Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 424: Zach

Chapter 424: Zach

Price of Knowledge

The Grand Spirit towered over Zach, its body filled the room, making it appear smaller than it actually was. Zach paid attention to the way that the giant bear looked. It wore elaborate robes, woven of materials foreign to Zach. His garb was dark blue and white, with intricate images threaded through the fabric to make beautiful pictures. Most were of animals in nature, a bird of prey swooping down on its target from the sky, a wolf in the woods, a strange creature that seemed like it was a mix of several different animals. It didnt take long for Zach to realize that they were all spirits.

The Grand Spirit had a presence, a weight on the world that Zach could feel. Though, he wasnt quite sure just how strong the spirit actually was. He didnt let that fool him, even if the Grand Spirit didnt have a great destructive power, Zach still preferred to be vigilant. Power came in many different forms. Zach knew not to underestimate based on appearance alone.

Welcome, Zacharia Gardner, Ranker of the Seventh Iteration, the Grand Spirit said.

Zach wondered for a moment how his name had gotten relayed so quickly, but then focused on what was more important.

Grand Spirit, Zach greeted in return. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me.

The bear titled his head, his eyes glimmering. I was curious as to why a chosen would come to speak with me, he turned his head slightly, glancing at Zachs guide, the demasi, Lisin Bi Fal, then gesturing with his hand. It is always an interesting reason.

The demasi inclined his head, then walked to the side of the room where he picked up and brought over a chair from a row of them leaned against the wall.

Besides, the spirit continued. You were brought here by the great Explorer. That is intriguing in itself. Sit, guest, and tell me why you have come here? the spirit asked.

Zach glanced at the demasi standing nearby, and the Grand Spirit took his meaning.

You may speak freely in front of Lisin, he is bound to my service, he will not reveal anything spoken here.

Zach nodded, then took a moment to gather his words, while he did so, he studied the bear more closely. He knew little of spirits, though once he had known a lot more, apparently. What he knew, he had learned since his escape from the prison. There were many different types, some more animistic than others, but all of them were embodiments of Essences. Some only one, others several Essences put together. What he knew for certain was that they were not like monsters in the Real Realm. Spirits were more intelligent than animals, even though some werent able to speak in any tongue that Zach could understand.

That knowledge was what had made Zach hesitate to visit the Ethereal and seek more power. After all, one of his biggest strengths was his soul weapon. Yet, he had refrained from hunting spirits. In part because he was unsure of the morality of it. The spirits were not people, as far as most texts he read indicated, yet here he was standing in front of a spirit that could talk.

He took a deep breath and started to speak. Ive come to ask for aid, Zach said slowly.

Oh? Most come here seeking knowledge, the Grand Spirit said. It is the only thing that we provide.

Zach inclined his head. Knowledge is power.

Ah, the bear said. Well said. Few truly understand that. Still, there is little that we can provide one such as you.

Zach tilted his head. Such as me?

Humility? Or perhaps you are unaware? Hm the spirits hum was deep, Zach could feel the sound inside of his chest. Perhaps you do not know, well, a kernel then, as a way of respect. You are known, Zacharia Gardner, especially here, where all knowledge is brought. We know of your deeds and your power. You defeated the first Dome Leader, and you achieved what no other before you had. The spirits of Time know you, they speak of you, Sage of Time.

Zach blinked, that was not what he expected. He remembered feeling other wills on the plane of Time, but he had thought that all of them were like him, other people. Was it possible that there were spirits too? How had what he had done affected them, if at all? Then he narrowed his eyes. If he knew, then did the gatekeeper spirit know as well? Perhaps not, otherwise why take the knowledge of his name as payment? Maybe only the Grand Spirit knew.

Before he could ask, the Grand Spirit continued. You are confused, he said, then chuckled. I would be a poor spirit of Knowledge if I did not have any.

The bear looked kindly as he said so, like an elder talking with a child, passing on knowledge and wisdom. It struck a cord with Zach.

