Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 440: Nayra and Ryun

Chapter 440: Nayra and Ryun

He Who Reached For The Heavens

The Warden of the Ages led them through his tower, along an empty circular room filled with bridges that stretched far above them, and far below as well.

Why was Ra'azel imprisoned? Ryun asked again.

The spirit had agreed to aid them, though Nayra wasn't quite sure how exactly he was going to do that yet. The spirit hasn't said.

Ra'azel was imprisoned for breaking the Dealmaker's rules. For trying to reach beyond what he was meant to.

What did he do?

He refused to accept that his race was not chosen, and so he bound all the aspects of his world, he amassed power and was had become obsessed with tearing through the veil that connects our reality and what is beyond it.

Nayra blinked, not really understanding what that meant. Ryun though seemed like he understood, at least some part of it.

His people had been turned into servants of the Framework, forced to play monsters for us to rise. A fate that is, in my mind at least, Ryun said. Much worse than his. Why was he then just imprisoned and not killed?

One of the spirit's heads glanced down at Ryun as it answered. It is an irony, twists of fate at their finest. The very thing that Ra'azel did, is what had elevated him beyond his own kind. In his defiance, he has demonstrated a quality that is what has gotten your kind chosen. The ability to understand concepts beyond his own existence. The very thing that allows the chosen to understand aspects and bend them to their will, the spirit shook its head. With his actions, Ra'azel had become as chosen, an single individual from amongst all of his race. Yet he had broken the rules, defied the Dealmaker. A punishment was necessary. So, imprisonment.

If the Dealmaker is the one that imprisoned him, then why doesn't he just put him back? Nayra asked. It seemed like Ra'azel running around causing havoc wasn't what was intended. It should be a simple matter for the Dealmaker to remedy.

The Warden glanced in her direction. Because of the rules. Ra'azel has a choice, as all chosen do. As long as he doesn't break the Dealmaker's rules again, he is free to do as he wishes. He was imprisoned for a reason, because while it was a punishment, freedom was always a possibility. He had earned that right.

Ryun tilted his head. So why do you want him back in prison, or dead then? If what you say is true, isn't Ra'azel's freedom within the rules?

Because I know him, the spirit answered. I know that he has not changed, that his imprisonment has only made him more resolute in achieving his goal. If he is not stopped, he will do something that will have dire consequences for us all.

I will stop him, Ryun said, determination in his voice.

We shall see, the spirit said. They continued on in silence until they reached a long staircase and headed down in a spiral, walking several floors down until they came to a strange dark room.

Here we are, the spirit said. Inside the room was a circular hole filled with darkness. As Nayra stepped closer, a notification appeared in her vision and she frowned.

You are being affected by the Ward of Ages.

-99% to all stats.

-99% to all Aspect Bonds.

Errorincompatible systems

Ryun got the same notification, because he tilted his head and spoke.

I don't feel any different, he said.

The spirit nodded. This was Ra'azel's prison. It was designed to work on him.

Why have you brought us here? Ryun asked.

This Ward will not work again, I am certain that Ra'azel has made countermeasures against it. As I said, he doesn't fall for the same thing twice. But, you wanted power to oppose him? Well, that prison was built by the dealmaker himself. Study it, learn from it, perhaps you can make something else, something better that will work against him.

Nayra blinked, then looked at the walls of the cell. She could tell that there was something all around them, something that felt like both an array and a formation.

Ryun didn't move, but she knew that he would be using his sense to study everything.

Still, she couldn't quite hide her disappointment. The Grand Spirits said that you have powerful objects here, she said. Isn't there any weapon that would be useful against the yet?

The spirit looked in her direction as Ryun knelt on the edge and put his hand on the floor.

What use is a weapon when your opponent will adapt to it before your fight is over? the spirit told her. But, if you are not interested in ways to seal, I can provide tutors, others like the yeti. Those who were chosen as individuals. Some are prisoners in my domain, others serve as my custodians.

Nayra blinked. What can they teach me?

There is no one who mastered Runewriting in the same way that Ra'azel had. But I have masters of all forms of combat, lords of aspects that you are familiar with. What you wish to learn is on you.

Nayra glanced at Ryun, seeing that he was engrossed with studying the cell and probably locked up in his own little world. She turned back to look at the spirit. I think that I might have some time.

At first, Ryun couldn't figure out at all how the prison worked. Whatever was in the walls didn't have any engravings like what formations had, nor did it have the structure that he has become familiar with as an array would. It took him a few days until he realized that it was baser than that.

