Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

546. World Laws of the Holy Emperor Realm

546. World Laws of the Holy Emperor Realm

As the Holy Emperor's figure turned to ashes, Lin Fei looked up at the void. "The Holy Emperor had courage," he mused. "But was it of any use? To try to counter the inevitable with one's own strength is impossible. The Holy Emperor Realm is destined for destruction..."

Lin Fei understood the Holy Emperor's final act. By disintegrating his physical body, he had attempted to merge completely with the laws of the Holy Emperor Realm, embodying the laws in a bid to save the realm. However, Lin Fei was well aware that once a world starts its collapse, it follows an unstoppable course. Neither True Monarchs nor Holy Emperors could halt such a tide.

But Lin Fei made no move. He simply stood in the void, covered by the expanse of his Saber World, ensuring no origin of the world could escape. He needed only to wait patiently.

Day by day, the Holy Emperor Realm was filled with an aura of ruin and destruction. As Lin Fei had anticipated, the Holy Emperor's sacrifice and transformation into the realm's laws did not stop its ongoing collapse.

A month passed in the blink of an eye. Lin Fei's Saber World had collected an immense amount of the world's origin, nearly depleting the Holy Emperor Realm of its vital force. Only about ten percent remains uncollected, but time was running out.


The entire Holy Emperor Realm began to collapse. If Lin Fei stays any longer, even he might face danger. Decisively, he retracted the Saber World.

"There are still the complete world laws..." Lin Fei reached out his hand and forcefully pulled the complete world laws from the collapsing realm. Inspired by Sun Blaze True Monarch's earlier actions, Lin Fei realized that not harvesting these laws from a disintegrating True Monarch-level world would be wasteful. These laws might aid in his understanding of the World Dao, so he decided to take them.

After a final, deep look at the Holy Emperor Realm, Lin Fei stepped forward, his figure slicing through the void, and he flew out of the realm.

"Swoosh." Lin Fei left the Holy Emperor Realm and returned to the Divine Realm. Outside the realm, Sun Blaze True Monarch awaited him. Seeing Lin Fei emerge, Sun Blaze True Monarch flew over and sighed in relief.

"True Monarch Lin, you're finally back. I was worried you might have encountered danger in the Holy Emperor Realm. How did it go? Did you collect enough world origin?"

Lin Fei nodded. "Yes, it was a fruitful venture. But the Holy Emperor Realm is about to be destroyed."

Together, they looked towards the Holy Emperor Realm, now visibly collapsing. It wouldn't be long before it was completely destroyed.

"Yes, a True Monarch-level world, destroyed just like that," Sun Blaze True Monarch remarked somberly. "Even True Monarch and true immortal-level worlds can perish. What about the Divine Realm? Could it too face destruction one day?"

Lin Fei looked up towards the expanse of the Divine Realm. If the Divine Realm were to be destroyed, would the Dao Integration True Immortals face the same fate as the Holy Emperor, ultimately accompanying the realm in its downfall? And what about the Martial Ancestors? Where would they go if the Divine Realm ceased to exist?

Sun Blaze True Monarch paused for a moment before shaking his head. "How could the Divine Realm be destroyed? It's been in existence for countless years and has never been close to destruction. Even after eons, it's unlikely to perish."

Lin Fei did not argue about the potential destruction of the Divine Realm. Its fate was uncertain, but regardless of whether the Divine Realm could be destroyed or not, Lin Fei didn't want his destiny to be tied to it. He felt that pursuing the path of martial arts was the right choice for him. The path of immortals, aligning with the Dao of the Divine Realm, seemed to him like a divergence from the true path.

However, becoming a Martial Ancestor was an incredibly difficult feat. In the Divine Realm, the number of Dao Integration True Immortals far exceeded that of Martial Ancestors. The number of martial arts practitioners was much higher than that of immortal practitioners, as the former required less innate talent and was accessible to more people. Theoretically, anyone could reach the pinnacle of martial arts.

Despite the greater number of martial arts practitioners, the number of Dao Integration True Immortals at the top tier far outnumbered Martial Ancestors. This disparity highlighted the immense difficulty of achieving the status of a Martial Ancestor, far exceeding that of becoming a Dao Integration True Immortal.

"Sun Blaze True Monarch, let's part ways for now," Lin Fei said. "But if there are more True Monarch-level worlds on the brink of collapse, we can collaborate again."

"Ha ha, of course," Sun Blaze True Monarch replied with a laugh.

Lin Fei nodded slightly, then shattered the void and stepped into the resulting space-time passage. In an instant, he traversed the void and disappeared.

Watching Lin Fei's departure, Sun Blaze True Monarch sighed, "Lin Fei is still undergoing thunder tribulations, yet he possesses such strength. He might truly become a Martial Ancestor..."

Although Sun Blaze True Monarch was somewhat wistful, the interaction had forged a connection between him and Lin Fei. They were no longer strangers, which was a positive outcome. Moreover, Sun Blaze True Monarch had gained significantly from this venture. With these stellar laws, his understanding of the Stellar Dao might reach new heights.

Sun Blaze True Monarch, too, didn't linger. He shattered the void and swiftly traversed it, departing in an instant.


Lin Fei returned to Ancient City and entered his private chamber. His journey to the Holy Emperor Realm had been immensely fruitful. He pondered the extent to which the vast amount of world origin he had gathered could enhance his physical body's particles. If used entirely, he imagined surviving the seventh thunder tribulation and even withstanding the ninth heavenly thunder wouldn't be too challenging.

However, Lin Fei's gains weren't limited to world origin; he had also acquired a complete set of world laws from the Holy Emperor Realm. Even though these were just True Monarch-level world laws, they were still significant.

Lin Fei didn't rush to use the world origin. Instead, he examined the world laws from the Holy Emperor Realm. As expected, he didn't feel any particular resonance. His talent for comprehending the Dao had always been limited, not only in understanding the Dao but also in other aspects of comprehension. Fortunately, martial arts practice often didn't rely heavily on insight.

"These world laws don't seem to aid my understanding of the World Dao," he mused. "Should I just discard them?"

Lin Fei frowned slightly, feeling it might be wasteful to do so. But since these laws didn't seem to assist in his understanding of the World Dao and couldn't merge with the thirty-four laws of the Divine Realm he already possessed, what use were they?

"Hold on, even if the world laws of the Holy Emperor Realm can't merge with those of the Divine Realm, could they possibly be used to create particle worlds?"

Lin Fei's eyes lit up with this realization. The creation of additional particle worlds could lead to a tremendous transformation in his power.

Lin Fei decided to give it a try. However, his efforts were in vain; his particles remained unaffected, no matter how much of the Holy Emperor Realm's world laws he applied. It was as if each particle in his body was an immovable mountain.

After some thought, Lin Fei surmised a possible reason. Perhaps his physical particles were too closely tied to the Divine Realm. Although he originated from Ancient Continent, the laws of the Ancient Continent had largely converged with those of the Divine Realm. Having spent a considerable time in the Divine Realm and undergone numerous thunder tribulations, his body had formed a close connection with the realm. Thus, the world laws of a mere True Monarch-level realm were insufficient to influence his particles.

"But what if these laws can't be used to create particle worlds, can they be integrated into the Saber World instead?" This new possibility sparked in Lin Fei's mind, offering a potential application for the Holy Emperor Realm's world laws.

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