Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix

Chapter 253: Same as usual

"The carts don't move from them, right? These rails things," Roan said. "Wouldn't it be better if I just pulled it? That should save some of your time and do something else. You need a hobby, Rain. Something that isn't training."

"It would be too much for everyone to pull the cart for hundreds of kilometers," Rain said. "It also will be troublesome if it has to use the magic of the girls to move all the time."

Rain grappled with the predicament of the cart's mobility for several days. While diligently honing his earth-based magic skills, he encountered a roadblock in his progress with lightning magic. Frustration occasionally clouded his thoughts as he searched for a solution to the cart's movement challenge.

After days of contemplation, a novel idea illuminated his mind: employing spiritual potions. He realized that the cart's engine had the remarkable capacity to absorb the magical energy contained within these elixirs, akin to a sponge-absorbing liquid. This revelation ignited a spark of hope as it presented a potential remedy for the cart's mobility issues.

Following a series of experimental trials, Rain made an intriguing discovery: spiritual potions could serve as a potent form of fuel. This realization unveiled a new realm of possibilities in which these elixirs could be harnessed to power various mechanisms.

Moreover, Rain observed that items crafted from magical creatures exhibited a unique susceptibility to alternative forms of energy. They appeared responsive to forces beyond their magical origins, such as electricity and kinetic energy. This revelation hinted at the profound interconnectedness of magical and non-magical energies.

Still, Rain could check all that later and find other ways to explore it. He put the final phase of his plan into action and soon confirmed that one spiritual potion that costs one gold coin could make the cart reach the other side of the tunnel in twenty-four hours while also only using eighty percent of its total.

"I can make the potions myself, so the money isn't a problem. Maybe I should try to improve the speed of the cart… but it could be dangerous if something happens," Rain thought.

Now that such a problem had been dealt with, Rain finally could relax a bit. It had been three weeks since he worked for the organization, so he was starting to feel a bit restless, even though Branden paid him ten platinum coins…

"My money is piling up again… what should I buy?" Rain thought when he went to the garden and then saw his little sisters training their magic by firing water balls at each other.

Those didn't cause much damage, so it was fine… in any case, Rain could see Dana grinning quite a lot since she avoided most of the attacks and could easily hit Kei and Gila. She was getting overconfident, so Rain wondered if he should help her fix her long nose.

"How has the academy been?" Rain asked.

"Same as usual," Dana replied.

"What is the same as usual?" Rain asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"I am studying magic, military, history, and etiquette. I am doing fine with magic and the military, and some kids ask me for tips. At the same time, they also help me with history and etiquette," Dana replied.

It seemed that Dana had some friends since he had some experience by training with Rain and learning from him as well. Rain never told her to hide Impulse, so he wondered if she was spreading that knowledge… still, her version was weaker since she only used magic to propel herself forward.

Rain couldn't help but ponder the potential repercussions of Dana interacting extensively with other noble children. He recognized that within their kingdom, there existed individuals who held allegiance to both the magic people and the humans. This dual loyalty might lead to complications and conflicts, especially if Dana was perceived as forming close ties with those from the magic community.

He harbored concerns about the delicate balance of power and influence in their society, fearing that Dana's associations could inadvertently provoke discord or resentment among certain factions.

It was a complex web of alliances and rivalries, and Rain was determined to ensure that Dana remained safe and shielded from any political or ideological entanglements that might arise from her interactions with nobles. He already had some plains in mind of what he should do, make their literal fall look like an accident and with his earth magic, that was easy pickings.

Rumors began to circulate throughout the kingdom, suggesting that Rain had slain the formidable fire dragon. While these stories found eager ears among some, a good number of people remained skeptical. The tale was certainly captivating, fueled by the accounts of Branden and Esmeralda, who had relayed the events.

Still, despite his considerable height of 1.75 meters, the very idea of a young boy single-handedly vanquishing such a formidable foe seemed too fantastical for many to readily accept. The incredulity persisted, leaving room for doubt even as the narrative gained traction.

"Speaking of which, Jori and the others didn't show up until now… are they on a long mission somewhere?" Rain wondered.

Rain didn't know of the situation in other areas, even though the border was mostly fine. Maybe he should go to the organization and ask around… still, Rain felt that they would be fine, and he would have heard if something truly dangerous had happened.

In the end, Jori, Reca, Liss, Asche, and Terra visited his house one month later, and they all looked a bit different since they got a lot of tan.

"Were you guys relaxing on the beach or something?" Rain asked.

"Oh, if it isn't Rain, the dragon slayer," Jori said. "While you were away, we went fish hunting in the South. Some rich folks asked the organization for the body of a giant octopus… it took us three weeks to find one."

"Did you really endure the fire breath of a dragon head-on?" Terra asked. "With only minor burn wounds? I don't want to doubt Lord Branden's words, but…"

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