Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 442: Nayra

Chapter 442: Nayra


They settled in to wait for their pursuers. Based on what Ryun had said their pace was, it wouldnt be a long wait.

Nayra leaned on a rock as she waited, neither of them had pulled out any of their weapons or armor, they didnt want to seem threatening, they were guests here after all. At best at least, unwanted intruders at worst.

From what Ryun could sense around them, they had just been dropped in the middle of the a very busy territory. According to him, there were so many people near that he couldnt even attempt to count them. But at least his skill wasnt getting as overwhelmed as it wouldve in the past. Though, he did say that he noticed that focusing on the areas where there was a lot of stuff happening seemed to sap his willpower more than before. He had expected something like that, a tier nine skill had to have a drawback.

Whats the plan? Nayra asked after a while.

Ryun kept his eyes on the sky. Well see once they get here, he answered. Nayra could still feel his Qi around her, probably preventing most tracking and scrying powers from working.

Somehow they had been detected even with that, it told Nayra that the territory was closely watched.

Ryuns power was great, but there were ways around it, if you knew what to look for. Sometimes taking notice of things missing, or any other slight irregularities, was the easiest way to find him.

What if they attack? Nayra asked.

We arent here to fight, Ryun answered.

She narrowed her eyes on him. What if they have orders to kill all intruders on sight?

He blinked and turned his head to look at her.

Im being serious, Nayra continued. The Grand Spirit said that it will drop us close to where the ritual is supposed to take place, right?

Ryun nodded.

Well, Im pretty sure that the Triumphant Hive has been keeping their plan with the spirits a secret. Which means that they probably regulate who has access to this territory very tightly.

He tilted his head.

You know, Nayra gestured by drawing a finger across her neck.

Ryun frowned. Ah, well, they have no way of knowing who we are. I dont think that their wishes will matter much in the end. They are here.

He turned his head and Nayra followed after him. Up in the sky she saw a group flying their way. Two of them were larger than the others, even from the distance she could tell that they were Champion Forms. The rest seemed a lot smaller, and as they came closer she could identify the others as the standard skreen forms, though these ones had wings. One of the flying people caught her eye because their wings were larger, and differently shaped, but also because the person was smaller than even the regular skreen forms. For a moment Nayra was stunned, thinking that the Grey Horde herself had come for them, but quickly she realized that it was just another War Queen.

Nayra knew that War Queens rarely left the Triumphant Hives territories, only when they were needed to command a war. The only widely known War Queen of the Triumphant Hive was the Grey Horde.

This one looked similar, short, with long thin wings stretching behind her, a smooth and thick mane around her neck. Her coloring was different, with a black carapace streaked with blue.

They came in quick, landed with their weapons drawn and pointed at Ryun and Nayra.

Halt intruders! Do not move or you will be killed, one of the Champions yelled.

We are, halted, Ryun said in a tone that conveyed his complete lack of fear.

The skreen started to spread out around them, surrounding them. Nayra didnt react, but she did keep track of them. One of her gained skills allowed her to get a rough feel for the power of the people around her. They were powerful, if she had to make a guess all were near the peak of their main focuses, probably in the last third of them. Immortals all.

In most circumstances, having eight hostile high tiered people arrayed against you wouldve been enough to make anyone intimidated. But they were not just anyone. Just being powerful was not enough when you dealt in the realms of High Rankers.

You are trespassing on the Triumphant Hive lands, the champion said. You will surrender and come with us.

He pulled something from his storage, a pair of thick manacles that Nayra could see also had arrays. They probably had some power suppression capabilities.

She was tempted to speak, but if she was being honest she wanted to see how Ryun would react so she just turned to look at him.

Ryun straightened, then spoke.

Weve come to speak with Grey Horde, I would appreciate it if you could lead us to her, Ryun said and Nayra closed her eyes and sighed.

She really had been hoping for too much.

The champion, obviously, didnt take that the way Ryun thought he would.

The only place you are going is a cell, where you will tell us who you are, how youve arrived and what you are doing here.

Ryun tilted his head, and for a moment looked like he was confused. Then his eyes widened as if something had just occurred to him.

I believe that there is a misunderstanding here, Ryun said slowly. That, was not a request.

The champions beady eyes bored into Ryun, his antennae twitched as did those of the other skreen present. Their telepathy, Nayra suspected, though she couldnt detect it directly.

The War Queen stood behind the champion, probably facilitating and giving out orders. At least that was the impression Nayra got from their body language.

You have trespassed on our lands, you have no right to... request, anything. We are the ones that decide what is going to happen next.

Ryuns brow furrowed in confusion again. Then it cleared and he seemed to nod to himself.

Ah, he started, then moved making everyone around them tense up and raise their weapons. Ryun simple bowed over his fists in a standard sect greeting. Apologies, Ive failed to introduce myself, and Ive not been clear with my words.

He cleared his throat as he straightened and looked the champion in the eyes.

I am Sect Head Ryun Nacht-Woll of the Twilight Melody Sect, with me is my Sect Leader, Nayra Ornn-Dagda. We have come to speak with your queen. You will lead us to her, or inform her that we are here to speak. We can wait.

The skreen antennae started twitching again, more furiously now. Some of them took a step back, others gripped their weapons tighter. They obviously recognized the names.

And if we refuse? The champion asked, and Nayra sighed. That was the wrong thing to say.

Ryun didnt outwardly react, his Qi did. The world around them suddenly became thinner, as if the Essence was smothered, and perhaps it had. She had trained against him often, she recognized it. All Essence surrounding them was drenched in his Qi, half of it just erased. They became lighter as less Gravity fell on them, Light became dimmer as if someone had pulled a curtain over the sun. There were more effects, some barely noticeable for most people, like the fact that there was less Air around them as high tiered people didnt need to breathe that often.

One that Nayra was certain they wouldnt know was Space, Ryun wouldve weakened it so that a single step could take him next to any one of them in barely an instant.

The effects were intimidating even to Nayra who was familiar with what he was doing. She shuddered to imagine what these people would think and feel. They were not prepared for encountering someone like them here.

As I said, Ryuns voice came out slowly, at a leisurely pace. That was not a request.

The skreen nodded his head, their antennae twitching as they retreated then moved some distance away without a word spoken. She doubted that they could even speak.

She watched as they stopped, then after a few glances in their direction the group decided to walk a bit further away.

Nayra sighed and turned to look at Ryun. How much of that was you playing it up?

Ryun turned to look at her with an innocent look on his face. Playing it up? I dont know what you mean.

She saw the twinkle in the two pools of nothingness that were his eyes and she shook her head.

I didnt believe Talis stories, but this trip had taught me much, Nayra said.

What did she say? Ryun asked.

That you are impossible, that you desire only to cause mayhem and that you have no regard for propriety.

Every word out of her mouth is a lie, Ryun said. He even managed to sound half-way insulted.

Nayra just shook her head as the group approached them again. This time it was the War Queen that spoke.

Undying Void, she said, her tone respectful. We humbly request that you remain here, we shall send word to the Triumphant Queen.

Of course, we are your guests, Ryun said with a smile.

The War Queen turned and fled. Somehow, Nayra felt like his smile was the most terrifying thing he had done to them.

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