Interstellar Survival: Invasion

Chapter 37: Final Battle With The Monster

Chapter 37: Final Battle With The Monster

The ship accelerated to the side and avoided the attack. A pair of massive scarlet eyes became visible through the cockpit window. Flapping its massive wings, the two-headed monster had caught up to us, attacking from above.

"This fellow is way too good at tracking, right? It's relentlessly chasing after us!" Zhang Bao'er complained.

"Although we have released it from its seal, we have also stolen the island's core energy. That's why it is relentless," said Old Du.

"I'm guessing that the crystal ball also has some kind of tracker. That's why the monster is able to keep following us," Dodo speculated.

"Our top priority is to escape its tracking," said Old Du.

That was simple to say but much harder to carry out. The monster continued flying toward us, propelling itself forward with its powerful wings. It was about to catch up to us soon. I could clearly see the monster opening its massive mouths and the scalding lava within. The mouths constantly aimed at us, preparing to unleash more energy beams toward us.

Titan and Amethyst kept changing directions to avoid being locked on by the monster, but the ship wasn't even as fast as the monster. Eventually, the mouths became close enough to enclose us from all directions.

Several shrieks rang out as three blue streaks started attacking the monster's necks and back.

"Little Snow and the others are here to help us!" Zhang Xingxing cried out emotionally.

"Toruk, well done!" Zhang Bao'er also shouted.

I could see Toruk and Little Snow madly clawing the monster's back. At the same time, Blueflash was unleashing a frantic assault on the monster's necks. The monster couldn't shoot beams toward itself, so the three flying fish were able to temporarily catch the monster's attention.

"Take this chance and withdraw quickly," Old Du said.

"No. Since the monster can track us, it's pointless to withdraw. We need to think of a way to deal with this monster. Otherwise, Blueflash and the others will also be in danger," I said.

The monster kept swinging its six massive arms around, attempting to swat down the flying fish. Although the fish were nimble and were able to avoid all the attacks, this might not continue if the battle dragged on.

"This monster is too big. If we don't deal with it, it will definitely follow us so long as we remain on this island. It will even cause unnecessary deaths to the other life forms living on the island," said Zhang Xingxing.

"We don't have any weapon we can use to kill it," said Dodo.

"We don't need to have a weapon. Let Sirius B perform the killing," said Zhang Xingxing calmly.

We all looked at Zhang Xingxing in astonishment. Listening to her calm words, I suddenly realized that she had grown from this experience.

"Use the whirlpool to destroy the monster," said Zhang Xingxing as she pointed at the sea.

"Good idea. But we need to get our timing right. Also, Old Du, tell Titan and Amethyst our idea," said Dodo.

A wail rang out. When I looked outside, I saw Toruk's back being clawed by the monster. Broken scales scattered in the air as Toruk's back dripped with blood.

"Careful, Toruk! We must help them! They aren't going to last much longer," urged Zhang Bao'er painfully. "Xingxing, carry out your plan."

"We have no other choice. This might be the best method to deal with the two-headed monster. Let's do it," I said.

Everyone nodded and agreed to the plan. Old Du then spoke loudly to Titan and Amethyst in Gliesen. The ship suddenly changed direction, zooming through the clouds and approaching the sea. Soon, we were about a hundred meters above the sea. The ship then turned on its lights and started gliding close to the sea's surface.

The sea was still the same world of howling wind and torrential rain. The two-headed monster was furious when it saw us fleeing. With a roar, it flew after us, ignoring the three flying fish's attacks. The sea roared and churned, but the whirlpool monster was still nowhere to be seen.

"You're nowhere to be seen when we need you, and you are insistently coming after us when we don't need you," said Zhang Bao'er.

"Canyue, fire some cluster bombs at the sea to attract the whirlpool monster," commanded Zhang Xingxing.

"Roger. On it," I replied.

I lifted my gun. Although my suit was out of energy, my gun could still fire the ammunition in it. I walked to the door, tied myself to a handle near it, and then opened the door. Due to the speed at which we were moving, the blast of wind from opening the door nearly lifted me out of the ship.

"Careful, Canyue," Zhang Xingxing said with concern.

My blood warmed at her voice of concern. Suddenly, I felt my veins course with strength.

"I'm fine," I said.

