Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 427: Naha

Chapter 427: Naha

From the Shadows

The dragon brought them to a forest, then pointed in the distance.

The Castle is that way, he said. Be careful, I shall remain here if things go awry. I cannot act within the Castle, but if you can leave I will be able to.

Naha nodded, but she didnt put much faith in the dragon, it was apparent to her that their relationship with the dragon was not that of close allies. She stepped into Ereclaws shadow, and he made his way through the forest. She leaned on her passive senses and those that made her harder to be noticed. She could feel the shadow that the Castle cast and she wondered how that was even possible. There was no real light in the Ethereal Realm, everything, or at least most things, were made out of some type of Ethereal Essence. Yet shadows still existed, even though they didnt feel quite real to her senses.

She didnt dwell on that for too long, what mattered was that it worked.

It didnt take long for Ereclaw to reach the Castle. He walked up to the gates, and immediately the air above the arch shimmered revealing the giant snake spirit, its obsidian scales glimmering in the ethereal light.

Who goessss there? The Gatekeeper asked, its voice echoing through the forest.

Ereclaw bowed respectfully, I am Ereclaw, and I seek entrance to the Castle of Knowledge.

The Gatekeeper looked him up and down, I do not recognize you. What businesssss do you have here?

I have come seeking knowledge, Ereclaw replied. As all that come to your gates do.

The Gatekeeper hesitated for a moment before answering. The Casssstle of Knowledge issss not admitting new visitorssss at the moment, return later.

Would you deny someone seeking knowledge the opportunity to learn? Ereclaw asked. I though that the gates of Castle of Knowledge are open to all?

The snake leaned down, looking at Ereclaw intently before tilting its head. No, I would not. However, knowledge comes with a price. What will you offer in return for entrance?

I offer the knowledge of who I am, the Emissary of Twilight.

The snake paused, and then the grinding sound of the gates opening sounded. Then enter, Ereclaw, Emissary of Twilight. Be welcome to the Castle of Knowledge.

Ereclaw bowed and stepped in, walking down a long corridor until he stepped into a large courtyard. Naha kept her senses focused, trying to locate Zach, but there were areas that she couldnt sense within.

As he stepped into the yard, Naha noticed the spirits all around them. They were so many of them everywhere, each more different than the last. Ereclaw walked through the courtyard, marveling at the variety of spirits that inhabited the area. Some spirits appeared to be elemental in nature, taking the form of crackling flames, swirling gusts of wind, or even living water. These spirits seemed to interact with the environment, causing small, localized phenomena such as a gentle breeze or a tiny rain shower.

Other spirits represented different aspects, like blades, growth, or nature. Blade spirits moved with fluid grace, their edges sharp and their forms ever-shifting, as if they were constantly honing themselves. Growth spirits were a fascinating sight; they seemed to be in a constant state of change, with vines and flowers blooming and withering around them, a never-ending cycle of life and decay. Nature spirits took on various forms, from majestic tree-like beings to creatures that resembled the animals of the Real Realm. These spirits appeared to be in harmony with the environment, acting as guardians and caretakers of the ethereal plants and creatures that inhabited the courtyard.

The spirits moved about, conversing with each other in ways that Naha couldnt quite understand, and observing Ereclaw with curiosity. As he continued his journey through the courtyard, Naha could sense the power these spirits held, as well as their connection to the Castle of Knowledge. There was a sense of something connecting them all together, something building up all around them that reminded her of how Zach felt when he touched the Plane of Time. It was clear that they were all part of a vast, interconnected web that was somehow bringing a connection to the Aspect of Knowledge closer into this place, making the Castle a truly awe-inspiring place.

Nahas senses caught someone approaching, and Ereclaw turned his attention to them as well. It was, to Nahas surprise, a demasi man. He reached Ereclaw and inclined his head.

