Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

555. Hundred Flowers True Monarch Enraged, Thirty Thousand Battle Avatars Descend!

555. Hundred Flowers True Monarch Enraged, Thirty Thousand Battle Avatars Descend!

After pondering for a long while, Lin Fei slowly spoke, "Hanging Moon True Monarch, you must be aware that Hundred Flowers True Monarch, being a Void Transformation True Monarch, has numerous avatars. It's incredibly difficult, even almost impossible, to completely eradicate her. Then, what's the purpose of posting this task?"

"I, Lin Fei, am willing to take on this task. While I do not fear Hundred Flowers True Monarch, dealing with her countless avatars is a different matter."

Lin Fei laid out his concerns plainly. He was capable of confronting Hundred Flowers True Monarch, but he wasn't sure about eliminating every single one of her avatars. It was an honest admission.

Hanging Moon True Monarch's eyes brightened at this. He nodded and said, "True Monarch Lin, if you're willing to take action, you don't need to exterminate Hundred Flowers True Monarch completely. I am aware that an Immortal True Monarch has millions of avatars. There's no need for you to deal with the ordinary ones. If you can eliminate most of Hundred Flowers True Monarch's battle avatars, effectively dismantling her primary combat strength, that would suffice. As for the remaining avatars, I will deal with them myself. Even if it takes thousands or tens of thousands of years, I will keep hunting down her avatars until every single one is destroyed. This way, I would consider my vengeance fulfilled."

Lin Fei was taken aback by this declaration and couldn't help but scrutinize Hanging Moon True Monarch more closely. The fact that Hanging Moon True Monarch could make such a statement indicated he was a person of ruthless resolve.

Lin Fei understood Hanging Moon True Monarch's intentions. With her powerful battle avatars, Hundred Flowers True Monarch was currently too strong for Hanging Moon True Monarch to handle. Each time he approached the Hundred Flowers Sect, he was soundly defeated by her.

However, if Lin Fei could dismantle most of Hundred Flowers True Monarch's combat strength, then Hanging Moon True Monarch could steadily pursue and attack her over time. This gradual hunt and elimination of her avatars seemed to be Hanging Moon True Monarch's real goal, a way to corner Hundred Flowers True Monarch and savor the feeling of revenge.

"I understand, it's mainly the battle avatars, right?" Lin Fei confirmed. "There should be no problem on my part. However, Hanging Moon True Monarch, you may have to work hard to draw out Hundred Flowers True Monarch's battle avatars. How many of her battle avatars can you lure out?"

"I can draw out about ten thousand without issue. If I fight desperately, not retreating even in the face of death, Hundred Flowers True Monarch might deploy up to twenty thousand battle avatars. That's nearly all she has. If True Monarch Lin can eliminate these twenty thousand battle avatars of Hundred Flowers True Monarch, then the mission will be considered complete, and you can claim the reward of two hundred thousand contribution points."

Lin Fei now fully understood. Hanging Moon True Monarch never expected anyone to completely eliminate Hundred Flowers True Monarch. The objective was to destroy most of her battle avatars, allowing Hanging Moon True Monarch's power to eventually overshadow hers. That alone would be sufficient. It would be up to Hundred Flowers True Monarch herself to slowly seek her revenge.

"When do we depart?"

"Anytime is fine."

"Then let's leave now, to avoid any unforeseen complications."

With that, Hanging Moon True Monarch and Lin Fei left Ancient City together, traversing through the void towards the Yin-Yang Immortal Realm and the Hundred Flowers Sect.

The Hundred Flowers Sect, although not established for a very long time and with shallow foundations, was flourishing rapidly. Its influence and territory were continually expanding. The primary reason for this success was its founder and leader, a True Monarch.

At the main hall of the Hundred Flowers Sect, Hundred Flowers True Monarch sat on her throne, listening to subordinates report on the sect's affairs. Suddenly, ripples of spatial fluctuations appeared in the hall.

"Hmm?" Her brows furrowed. She recognized these ripples as signs of someone traveling through space, approaching the Hundred Flowers Sect. She immediately guessed it was likely Hanging Moon True Monarch.

Indeed, a familiar figure soon appeared in front of Hundred Flowers True Monarch.

"Hanging Moon, it's you!" she exclaimed. "Haven't you learned from the last lesson? Do you really think I wouldn't dare to kill you?"

"Kill me? Hua Xiangzi, if you could have killed me, you would have done so long ago without mercy," Hanging Moon True Monarch retorted with a cold laugh.

Hundred Flowers True Monarch's face turned ashen. She was genuinely troubled and even regretted not killing Hanging Moon when she had the chance. She hadn't expected Hanging Moon to become a True Monarch and become such a persistent nuisance. If possible, she would have liked to eliminate him once and for all, but for now, she was unable to kill Hanging Moon True Monarch.

"Hua Xiangzi, you can't kill me," said Hanging Moon True Monarch with a determined glare. "But I can keep causing you trouble. I'll make sure your life and your Hundred Flowers Sect are filled with endless headaches."

His words visibly infuriated Hundred Flowers True Monarch. She was angered not just by his words but also because she knew he was capable of causing constant disruptions.

"Hanging Moon True Monarch, today, I will kill you!" declared Hundred Flowers True Monarch, her murderous intent now fully unleashed. Initially, she had some reservations, but now she wanted to eliminate Hanging Moon True Monarch completely, regardless of the cost. She had had enough of his persistent harassment.

The next moment, one after another, the battle avatars of Hundred Flowers True Monarch began to traverse through space towards them. Hanging Moon True Monarch threw a powerful punch, turning the entire main hall of the Hundred Flowers Sect to ashes. The two of them flew into the void to continue their battle.

But Hundred Flowers True Monarch's battle avatars didn't stop coming. Hundreds, then thousands, and eventually tens of thousands appeared, nearly filling the entire space. A quick scan by Hanging Moon True Monarch revealed that there were not just twenty thousand, but thirty thousand battle avatars – a number beyond his initial estimation.

This was likely the full extent of Hundred Flowers True Monarch's strength. Under normal circumstances, she would never mobilize almost all of her battle avatars at once. Such a move risked significant losses if any unforeseen situation arose.

Hundred Flowers True Monarch, driven by desperation to eliminate Hanging Moon True Monarch, cared little for the consequences at this point. She was ready to pay any price to achieve her goal. She knew well that one or two thousand battle avatars might not be enough to threaten Hanging Moon True Monarch, but thirty thousand could potentially pose a serious threat, even possibly killing him.

"You forced my hand, Hanging Moon!" she shouted with lethal intent. At her command, the thirty thousand battle avatars unleashed their full power and surged towards Hanging Moon True Monarch in an overwhelming wave, quickly engulfing his massive divine form.

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