With one hand, I held onto the rail and stabilized myself. With my other hand, I took aim and pulled the trigger, launching over ten cluster bombs downward. The explosions created massive splashes on the sea alongside a deafening rumble. The explosions attracted the attention of the two-headed monster. Two red energy beams came immediately. The ship moved aside to dodge the beams while I used all my strength to balance myself. Immediately, two more beams came for us.

"You annoying bastard. Take this!" I grew furious seeing how relentless the monster was.

In my fury, I unleashed a barrage of bullets at the monster's heads. Although I couldn't deal much damage to it, I still felt good at having to vent my anger. The two-headed monster continued approaching us, glaring at us with its pair of hateful crimson eyes. At this point, the two-headed monster was completely ignoring the flying fish. From its eyes, I could see how determined it was to end us.

"Canyue, shut the door. Our friend is here," Old Du's voice rang out behind me.

I looked out the cockpit's window. Outside, a wave had risen to a kilometer high. Thanks to the ship's light, I was able to see the familiar pair of sinister purple eyes.

"Five minutes until contact with the big whirlpool. Eight minutes until contact with the two-headed monster," Dodo reported diligently.

"Next, it's up to the Brightlings," said Old Du.

Everyone returned to their seats. The only thing we could do now was to pray that the Brightlings could time the two contact timings so that the two monsters would clash. The ship charged toward the mountainous wave. I could see the sharp fangs and the abyss of immeasurable depth, which was the whirlpool monster's throat. We continued ahead until we were about a hundred meters from the wave. I could see the ship enter the whirlpool monster's mouth.

'It's over. Looks like the two Brightlings have fallen asleep for real this time,' I thought.

The whirlpool monster immediately shut its mouth to prepare to swallow us. Right that moment, I felt the ship lift; the ship had made an abrupt turn and shot toward the two-headed monster with the same upside-down position. It was such a close call that the monster's fangs grated against the ship as we exited. We were extremely close to death.

"Beautiful, Titan!" I couldn't help but praise Titan for the excellent control.

On the other hand, the whirlpool was infuriated at being toyed with. The wave behind us enlarged, becoming double its size before crashing down on us. Right ahead of us was the rapidly approaching two-headed monster. Its two heads guarded two different directions, preventing us from escaping.

We approached the monster, and about one kilometer from it, eight energy beams were shot at us. The beams came from different directions, sealing our path of escape. My mind blanked as I hugged Dondon, awaiting the explosion to come.

Just as the massive wave and scalding beams were about to surround us, I felt the ship descend rapidly. It was dropping right into the deep sea. Titan and Amethyst had actually made the split-second decision to use the sea to protect us. We did not see that coming. From below the sea, I saw a bright red above me. Furious roars resounded repeatedly as the two monsters started fighting each other.

"Success! We succeeded!" Zhang Bao'er exclaimed in joy.

Countless spinning pillars of water existed underwater, and anything that had dropped into the sea would be pulled into the depths of the sea.

"These pillars are the source of the whirlpool monster's power," said Old Du. "Fortunately, it is too busy to care about us at the moment."

The Brightlings controlled the ship and avoided the pillars with great difficulty. After traveling hundreds of meters, the ship ascended and shot out of the sea, soaring back into the sky.

We were pleasantly surprised to see Blueflash and the others circling in the air as well. They had successfully escaped the battle. Hundreds of meters behind us, a world-shaking battle was ongoing. Sirius B's two strongest hegemons had finally encountered each other. The whirlpool monster covered the entire two-headed monster with its massive curtain of water, madly trying to drag it into the depths of the sea.

Meanwhile, the two-headed monster constantly unleashed its energy attacks. Unfortunately, the attacks merely pierced through its watery opponent without being able to deal much damage.

Then, a series of cracks rang out from the two-headed monster's body as it started tearing at the curtain of water that was keeping it trapped. With its supernatural strength, it tore the wave apart, freeing itself from the curtain of water.

Then, it flapped its wings, attempting to get out of the sea. An even larger wave rose up from the sea with an indescribable rumble. The wave was so tall that its peak could reach even the clouds. As the wave rose, the water around the wave abruptly turned into ice. Within the massive wave was the terrifying whirlpool monster. It pounced at the two-headed monster, covering the very sky with its gigantic body.

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