Welcome to the Castle of Knowledge, I am Lisin Bi Fal, Ill be your guide, he said, then tilted his head. I must say that this is a rare sight, I have never seen one of your kind come to the seek Knowledge amongst us.

Ereclaw leaned his head to the side. Is knowledge not a pursuit that all should aspire to?

The demasi blinked. Of course, of course, I apologize. Ive just never seen one of your kind who appeared so civilized.

Ereclaw was a beast that had evolved beyond his nature. In most cases, those like him evolved by spilling blood, Naha remembered a few times she had encountered monsters like that. The demasi probably assumed that Ereclaw was like that. After all, if he could see his tag, it would be displayed to the man the same as any beast. And Ereclaws tier and rarity reflected that of Ryun. He was tier 12 and eternal rarity: Ereclaw; Emissary of Twilight. Though she doubted that the man could see it, Ereclaws specialty was Hunt and Oblivion. She didnt know much about him, and what she knew was what she had observed.

He couldnt be detected by any powers that Naha had if he didnt want to. His presence was erased as if he wasnt even there.

Spirits are not Chosen, Ereclaw said, as a way of an answer.

That made the demasi hesitate, and then he spoke, instructing Ereclaw in the rules of this place. Hurrying to tell him about the rule against violence. Then, he led them away, saying that Ereclaw had to pay the price of knowledge in order to be allowed into the Repository of Knowledge.

As they walked, Naha tried to keep watch for any signs of Zach, but found none.

I did not think that I would find a chosen here, in this place. You serve these spirits? Ereclaw asked the demasi as they were led deeper into the castle.

The demasi glanced in Ereclaws direction before answering. Chosen rarely come, but some like me do. I have offered my services in return for the knowledge I seek.

Ereclaw nodded, and didnt speak again. The demasi led them into a round room, with a strange spirit sat in the middle, appearing to hold court. The spirit of Bartering Knowledge, as the demasi had told them. Here Ereclaw had to offer a price in order to be allowed entrance to the Repository of Knowledge. From what the dragon told them, that would be the best place to start their search for Zach.

This spirit was an intriguing figure, with a form that appeared to be a blend of ancient parchment and shimmering, ever-changing symbols. The words that made up its body seemed to be drawn from a myriad of languages, some familiar and others escaping Nahas grasp. The spirits eyes glowed with a warm, inviting light, a testament to the vast wealth of knowledge it contained.

The spirits presence emanated an aura of wisdom and intellect, drawing those who sought enlightenment and understanding closer. Unlike other spirits in the courtyard, this spirit appeared to be engaged in a unique form of exchange, trading pieces of knowledge with those who approached it. From what Naha could overhear, the spirit was keenly aware of the value and rarity of each piece of information, always seeking to strike a balance in its transactions.

Ereclaw approached the spirit of bartering knowledge when it was his turn. Naha could clearly feel his emotions in the way his body moved, a mix of curiosity and caution. As he neared the enigmatic figure, the spirit looked up, its eyes twinkling with anticipation. Greetings, Ereclaw, Emissary of Twilight, it said, its voice a soft rustle like pages turning in an ancient tome. I sense you have knowledge to share. What do you seek in return?

I am willing to offer the knowledge of the Aspect of the Void, Ereclaw replied, his voice steady but respectful. They had already discussed what he should offer. In exchange, I seek admittance to the Repository of Knowledge, to seek knowledge about the Aspect of the Hunt.

The spirits eyes seemed to flicker with intrigue, clearly interested in the information Ereclaw held. The Aspect of Void is a rare and valuable piece of knowledge. However, granting you access to the Repository of Knowledge is a significant request. I must ask for memories of your knowledge of the Void in return. Will you accept these terms?

Ereclaw considered the offer, or at least pretended to. After a moments hesitation, he nodded in agreement. I accept your terms, he said, determination in his voice.