It wasn't even what others had described to him as runes. This was just pure Aspects, woven together in a way that caused an effect. He couldn't decide if what he was seeing was a more primitive version of what he was familiar with, or if it was the ultimate expression of it.

What do you think this section is? Ryun asked out loud.

Annoying is what it is, Bright Star grumbled in his mind. The two of them had been trying to categorize every brick that made up the walls of the cell. Each one had a unique effect woven in between its Essence. Aspects interacting together in ways that changed when they were brought together with the whole.

It feels like... Mind? Ryun wondered, he couldn't be sure, Essences that were related also appeared similar to his eyes. And he wasn't fully familiar with all the Essences in existence.

Dream, Bright Star answered.

Ah, I see, Ryun nodded. Why put that here in the first place? If you are imprisoning someone, and you suppress their power, why put them in a dream instead of stasis? That would minimize chances of escape.

Maybe the Dealmaker felt it was too merciless.

Ryun really doubted that the Dealmaker cared about what was humane or not.

What the Warden said seems like the most logical answer. Ra'azel was to be punished, not killed. He had earned a chance at freedom. So, Ryun said, giving voice to his thoughts. Perhaps Dream was to give him a way to do that? To change? Perhaps he would've been released if he changed in the dream?

That's possible, Bright Star agreed.

Ryun shook his head and put those thoughts aside, he had to focus on figuring out how the cell worked, and how he could replicate its effects. Improve on them, because otherwise it probably wouldn't work.

A loud thud interrupted him, and he turned around to see Nayra had entered the room and collapsed on the ground. He hadn't felt her coming, as he was keeping his senses focused solely on the cell walls.

Rough day? Ryun asked.

Nayra groaned and said something that was very much sounded like an insult.

That's not nice, he said then walked over to her.

Ugh, she rolled until she was on her back. I hate my life, I hate you, why did I agree to come with you, this is torture.

At least you are learning things, Ryun said as he took a seat next to her. I have barely scratched the surface of this thing.

It's been months! Nayra said.

Ryun glared at her. A week, at most, he said.

For you maybe, she grumbled. I've been stuck training with a fucking ancient goblin looking asshole that can mess with time. Every training session lasts three days for me!

I know, Ryun smiled. And that's good. You said that you wanted to learn, well you get to learn how to fight from a being that has had a long time to perfect its art.

Nayra grimaced. I can't stay in the Ethereal for much longer, my protection is running out, she raised a hand and showed him her ring, it had turned nearly all black. It was a ring that prevented her from turning into a shade. All members of their group that came to the Ethereal had one, except Ryun. His perk protected him, as he was allowed to walk through all Realms.

Well, you came with me in order to get a good Class for your last evolution. I say that training with who was known as Field of Death might give you some points.

Nayra nodded. Still, if you haven't gotten anywhere...

I didn't say that, Ryun said. But I really wish that I had more time to study this thing.

We need to meet with Grey Horde, you know how time is in the Ethereal. If we are gone for too long War might get suspicious. We did say that we will try to meet and deal with the issue.

I don't know if she would care honestly, she might just assume that we changed our minds, Ryun said.

Yes, but we do still plan on stopping War's army from crossing in the Ethereal. We should at least attempt to look like we are trying to help until we figure out a way to stop her.

Capturing War will require something like this, Ryun waved his hand at the cell. If I could just suppress her, we would have easier time moving her here to be imprisoned.

I'm actually surprised that the Warden agreed to that, Nayra commented.

Ryun nodded. The Warden is all about the rules, and War is attempting to break some.

So, I think that I got a couple more days left in this thing, Nayra gestured at her ring. Your time, I mean.

Ryun grimaced, then an idea struck him. Hey, he turned to look at Nayra. What do you think the chances are that they let me take it with me?

Nayra frowned. Take what with you?

Ryun gestured with a hand.

Nayra's brow furrowed further, and then her mouth opened. The cell?

Yeah, Ryun said. I could just cut it out, put it in my territory--what? Why are you laughing?

Nayra held her stomach with one hand, while she covered her mouth with the other. Once she managed to calm down enough, she spoke.

Sure, go ahead and ask. Hey, can I take the ancient prison with me?

A few days Nayra stood at the edge of an Oblivion carved hole in the Prison of Ages, the place where a large cell once used to be.

Tali is right you know, Nayra said. And I hate you too.

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