Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 447: Ryun

Chapter 447: Ryun

The Vessel

Ryun stepped through the portal and into the Ethereal, Nayra and Trklak following close behind him. The War Camp was as he remembered it, not that he expected it to change. It had been only a bit over a month since they had last been here, assuming that the passage of time was in sync, and as far as Ryun knew it was.

Spirits walked around them, most not paying much attention to them, except for a small group of spirits that looked like suits of armor. They approached and met with them as the portal closed.

"You've returned," one of the spirits said, Ryun couldn't say with any great certainty if he had already met this spirit, most those who were of the same type appeared identical to him.

"We have," Ryun said. "We have news for the Grand Spirit."

The spirits had obviously been expecting them, and they escorted them through the main camp to the center tent.

As they walked, Ryun saw the area where the shades gathered had changed somewhat. The shades had gathered their camp, almost as if they were getting ready to leave. That worried him.

Shades weren't supposed to be able to leave the Ethereal Realm, yet one had managed it, which meant that it was possible. The part that worried him was that Grey Horde's deal didn't include the shades at all, yet they were here in the service of the Grand Spirit. The only reason why War would have them here was if it had something in mind for them. And Ryun was worried that War had figured out a way to send shades to the Real World.

From what Zach had explained, what happened to him felt like someone pulling on a tether. Ra'azel had somehow used Zach as that tether, and had crawled through that link.

He pushed those thoughts out of his mind as they reached the main tent and were led inside.

Ryun kept close watch on his surroundings with his perception, noting where every spirit was and what they were doing. He saw no sign of the Grand Spirit of Change. He didn't know if that was good or not.

The Grand Spirit of War awaited them in the center, as always. Elemental Spirits of all kinds flew in a circle above her throne, like a shoal of fish. The Grand Spirit's form was still that of an armored female drake, her gaze following them as they drew closer to her and came to a stop in front of her throne.

"I see you brought another guest," the Grand Spirit started.

Trklak inclined his head. "Grand Spirit, I am Trklak, Champion of the Triumphant Hive."

War turned her eyes back to Ryun. "Can I assume that you've accomplished what I've asked of you?"

Ryun stepped forward then nodded. "We have," he said slowly. This part was tricky, and he had to be careful with his words. The delay had been the skreen inability to make a vessel suitable for a Grand Spirit. From what he had heard, War had little knowledge of anything that was involved with how skreen created new forms, and she didn't care. To her it was a matter beyond her understanding, something that was not part of her domain. Which had made her frustrated and the relations between the skreen and War tense. She saw an obstacle and simply demanded that it be removed. Ryun was counting on her being frustrated enough that her impatience was able to get the better of her.

War stood immediately, her eyes flashing. "We are ready then?"

"We believe so," Ryun said slowly. "But we would still wish carry out a quick test."

War took a step closer to him, towering over everyone else in the room. "What kind of a test?"

"The vessel that the skreen have prepared for you was still insufficient to hold you in the Real Realm permanently. You've asked me to deal with the issue, and I had done so in the only manner that I knew how. I've crafted a suit of armor that is supposed to bolster the vessel and prevent the degradation. But there is no way for us to test the vessel on our own, not without you doing it yourself," Ryun said.

He leaned into the knowledge that the Grand Spirit should have of him. He had spent time in her camp and had demonstrated his skill in her forges. He wasn't nave enough to think that she hadn't had him observed and his actions in the camp reported back. She should know that what he was saying was probable. And it wasn't even a lie.

One of the elemental spirits above swooped down to circle around her head. Ryun watched in fascination as their Essences interacted as they communicated. War raised her hand, and the spirits above dispersed, leaving the tent.

"My army will be ready," War said.

"Remember," Ryun started. "We are not certain that this will work, not yet at least."

"I tire of waiting," War's voice dipped low.

"I understand," he nodded. "And I am confident that I can make any alterations to the armor that are needed. I just want you to be prepared for it."

War looked at him, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Are you trying to delay me?"

"Ra'azel is both of ours ultimate goal," Ryun responded. "I want him dealt with as much as you do. And every moment we waste here is giving him more free reign in the Real Realm."

War kept her eyes on him for a long moment, and then nodded. "Let's get this test over with then."

They were led to a different tent, with four spirits standing guard inside. The center of it was an open space with an array carved into the stone floor. Ryun knew this place, he had visited its counterpart in the Real Realm. It was the portal room, the place that led directly into a room in the Real Realm where the vessel for the Grand Spirit was kept.

Ryun focused his sense, his new skill allowed him to perceive in the Ethereal Realm, the backlash that he felt before was mostly gone. Though he had noticed that his willpower was being drained much faster in the Ethereal than it had while in the Real Realm when he focused on something. Still, he could tell that the spirits in the valley were preparing to be summoned in the Real Realm.

Thankfully, War had agreed to first test the vessel.

"Begin," War said, and the spirits in the room activated the arrays.

Ryun felt something at the edge of his perception, on the other side of the camp, a shifting presence. He had wondered if the Grand Spirit of Change would make an appearance. It stayed away, probably not wanting to be noticed. Ryun kept his attention on the Grand Spirit with |Divided Mind|.

Half of the arrays lit up, and then a few moments later the second half lit up as well as summoners in the Real Realm activated their side.

A rip in the world appeared in the center, and then a portal opened, showing what was on the other side. The floor of the room was identical, covered with the exact same array. The rest was different, as this room was beneath the ground while the one Ryun was in was in a tent above ground.

"There it is," Ryun said, gesturing at what stood at the end of the room in the Real. On a large upright rack, stood the vessel. A skreen body with two sets of arms and large moth-like wings. The chitin was sleek and black, reflecting the light of the lanterns through the portal. The vessel lacked antennae as it had no need for telepathy of any kind, nor did Grey Horde want it to have it, that part was not engineered into the body. The eyes were sunken into the skull, and filled with hexagons. The mouth was hidden behind a wicked-looking set of mandibles. The body reminded Ryun of skreen champions, except that it was the size of a War Form kreacean, it was taller than even the Grand Spirit herself was. But what really caught the eye was the armor that sheathed the vessel fully. That too was black, and covered in formations.

It was truly Ryun's greatest work, though it had been a collaboration with Triumphant Hive's smiths. It was the hardest thing he had ever created, and it had rewarded him. A spiritual tool was easier in contrast. It required less skill, and more manipulation of the esoteric forces of his own soul. And Ryun was very good at that. But pushing himself to make the armor had been worth it. The bond between him and Bright Star had advanced to its last level, and he had gained a new Perk ability, Forged Memory.

The formations on the armor did exactly what he had said they would, but inside they had copied and altered the measures that had once held Ra'azel in the Felltower. It had taken them a while to figure out what those measures did, as they were unlike the arrays and formations that were used widely now. They felt... older. As if they were written in a different language. But Ryun and the smiths had managed it.

It really was an instrument of war, Ryun could see that it was meant for it.

"At last," War said, her eyes glued to her vessel. With a determined step, the Grand Spirit of War crossed through the portal into the Real Realm.

Ryun followed.

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