In My Favorite Novel As The Final Villain

Chapter 50: A Declaration Against the World.

"Ahhh... I see," with her head lowered, she couldn't say much, her fear stopped, but every time she analyzed... She got ev more scared. "Theos... You know what that means, don't you?" she asked with difficulty speaking, a lump in her throat settling in her throat.

Instead, Theos nodded quietly with his eyes growing colder and colder. "Yes... This only strgths my theory that we were controlled or manipulated by another, more powerful being."


The two fell into total silce, Luna got a chill just thinking about it. Who the fuck predicts that two 8-year-olds are going to walk into some of the most dangerous and secretive cults in the world and make it strong ough to defeat them?

Just thinking about it, it seemed more and more unlikely and ev impossible directly, but the proof was right in front of them.

They could not predict that the major forces, such as a Peak Expert, would come here and defeat them easily, but with an advanced rank and an intermediate rank, it could be said that only knights or some small nobles have that rank.

But would knights or small nobles come to such a dangerous sect? Impossible.

And why did they want to control and guide them to come and defeat the emy in the first place?

She could only think of one thing...

Looking at Theos beside her, her expression filled with concern. 'Could it be what they want to get his information? How strong he is, his weaknesses, his strgths...', she came to that conclusion, being more worried.

Although she had only met him a week ago, only a week was ough to make it clear to her that Theos is a unique person, with a loving personality and at the same time as ruthless and cold as a serial killer, a gius without equal, as intelligt as he could be and his appearance was not compared to anyone.

And if that wasn't ough, she felt more and more a sse of familiarity with him, getting closer and closer in such a short time.

"You're thinking that the person who manipulated us possibly wants to know my information, ar't you?" asked Theos, without ev turning to look at Luna, continuing to observe the cave.

Hearing Theos' words, she got a little nervous, as if she would be caught red-handed, but she was totally honest and sincere nodding her head. "That's right, I think about it..."

Hearing that confirmation, for the first time since they came out of the curve Theos smiled slightly, turning to look Luna straight in the eyes. "You're smart, pretty smart... But you're missing one primary piece of information," he stated, turning to walk away from the cave.

"Huh? And what's that?" she asked, following Theos behind hurriedly.

For a momt, the conversation froze in total silce to Theos not responding, but as if he had tak his time to choose the right words, he announced. "It's true that they possibly want to collector my information, but... Why?

It didn't kill me and that power I felt from there could have crushed me in a heartbeat, so it most likely needs me alive," he stated, stopping his steps again to turn to Luna, who was froz in place.

"And you know what that means?" taking a step forward approaching Luna, he continued. "It means I can give him something; if he wants me alive, it's because I can give him power; maybe he ev wants to install a curse on my head that controls my mind; with my brutal talt, it could easily be one of the strongest curses."

With the explanation giv by Theos, she concluded that it all seemed to make sse, although there could be several probabilities, this one seemed to be the most likely.

"But... I don't know if you had anything to do with it, he possibly wt after me, but you can't be ruled out either," Theos stated, causing Luna to nod solemnly.

She had realized that ev though the odds were low and ev near impossible, there was one that could point to her for reasons unknown to her and Theos himself.

Thinking about it only made her shudder more, but she had one person she could trust now, raising her head slightly towards Theos.

Luna expected to find his face serious, solemn, or expressionless, but unexpectedly... He was smiling, a smile that seemed to shine brighter than the sun itself on the cold night, making Luna go into a trance.

"No way... So what if that happs? Possibly he showed his Mana like that because he doesn't ev take us seriously. But you know what?" he asked, his smile getting a little wider, making it more charming, and with his eyes shining like a flame impossible to extinguish.

"That will be their undoing, in heav, earth, the very cosmos, and beyond all existing and non-existing. I am an Absolute Emperor; ev if I am destined to die, I will destroy that destiny... I will build one myself, with my strgth, one where I am the absolute ruler, the Emperor who looks down upon all above the very sky itself."

Luna's very soul trembled at the words, the voice, and the expression of Theos, who seemed to declare to her the world a declaration of war that, ev if he had everything against him, he would rise and come back as the strongest.

No, he wouldn't ev be shot down; she could see a non-stop direct asct; ev now, she saw the image of an emperor in him.

She didn't know what to reply, her words stuck in her throat unwilling to come out, ignoring his efforts to respond.

But to this, Theos had a confidt smile. "So, my scaredy-cat, will you accompany me on this journey? Would you like to see the front row?" he asked, extding his right hand in a posture similar to how the nobles asked for the lady's hand to dance.

Recovering from her trance, her pretty eyes observed Theos' hand extded to her, and without hesitation she grasped it, intertwining their hands.

The two stared into each other's eyes, th laughed.

"I'm not ev a scaredy-cat, by the way," she declared with a pout, causing Theos to roll his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, you sure ar't afraid of anything," he replied with a grin, but as he still felt their hands intertwined, his smile became more of a mischievous one.

"You know, I hav't said what character you'll be on this trip, whether a spectator, a frid, a best frid, a partner, my apprtice, or... My empress," he teased, pressing harder on Luna's hand, which was blushing deep as a toast.

"Bah, you do have a sweet mouth," she snorted, but with a happy smile on her face.

"Well, we'd better get some clean clothes now," he said, grabbing Luna by the waist, who screamed from fright and blushed deeply.

Creating wings of darkness, he flew into the sky, flying away from the cult with Luna's constant screams...


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