Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 449: Nayra

Chapter 449: Nayra

Common Enemy

They entered the tower slowly, |Spectrum Vision| letting her see in the darkness, though it wasn't necessary for long. The door behind them closed with a loud bang, and then torches lit up all around them.

Ah, Ryun said and she glanced at him.

My sense works here, he just said. It made sense, this place was supposed to exist in all realms, making it a fixed point. It didn't change like the rest of the Ethereal.

It working was good, it meant that Nayra didn't have to tell him anything as eight spirits surrounded them. Long limbed with hands that ended in claws. They were lanky, but towered over them. Their bodies were dark and heads elongated and without any mouth that she could see. A single eye crowned the middle of their head. With a quick look, she could see how much of a threat they were.

Prison Warden Spirit (Tier 9)

Not that much of a threat at all. She could tell that the display was supposed to be intimidating, and to make the people arriving feel off balance. It probably would've been more impressive to people who weren't Ryun and Nayra. Both of them had seen the spirits crawl out from hidden trapdoors in the floor.

The room they were in now blazed with light, and stretched far in the distance. The walls around them were glowing, illuminated by lines that crisscrossed them in elaborate geometrical patterns. Everything else had a gray and green tint to it. There was an oppressive feeling in the air, as if she was being squeezed from all sides. As if this place was in full control of everything within it.

Greetings spirits, Ryun bowed, and Nayra followed a moment after. We've come seeking an audience with the Warden of the Prison of Ages.

The spirits stood around them for a few moments, unmoving and silent. It was as if they were evaluating the two of them before finally one spoke. You are free to enter.

Nayra blinked, then glanced at Ryun.

That was easier than I thought it would be, he told her.

He turned to look at the spirits who haven't moved from their positions.

So, do we follow you or?

The spirits didn't answer, they just stared. Ryun tilted his head, then started to walk down the hallway. The spirits didn't react. Nayra gave them one last look, then followed Ryun forward, though it felt like their every move was being watched by the spirits as they silently remained in the room behind them. They walked down an elaborately decorated hall that stretched for far longer than the size of the Tower outside would suggest. Then, they reached a small chamber. The room was an antechamber of some kind, and it was so quiet that she could hear their footfalls on the golden tile, each step was a reverberating boom like a crack of the whip or a branch breaking. They came to a stop, and then the only sound was her heart beating in her chest. This one was occupied with three spirits, though Nayra's eyes were only drawn to the one in the middle.

This spirit was as tall as a two story house. It had a quadruped lower body with legs that ended in hooves. Its upper body person-like, making it seem almost like a centaur type, with a human-like torso and two sets of arms. Its head looked as if it was from carved stone, and it had three faces, each facing in a different direction. All three appeared vaguely as if they were human, or perhaps demasi, Nayra couldn't quite tell. The eyes were larger, the cheeks sharper, mouth wide with almost no lips.

She glanced at it without her filters, and saw.

Warden of the Ages

There was no tier to be seen, but she could tell that the being was powerful, unique. A shiver ran down her spine as the oppressive sensation of an icy prison suddenly filled the air. With bated breath she realized that the feeling had been there from the start, all around her, and now she knew why. It was coming from this being, emanating like a beacon of darkness and gloom; a tangible force of intimidation that seemed to infiltrate her very being. She felt it in every fiber of her body - the tower, the prison, and all its weighty secrets bound within these walls were this spirit's domain. It was as if this place was part of its body.

Greetings, Warden, Ryun bowed his head, addressing the spirit not as a warden, but the Warden.

The spirit didn't return a greeting immediately. The sensation intensified, and then she felt like she was standing inside a thick fog, unsure of what surrounded her until she focused and sharpened her senses. It weighed down on her like a heavy blanket of tightly packed earth.

And then it was gone, the pressure lessening.

Chosen don't often come to my domain, the Warden spirit said, its voice coming from all three heads. The first was a low, rumbling tone, as oppressive as the stone around them. The second was high, piercing and watchful. The third was a tone that was barely audible, yet seemed to hold secrets and knowledge that somehow made Nayra feel small. The three voices were layered together in a strange reverberating way that for some reason didn't echo around the room.

And when they do, they come with malicious intent. Tell me who you are, and why have you come. Before I decide to act on the side of caution and end you before you have a chance to do as those that have come before you.

Nayra heard and knew that the threat was very real. She had became used to strength, but standing before this being she knew that there were still things whose strength she had to respect.

Ryun bowed again, this time more deeply. I am Ryun Nacht, with me is Nayra Ornn-Dagda. We have come on suggestion of the Grand Spirits of Transition and Mysteries.

All three heads raised their eyebrow in an inquisitive way. Is that so? The Grand Spirits do not involve themselves in my matter and domain, they know better.

One part of our visit is on their behalf, the other is for our own matter, though it does align with that of the Grand Spirits, Ryun said.

And those are? The spirit asked.

Ryun tilted his head as he answered. The main matter is one I believe you would be very interested in, he paused, straightening and meeting the spirit's eyes head on. Ra'azel Equinar.

The reaction was instant and visceral. Two of the spirits faces twisted into grimaces of anger, while the one in the center narrowed its eyes.

The Prisoner, it said, stressing the word. A chosen released him. Speak very carefully, or this meeting will not remain polite.

Nayra figured that it would be best if they didn't mention that they knew the chosen who released the yeti personally.

Ryun gestured with a hand. Ra'azel has escaped into the Real Realm, he has struck against me and mine. I have come to the Ethereal seeking power to stop him. The Grand Spirits have pointed me in your direction. You want Ra'azel stopped, don't you?

The spirit leaned forward, and the pressure against them intensified again. I want Ra'azel back in his cell, where he belongs, I would settle for death, the pressure vanished, and the spirit seemed to sag. If only it could be.

Nayra blinked at that.

You do not believe it possible? Ryun asked.

The spirit looked Ryun in the eyes, then responded. Ra'azel is older than time itself, at least in its current form. And he is a master of his power. He has had a long time to plan. You are strong, and even if you can match Ra'azel's might, you will never be able to outmatch him as a whole.

We have faced him before, Ryun said. We survived, fought him off.

As have I, the spirit said. And in that lies the true danger of Ra'azel. He will never make the same mistake twice. He learns from his failures, and he plans for everything. The Grand Spirits and even the upstart Great Soul had not been able to stop Ra'azel from leaving the Ethereal Realm.

What is the reason he was imprisoned? What is his goal?

The spirit didn't answer for a few seconds. Then, it tilted its head. Why would I tell you? What purpose is there in it?

Ryun took a step forward. Because I promise you, if you give me knowledge or power, I will make sure that Ra'azel is dealt in a manner that will make sure he will not be a threat to anyone.

The spirit gave Ryun a long look, and then it gave its answer.

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