
Chapter 12: Whats Under the Nightdress

Chapter 12: Whats Under the Nightdress

By 4 PM, Gu Tuantuan was worn out from doing homework problems all day long. She raised her arms and stretched like a cat. Her thin nightdress rode up, molding to the shape of her chest.

What were her teachers thinking? This math book was far too difficult; there were several problems she couldn't understand. Fortunately, Jiang Ye was coming over later, so shell just ask him for help.

Speaking of Jiang Ye, Gu Tuantuan thought back to what happened yesterday. Although she got her wish to rub Jiang Yes head as much as she wanted, his hair was prickly like a porcupinesit was very painful and unpleasant. But that wasnt even the worst part! Despite trying her damnedest to muss up his hair as he did hers, with just a simple flip of his head, his hair went back to normal.

Infuriating! Absolutely infuriating!

Tonight, Jiang Ye was coming over at the special behest of her mother. Her mother had complained that she hadnt seen him in a long time, so she invited him to dine with them. Jiang Ye shamelessly accepted the invitation without a second thought to politeness or convenience. (TL: She's implying that he's rude for making her mother do more work and cook for him)

Gu Tuantuan went back to studying at her desk, but before she could put pen to paper

Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong!

Thinking that it was probably her mother returning from the grocery store, she rushed to put on her slippers and sprinted to the door.

Im coming! Im coming! She shouted.

But low and behold, it was Jiang Ye standing outside.

Jiang Ye gave Gu Tuantuan a once over. She was wearing a short-sleeved nightdress with lace trim. It perfectly accentuated the soft, dainty slope of her collarbone. Although the dress was loose-fitting, it clung attractively to her curves.

Here, from my mom. Theyre all your favorites. Jiang Ye handed her a bag of fruits. His mom had personally selected them when she heard that he was going to Gu Tuantuans house for dinner.

When they were younger, they used to live across from each other. His mother would often stuff Gu Tuantuans stomach with various fruits and snacks. Over time, she figured out Gu Tuantuan's likes and dislikes.

Gu Tuantuan received the fruit and thanked him out of habit. But then realizing that it was Jiang Ye in front of her, she harrumphed sulkily and placed the fruit in a bowl on the coffee table.

Jiang Ye didnt mind. He closed the door behind him, changed his shoes, and sauntered into Gu Tuantuans home without any reservations. Noticing that she was home alone, he asked, Wheres Auntie?

Shes buying ingredients for dinner. She said she was going to make all of your favorite dishes. Gu Tuantuan pouted sourly. She had to eat tasteless rabbit food every night. Then this cheeky monkey comes along and asks for slow-cooked bone broth and braised meat

Jiang Ye tactfully hid a smile so that he wouldnt add fuel to the fire.

But like a passing storm, her anger dissipated as quickly as it appeared. Oh right! Help me with my math homework. There are a few problems I dont know how to solve.

Sure, Jiang Ye agreed and followed Gu Tuantuan into her bedroom.

He picked up the workbook from the desk and flipped through the questions that Gu Tuantuan left blank. "Is this it? They're not that hard." He looked at her.

Her eyes lit up at his proclamation. If these were normal times, Gu Tuantuan would have skewered him with her sharp tongue. But school was about to start, and time was running out. He was her last hope. She sweetly pulled the chair out for him and gestured, Come, come, Mr. Super Scholar. Please, sit down.

Jiang Ye sat in her proffered chair and studied the question at hand. Then picking up a blank piece of paper, he wrote down the entire process for solving the problem in a few bullet points.

Gu Tuantuan bent over to take a closer look at Jiang Yes explanation. Her brows drew up, and you could almost see the cogs in her brain turning through her facial expression.

The girls wide neckline drooped as she bent, and Jiang Ye could see past the girls collarbone to the plump, creamy breasts dangling down like falling dew; the delicate, pink-tinged tip

She was au naturel underneath.

He narrowed his eyes, shuttering his lashes to hide his line of sight.

The scene gave him an idea. He pushed back the chair and pulled the girl into his arms, Sit down. Standing like that must be uncomfortable.

Gu Tuantuan was still immersed in deciphering the math problem, so she obediently sat down on his lap without any fuss. Frowning at the piece of paper, she looked it over several times before it finally clicked.

She exclaimed, Just like that?!

Yup. Its simple, right? A few strands of the girls hair brushed across Jiang Yes throat. He swallowed reflexively.

Hey, then what about this one? Gu Tuantuan flipped to the next question. She leaned slightly to the side so that Jiang Ye could see it.

Again, Jiang Ye quickly scanned over the problem and effortlessly wrote down the process to solve it.

At this time, Gu Tuantuan truly understood how the title of Super Scholar came to be. It was not an empty title.

One after another, the girl continued barraging him with questions, and Jiang Ye continued answering them with ease. 

Gu Tuantuan studied his notes intently, but little did she know that the note-maker was also intently studying her.

Her nightdress was made of pure cotton. It was soft and fitted. There were several attractive box pleats down the front, which emphasized her plump breasts. Her supple thighs sat directly over Jiang Yes lap, and his thumb naturally stroked the exposed skin under the hem of her nightdress. Her skin was as smooth as silk and cool to the touchvery pleasant.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Ye inhaled her sweet aroma. His little soldier raised its head and stood at attention, pitching a tent between the girls legs.

Ah! I get it now! Gu Tuantuan finally understood the problem she was studying. She straightened her posture and drew her legs together

Only to catch a stiff, hot meat pole in the gap between her thighs.

And the answer to the title is

The author did a great job showing us a very typical Chinese mother-daughter relationship. GTT's fear of getting scolded, her jealousy at her mother showing affection towards other children* It's scary how accurate it is.

*Some background: Chinese mothers don't like to compliment their own children for fear of them "growing a big head" (getting arrogant). Outward displays of affection (including verbalizing feelings) are also not really a thing in Chinese culture (although it's changing now). Parents like to show their love in other ways. There is an old Chinese saying: "Beating is caring, scolding is loving. When you do neither that is neglecting".

XX Umi Yuki

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