The spirit of Bartering Knowledge produced a small, crystalline sphere from within its parchment form. The sphere seemed to hum with an inner light, almost eager to absorb the memories it was about to receive. Place your hand upon the sphere and focus on the memories you wish to share, instructed the spirit.

Ereclaw complied, his hand resting gently on the surface of the sphere. Naha felt something drawing from Ereclaw and into the object. The sphere glowed brighter, pulsating in time with his memories, some of them flashing across the surface of the object.

When the process was complete, Ereclaw withdrew his hand, and the spirit examined the now-glowing sphere with satisfaction. Then it placed the crystal on a scale next to him. It wavered, but eventually it settled, balanced against an empty scale. Your offering has been accepted, Ereclaw, it said, granting him a nod of approval. You are now granted admittance to the Repository of Knowledge. May you find the wisdom you seek within its depths.

The demasi led them out of the room and through the castle until they reached a large set of doors. Once they entered, Nahas perception of the inside flickered. One moment she saw a giant library, and in the next a forest filled with alcoves beneath its roots. She could feel something beneath each one, wolves sitting beneath the trees.

The room flickered a few times, until it settled on the forest.

Ereclaw looked around, then spoke. This, it looks like the forest of my home.

The demasi nodded. The Repository appears to you in the way you are most comfortable with to receive its knowledge.

Immediately, it made sense to Naha why it looked that way. This was what it appeared like for Ereclaw, and she was hiding in his shadow. It seemed that even the Ethereal realm had trouble sensing her.

The demasi gave Ereclaw some directions and then bid his goodbye, leaving them in the room. Ereclaw walked through the forest as spirits milled around, some flying above them, and others entering alcoves beneath the trees. Somehow, Ereclaw seemed to be able to tell what knowledge the trees contained, and he made his way to one then crouched and entered an alcove.

Within, a large wolf sat on its haunches, waiting.

Greetings young pup, the wolf said. Sit and listen to the story of my hunts.

Ereclaw didnt looked at the wolf for a long moment. Its been so long since I last sat and listened to an elders story.

For a moment, his eyes grew fond, but then he shook his head. The wolf seemed to be waiting for something, just staring straight ahead, and Ereclaw moved away to the corner. The wolf didnt reactof course, it wasnt real, it was just a way to relay knowledge in a way that Ereclaw was comfortable with.

Naha, he whispered, too low for anyone to hear. She moved her presence closer to the surface of his shadow, just below his ear.

I hear you, she said.

Do you know where he is? He asked.

No, my True Link perk is not telling me anything, other than that he is still alive. And I cant sense the entirety of the castles shadows. There are areas that are somehow shielded. What about you?

Ereclaw grimaced. I caught his scent.

Really? Where is he? Naha pressed.

It is faint, old, but he was in this place, the Repository.

Naha felt her heart skip. Old?

Days old, I cant tell where he is now, Ereclaw said.

Days old? That she had feared that, with the way the Ethereal seemed to flow at different rates of time Can you find him?

Not unless I find a fresh scent, Ereclaw answered.

Naha grimaced. In her senses she still followed the presence of the demasi walking away.

I am not going to just sit and wait for something to fall in our laps, Naha said slowly, anger slipping through, overtaking her fear. Zach had been gone for days, and she didnt know what happened to him. She couldnt let that continue.

What are you thinking? Ereclaw asked.

Im going to scour this place for clues, and if I dont find them Then I will take what I need from them, Naha said slowly. Are you with me?

Ereclaw paused, and then nodded. Betrayal is the worst offense one can give, he answered.

Ill be right back, with that decided, Naha took out an item out of her storage, still hidden inside of the shadow. And then she activated the Mirror of Reality from within the Castle of Knowledge. The world shifted around her, then pulled her in. And then she was no longer in the real Castle, but a mirror image of it.

She stepped out of Ereclaws shadow and glanced at him, only to see empty space. His powers interfered with him being copied. But that was fine. She walked out, searching for any signs of Zach.

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