him alive," he said.

"For disobeying the governor's order, they should be killed," came the grim voice of the black-eyed person behind us.

The white-eyed Gando then raised his giant war hammer. We all gripped our guns tightly. A battle was imminent. Suddenly, the door opened with a loud thud. Dondon rushed inside with a group of guards behind him. When the guards saw that Dondon had entered the building, they stopped the pursuit. After all, they were also afraid of being killed for entering without permission.

When Dondon saw us, he rushed toward us and stopped beside me. When the white-eyed Gando saw Dondon, he lowered his giant war hammer again. A kind look even appeared in his eyes.

"Little Pea, where did you go today? We have been looking for you the entire day," said the white-eyed Gando.

We were all stunned. This Gando seemed to believe that Dondon was the pet they had been living with. I hurriedly blinked at Dondon, hinting at him to not speak so that the disguise won't be ruined. Dondon understood me and walked to the prince before snuggling against the prince. The two Gandos were stunned. The black-eyed Gando jumped down from the second level and landed with a loud thud.

"Little Pea, this is Master's enemy. Did you sense a secret yet again?" asked the black-eyed Gando.

'Is the governor's pet some sort of prophetic pet? These two might even listen to the pet. This is a great opportunity,' I thought.

Dondon looked at me, and I hinted at him with my eyes. I did not know if he could understand me, so I could only hope that he was smart enough to know what to do. At this time, the white-eyed Gando approached the prince. Standing between the Gando and the prince, Dondon looked incredibly small.

I was worried that Dondon would expose himself. My grip on my gun tightened as I prepared to attack. The tense situation gave me a sensation that the air itself had frozen, and cold sweat covered my back. Right then, Dondon did something astonishing.

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