Even if we did not know of you, the Grand Spirit continued. I can feel your strength. You keep your willpower restrained deep within, but knowledge is my domain, I can perceive it. There are few beings in existence that are your equal. So, I ask again, what aid can we provide to one such as you?

Zach wondered just how much the bear could see. For the first time in a while, he felt exposed before another. Still, the spirit was right in a way. From what Zach could see, he did not think that the gulf between himself and the Grand Spirit was so great that Zach could be considered lesser. The question stood.

Raazel Equinar, the yeti shade, is the reason for my visit.

The Grand Spirits entire face changed. In an instant, the elderly demeanor was gone and replaced with a blank expression. The Grand Spirit gestured, and the demasi next to Zach bowed, then turned and left the room.

That was not what I expected, the bear said slowly, his eyes narrowed at Zach. It has been a long time since the shade escaped the Ethereal. Time moves faster in this area of the Ethereal, and I rarely leave.

Zach nodded. The Explorers Soul had mentioned that before. He is still a threat.

The Grand Spirit didnt answer immediately. Then he tilted his head. I can see now how you might need aid. The shade is equal, or perhaps more powerful than us, the Grand Spirits. Even once such as you might not be enough to stand against him.

Zach was aware of that. He knew that his power was great enough that he could kill the yeti. Doing so safely, without loss of life was the greatest problem they faced. They just didnt know what the yeti could do. That meant that even though he had power to kill him, it was not a sure thing.

What I am unsure about, is why you are even opposed to the shade, the Grand Spirit said.

He has attacked innocents. That alone is enough for me to stand in his way. He must be stopped. I was told that we might strike a bargain, Zach said.

The shade is no longer in the Ethereal Realm, why do you think that it is something that I would help you with?

If you know who Raazel is, then you know that he is a threat to everything, Zach answered.

Is he now? He has left the Ethereal, and will not risk returning and getting trapped again. His plans are unlikely to conflict with my purpose.

Zach paused. He didnt know much, if he was being honest. Only what he could infer from the conversations with Raazel he remembered, and what the Explorers Soul said.

I see that you know little, the Grand Spirit said. Regardless, I am still to hear what exactly it is that you want from me?

Zach looked the Grand Spirit in the eyes. He had been thinking about ways on how to gain more power. What the Explorers Soul had taught him about skills had given him great insight, it had helped him sharpen his own understanding and made his foundations stronger. But there was a part of his power that Zach felt he had underutilizedhis Class.

Partially, it was because his Class was so deeply tied to his youth, a time that he barely remembered. He had reached the limit of how high his Class could go before he was imprisoned. And now he did not completely understand the choices he had made, yet his Class told a story. He knew how to use his abilities and perks, but he was lacking in knowledge.

What he did know was what his Class meantThe Lord of Aspects. The more he knew about the Aspects, the more powerful his Class was. It was intrinsically linked with knowledge, and it tied into his entire meaning.

The spirits didnt know about focuses; they didnt follow the same paths. But what the spirits knew better than anyone was the Aspects themselves. After all, they were literal embodiments of them.

I have come to ask for knowledge about the Aspects, Zach said. He wanted more than that, but he did not want to press too hard at the start.

The Grand Spirit gave him a long look before answering. So, you do not ask me to help you directly? You do not ask for secret powers that can kill your foe?

No, Zach said. Only what insights you can offer me. I have faced Raazel in battle, I know that I need more power if I am to stop him.

So, you will stand in his way no matter what? The Grand Spirit asked, his eyes boring into Zach.

It is what is right, Zach answered.

The Grand Spirit didnt respond immediately. I need to think before I give you an answer, the Grand Spirit said finally. You may stay here as guest. Walk these halls, meet other spirits, perhaps some of them will be willing to trade knowledge of Aspects with you.

It seemed like the Grand Spirit was hesitant. But that was fine. He could feel the flow of Time in this part of the Ethereal. He had enough of it to wait for a bit.

Thank you, Zach said. I look forward to getting to know your home.

The Grand Spirit nodded, and the doors behind Zach opened. Lisin stepped back in.

Lisin will show you around and teach you the rules.

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