Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 444: Ryun

Chapter 444: Ryun


Ryun followed Grey Horde through the castle, silently observing his surroundings as they went. The interior was dark and cavernous, carved from the rock of the mountain itself. Skreen servants scurried about in the shadows, their movements quick and efficient as they went about their work.

As they walked, Ryun couldn't help but feel a sense of unease coming from Grey Horde. It was a subtle thing, but he had been trained to pick up on such things. She was worried about something, and he suspected that it had little to do with his unexpected appearance in her territory.

Eventually, they reached a small chamber far from the bustle of the castle's main corridors, a room that was heavily warded. The room was lit by softly glowing gems embedded in the walls, casting what Ryun assumed to be an eerie light over everything, based on the amount of Light Essence in the air. Grey Horde motioned for Ryun and Nayra to take a seat as she took the one across from them behind the wooden table. Another queen-form skreen followed her and took a standing position next to her, Trklak, stood guard at the door leaving five of them inside the room.

"Speak," Grey Horde said.

Ryun glanced at Nayra next to him, then turned to Grey Horde and spoke. "That is difficult to explain."

"Try," Grey Horde said evenly, her eyes never leaving his.

Ryun couldn't feel anything beyond the room they were in, it was perfectly warded. Though somehow he was sure that she had given orders to the people outside. He could feel the tension in the air, his answers would dictate how this conversation ended. He was certain that their departure was not going to be easy if she did not like what they said.

He might not be able to sense anything on the outside, but his skill did work on everything inside. With |Divided Mind| he put one part of his mind to inspecting the arrays that surrounded him. Most were ones that warded against perception based powers, but he could also detect some that weren't active yet. He assumed that there were ones that would suppress powers or outright silence when activated.

It was going to be troublesome if she decided that she didn't like what he had to say.

"We came from the Ethereal, from the Grand Spirit of War's camp," Ryun started.

He sensed a change in Grey Horde, surprise perhaps, he wasn't certain. He wasn't that good with skreen body language. When she didn't speak, he continued.

"We came there seeking War, looking for aid against the yeti, Ra'azel. War's terms for aid were to come here and help deal with the delay on your side," Ryun said, and this time her reaction was clear. She did not like that. Ryun understood, someone had so carelessly revealed parts of her plans. But Spirits were not chosen, the things that they considered important were not the same. Ryun wasn't one for politics, or trying to maneuver through interactions by twisting words. Being direct was part of him, and he saw no reason to change that now.

"We know much about your plans, we know that you intend to bring War and its army into the Real Realm to fight for you, though we don't know your target."

Nayra turned her head and stared at him, he could imagine the expression on her face looked something very much akin to disbelief.

"We also know things about War's plans that you do not. War entering the Real Realm will be a threat on the same level as Ra'azel, and we cannot allow that to happen. We are here to stop your plan from going through."

"Are you now?" Grey Horde asked, her tone turning hostile.

Nayra covered her face with her hand, and Ryun continued.

"After honoring your agreement, War intends to remain in the Real Realm along with her spirit army. She intends to turn our world into a realm filled with constant war in order to fuel her own power. War draws power from such conflict, war in the Real Realm makes her stronger, and there is no way of knowing just how much strength she could eventually gather if she succeeds in her plans."

Grey Horde took a long look at him, her antennae twitched as did those of the war queen form by her side. Ryun detected the almost imperceivable shake of the other skreen's head.

Grey Horde narrowed her eyes at Ryun. "And I am just supposed to take your word for it?"

Ryun tilted his head, as what he had been seeing clicked into place for him. He could see Essence spreading from the other queen and interacting with the Essence that carried his voice. It was also trailing around his body, trying to gain purchase on his body. He was pretty sure that it was a perk of some kind, but he hadn't known what it was actually doing. Now, he was fairly certain that it was supposed to somehow verify the truth of his words.

Ryun glanced at the other war queen, then spoke. "Those things don't work on me," then he turned back to Grey Horde. "I can give you a contract though, if that would suffice?"

Grey Horde looked surprised. As an answer Ryun made a quick contract through his interface, one stating that he would speak the truth for the duration of their conversation. Then he sent it over.

She leaned forward, her eyes looking at the screen in between them for a few seconds before she accepted.

"Repeat everything that you said since you arrived," she ordered.

Ryun did as he was asked. He told her why they had gone to the Ethereal, and then how they had reached War's camp. He told her what War has asked of them, then he told her about the two other Grand Spirits and what they had told him about War and her plans. Finishing his story with how they had arrived in her kingdom.

Grey Horde remained silent for a long minute after Ryun was finished. Then, finally, she tilted her head and spoke. "Just because another Grand Spirit told you something, doesn't mean that it is true. Transition and Mysteries could be lying."

Ryun shrugged. "That is a possibility, though I don't believe it is. I am fairly certain that War is working with Change, and that they do intend to stay in the Real Realm. But even if Transition and Mysteries had lied, I would've still come to stop you from bringing War here."

Her beady eyes bore into him, her antennae twitching. He could sense Trklak shifting his weight behind him.

"What right do you think you have, to dictate such things to me? What reason would you have to interfere?" She asked.

"The right that all people in this world have. The reason of past mistakes," he leaned forward, looking her in the eyes. "We've already done this once before. We allowed a force to remain at the core of our civilization. We allowed Hastur to fester and for that an Empire fell and countless millions died in the core."

He saw her mandibles click in a manner that he associated with a skreen grimacing, and he continued. "Would you make the same mistake again? Allow an army that has little care for our lives to freely enter our Realm?"

She didn't answer immediately, then as the silence started to stretch she broke it. "I can't think about everyone, my duty is to my people, I need to protect them."

The words were simple, but Ryun could detect the underlying conviction beneath them. Her desire was the same as his, she wanted to protect her people. He could understand that.

"You are the leader of one of the most powerful factions in the world," Ryun said. "We are at peace. What threat could possibly threaten you."

She shook her head. "Don't pretend like you don't see it. The only reason we have peace is because we are focused on removing the Domes, the moment that is done, we will turn on each other again."

"I don't know if I believe that," Ryun told her. "We've seen the result of such actions."

"It is in our nature, everyone is already placing their pieces. You have united your Sects, you have swallowed up refugees and expanded beyond just Cultivation. And then there is the Exalted Empire, the Herald has been strong-arming other factions under the guise of his alliance. Half he has swallowed up into his Empire, and it is only a matter of time until the rest feel too isolated to do anything but join. He is pushing their enlightenment, spreading their beliefs even where it is unwanted. They will force down their Road of Technology down everyone's throats the moment they see an opportunity for it. Already he is putting pressure on my borders."

Ryun blinked, he hadn't involved himself with the politics that much, he didn't know if what she said was true, but he could tell that she believed it.

"You want War's army to protect your people against the Exalted Empire?" Ryun asked.

Grey Horde's mandibles twitched. "You said that we learned from our mistakes? Well, you are right, I have. Once, I allowed issues time to grow on my borders, and their betrayal caused the death of my people. I will not make the same mistake again."

Her words held the measure of her conviction. He could feel it in her soul. The words carried the full meaning of her entire being. She was not going to change her mind. Just like Ryun, she too had locked in a part of herself that desired to protect her people.

He had to find another way.

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